前幾天非常好吃,所以今天也做了年糕。 煮蘿蔔乾的人把芥子的果實放進米糠醃蕪菁的葉子裏炒的東西放上黑芝麻來區分。 添加了煎雞蛋、芹菜竹輪、芝麻菜和羅曼內斯科等。
Because it was very good the other day, OYAKI was also made today. Black sesame was put on the one with stir-fries of a leaf of turnip of vegetables pickled in rice-bran paste, and poppy seed was classified under the one with cooked vegetables of dried chipped radish. An omelet and celery packing, a chikuwa, rucola and ROMAESCO were added.