Knowledge Management for entrepreneurs based on the local community is significant, and thoughts for business are made clear.
The international conference for quality will be held next month in Tokyo, that is ICQ 2014. Quality for health care will be also addressed.
MBA in Real Estate is made interest, and the value for the education is significant. This is one of the asset management programs.
The asset management for the real estate is significant. Particularly, the condominium asset used as the rental room is a management handling in hotel business. However, the life cycle cost and profit have to be estimated and understanding the value price is needed for the own asset.
Indeed, in Honolulu, there are many assets for sale. I have a plan to visit the resort place, and a research about the old condominiums will be planned, in particular, the value of the asset will be studied.
Asset Management is known as treatments of investments, and Financial Analysis handles to predict or infer risks and profits for securities.
However, for Physical Assets, which are equipment, plants and so forth are analyzed for their financial values. The analysis is addressed based on the financial analysis of costs and profits as same as for securities. Moreover, the maintenance prediction plays the important role to predict the plant cost on the life cycle.
Mathematical treatments are used for the financial analysis of securities and physical assets, and developments of the methodologies are significant for growth of economical situations.