"In some examples, the nozzle 220 may comprise an atomizer nozzle in which air or another gas is injected under pressure through the nozzle 220, and in which the aperture 222 of the nozzle 220 has a decreasing internal dimension (*小さくなる内寸)(e.g. diameter) as the water travels towards the aperture opening of the nozzle 220. In such examples, as gas travels through the nozzle 220, the speed of the gas increases as the cross-sectional area of the aperture 222 decreases, which causes the pressure of the gas to decrease. The decrease in pressure causes water to be picked up from a water reservoir (through a narrow opening) into the moving gas flow and be carried through the aperture 222 and be projected toward the print medium 108 as a fine spray or aerosol."
曲げR、曲率半径:そうか単位は度じゃなかった 1日前
バズリクソンズA2:第8週 5日前
バズリクソンズA2:第8週 5日前
量子デバイス 7日前
ラインモへ移行 1週間前
ラインモへ移行 1週間前
二代目ウサギ 2週間前
二代目ウサギ 2週間前
二代目ウサギ 2週間前
バズリクソンズA2:第7週 2週間前