In his homily during the worldwide moment of prayer that Pope Francis led this evening, he reflected on how Coronavirus has united us in our common humanity, as brothers and sisters.“We have r . . . 本文を読む
ABBOTT LAUNCHES MOLECULAR POINT-OF-CARE TEST TO DETECT NOVEL CORONAVIRUS IN AS LITTLE AS FIVE MINUTES- The Abbott ID NOW™ COVID-19 test brings rapid testing to the front lines- Test to run on Abbott's . . . 本文を読む
国指定重要文化財 竜禅寺名称 : 竜禅寺三仏堂ふりがな : りゅうぜんじさんぶつどう棟名 : 棟名ふりがな : 員数 : 1棟種別 : 近世以前/寺院時代 : 室町後期年代 : 永禄12以前永禄12年はこの辺りがどんな様子だったか、岡見氏は常陸小田氏の一族で、この治資の系統の他にも数家存在する。天文元年(1532年)、小田治孝の子として誕生。常陸国の国境付近に勢力を持ったため、佐竹氏とたびたび争っ . . . 本文を読む
The political media have been working extremely hard to craft a narrative that the spread of the coronavirus was essentially the fault of the man they had blamed for all other ills in recent y . . . 本文を読む