4. この洗剤なら、服についた汚れを落としてくれるだろう。
・to get the stain out
・to remove the stain from the clothes.等。
簡単に言うと、clean を用いて
・This (detergent) is good enough to clean these dirty clothes.
・This will clean the clothes completely.
・ This will make the clothes clean.
・With this, the clothes will be nearly new again.
・This detergent is very good for the clothes.
・With this, the stains will be gone easily.
・These clothes are dirty. With this, they will be clean again.
5. この服は私に合わない。
→似合うという言い方は、It becomes you. It suits you. It looks good on you. 等ある。
・I don`t like these clothes.
good を使って
・The clothes are not good for me.
right を使って
・These are not the right clothes for me.
wear を使って
・I don`t want to wear these clothes.
・These clothes are too big/small for me.
make を使って
・These clothes will not make me look good(attractive, cool).
6. この帽子とジーンズはぴったりだ。
→This cap((hat) goes well with the jeans という。他には、best を使って
・This is the best hat for the jeans.
・This hat and the jeans. They look great together.
・You look great with this hat and the jeans.
・The combination is great between the hat and the jeans.
・This hat is perfect for the jeans.
・to get the stain out
・to remove the stain from the clothes.等。
簡単に言うと、clean を用いて
・This (detergent) is good enough to clean these dirty clothes.
・This will clean the clothes completely.
・ This will make the clothes clean.
・With this, the clothes will be nearly new again.
・This detergent is very good for the clothes.
・With this, the stains will be gone easily.
・These clothes are dirty. With this, they will be clean again.
5. この服は私に合わない。
→似合うという言い方は、It becomes you. It suits you. It looks good on you. 等ある。
・I don`t like these clothes.
good を使って
・The clothes are not good for me.
right を使って
・These are not the right clothes for me.
wear を使って
・I don`t want to wear these clothes.
・These clothes are too big/small for me.
make を使って
・These clothes will not make me look good(attractive, cool).
6. この帽子とジーンズはぴったりだ。
→This cap((hat) goes well with the jeans という。他には、best を使って
・This is the best hat for the jeans.
・This hat and the jeans. They look great together.
・You look great with this hat and the jeans.
・The combination is great between the hat and the jeans.
・This hat is perfect for the jeans.