8. 彼は酒で人生をダメにした。
→ダメにするとは。ruin, destroy,等ある。Alcohol ruined his life.
・He lost his job by drinking too much.
・His boss told him to leave his job because of alcohol.
・He got fired because of his bad drinking habit.
・He lost his wife, because of his bad drinking habit.
・His wife left him because he was drinking too much alcohol everyday. 酒を飲んで暴力をふるった(got violent) 、金を全部使い果たした(spent all the money on drinking)等の補足説明が要るかもしれない。
・His life is hopeless because of his drinking problem.
・He has no hope in life because of his too much drinking in the past.
9. 飲酒運転は罰金が30万円だ。
→飲酒運転は DUI , drive under the influence of alcoholという言い方がある。
簡単に言うと、drive after drinking alcohol.
If you are drunk and drive a car, ~.
罰金はfine(s) という単語がある。
He paid ¥ 300,000 in fines.
誰に支払うか? 警察にである。よって
・He paid ¥ 300,000 to the police.
・He was driving after having beer at a party. He was drunk while he was driving his car. Then, a police man stopped him, and found he was drunk, so the police man told him to pay ¥300,000. 少し長いが。
・He was drunk, and driving his car. He got caught(捕まる) for drunk driving. He had to pay ¥~ to the police.
※ 警察に捕まる、という言い方は、
to get arrested
to get caught by police
the police catch you
the police stop you (捕まるというより、職質)
試しに手元の英英辞典でarrest を引いてみる。
・ If the police arrest someone, the person is taken to a police station and kept(拘留) there because the police believe they have done something illegal(違法).
arrest という単語を具体的に説明している。
→ダメにするとは。ruin, destroy,等ある。Alcohol ruined his life.
・He lost his job by drinking too much.
・His boss told him to leave his job because of alcohol.
・He got fired because of his bad drinking habit.
・He lost his wife, because of his bad drinking habit.
・His wife left him because he was drinking too much alcohol everyday. 酒を飲んで暴力をふるった(got violent) 、金を全部使い果たした(spent all the money on drinking)等の補足説明が要るかもしれない。
・His life is hopeless because of his drinking problem.
・He has no hope in life because of his too much drinking in the past.
9. 飲酒運転は罰金が30万円だ。
→飲酒運転は DUI , drive under the influence of alcoholという言い方がある。
簡単に言うと、drive after drinking alcohol.
If you are drunk and drive a car, ~.
罰金はfine(s) という単語がある。
He paid ¥ 300,000 in fines.
誰に支払うか? 警察にである。よって
・He paid ¥ 300,000 to the police.
・He was driving after having beer at a party. He was drunk while he was driving his car. Then, a police man stopped him, and found he was drunk, so the police man told him to pay ¥300,000. 少し長いが。
・He was drunk, and driving his car. He got caught(捕まる) for drunk driving. He had to pay ¥~ to the police.
※ 警察に捕まる、という言い方は、
to get arrested
to get caught by police
the police catch you
the police stop you (捕まるというより、職質)
試しに手元の英英辞典でarrest を引いてみる。
・ If the police arrest someone, the person is taken to a police station and kept(拘留) there because the police believe they have done something illegal(違法).
arrest という単語を具体的に説明している。