考える英語 (英作で英会話上達!)


英作問題 「居酒屋」答えと考え方2~5

2014-12-17 00:09:55 | 英作 解答
2. 彼は酒が強い。

→He can hold his drinks. という言い方がある。それ以外の言い方を考える。酒が強いということは、たくさんの酒を飲むことであるので、 He drinks a lot of beer(alcohol). 酒が強いということは、酔わないことなので、He never gets drunk. たくさん飲んでも変わらないので、 Drinking beer never changes him at all. 赤くならないので、Alcohol never turns him red. He never turns(becomes) red when he drinks a lot of beer. 酒に強いということは、飲み続けることなので、He keeps on drinking beer all the while at the party. He never stops drinking beer at a party.

3. 酒を飲むと人格が変わる。

→違う人になる、として、 He becomes (totally ) a different man. He is like a different man, when he gets drunk. Alcohol changes him a lot. 人格が変わるというのは、普通は、悪いことを意味する。おそらく、凶暴になるので、He becomes violent when he gets drunk. He is very dangerous when he drinks alcohol. 怒り出すとして、 Alcohol makes him angry. 手がつけられないのならば、 He becomes out of control when he gets drunk.

関連して、酒を飲んだら陽気になるならば、 Drinking alcohol makes him very happy. Drinking alcohol makes him laugh and talkative. When he drinks alcohol, he becomes very funny.

4. 彼は酒を飲むと、ネクタイを頭に巻く。

→ He puts his tie around his head when he gets drunk. He ties his tie around his head when he drinks alcohol. He wears his tie around his head. I see him with his tie around his head whenever he is drunk. He has a (neck) tie around his head ~. He keeps his tie around his head whenever he is drunk.

5. 彼は酔うと泣き出す。

→Alcohol makes him cry. He starts crying when he gets drunk. Drinking alcohol makes him feel very sad.

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