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日本人ボーカリストの野口オロノは、自分の国のことがあまり好きではないと言ってはばからない JT

2023-01-15 18:10:31 | 窮鼠の嗜み
Let us not be deceived: NATO is an expanding instrument of U.S. global power that provoked Russia into a criminal invasion and occupation of Ukraine. This proxy war between the American Empire and the Russian Federation could lead to World War III. We must stop the war and war crimes (including cluster bombs used by all parties) and embark on diplomatic talks that should lead to a just peace. As the great W. E. B. Du Bois wrote in 1945 "I seem to see outlined a third World War based on the suppression of Asia and the strangling of Russia."  The Democratic Party is a party of war and Wall Street targeting Russia and China. Let us save our democracy and world by dismantling U.S. militarism at home (as in Cop Cities) and abroad - as Martin Luther King Jr. painfully reminded us!
#NATO #ClusterBombs
コーネル ウェスト

cornelwest - Listen on YouTube, Spotify - Linktree

cornelwest - Listen on YouTube, Spotify - Linktree

View cornelwest’s Linktree. Listen to their music on YouTube, Spotify here.



騙されてはならない:NATOは、ロシアをウクライナへの侵略と占領という犯罪に駆り立てた、アメリカのグローバル・パワーの拡大装置なのだ。このアメリカ帝国とロシア連邦の代理戦争は、第三次世界大戦につながりかねない。私たちは戦争と戦争犯罪(すべての当事者が使用したクラスター爆弾を含む)を止め、公正な平和につながるはずの外交協議に着手しなければならない。偉大なW・E・B・デュボワが1945年に書いたように、「私は、アジアの抑圧とロシアの絞殺に基づく第三次世界大戦の輪郭が見えるようだ」。  民主党は戦争政党であり、ロシアと中国を狙うウォール街だ。マーティン・ルーサー・キング・ジュニアが痛切に思い知らされたように、国内(コップ・シティのように)でも海外でも米国の軍国主義を解体することによって、民主主義と世界を救おう!
#NATO #クラスター爆弾




8人のメンバーがインターネットのフォーラムを通じてお互いを知り、実際に会う前に2017年のふにゃふにゃでローファイなエレクトロポップの名曲「Something for Your M.I.N.D」をバイラル・スマッシュさせたバンド、スーパーオーガニズムに参加することは、ノグチの性格(それは彼女のボーカルスタイル同様、デッドパンで無口だ)によく合っている。彼女自身が認めるように、日本と彼女は複雑な関係にある。「だって、最悪なんだもの」と彼女はあっけらかんと言う。女性差別がいまだに蔓延していたり、同性愛者が結婚を許されなかったり、大麻が気持ち悪かったり......」と、長年にわたって強く感じている社会問題があるというが、実はその思いは子どものころまでさかのぼる。


バンドメンバーのハリーことクリストファー・ヤングは、ノース・ロンドンから参加し、共感するところがある。(彼は後にザ・エヴァーソンを結成し、そのメンバー4人は2015年の日本ツアーで初めて野口と接点を持った)。"私もまったく同じように感じていました "と彼は言います。"野心があるなら「自分を何様だと思ってるんだ」という文化があったんだ"。(ヤングは日本への訪問が大好きだと明言している。)






確かに野口はうまくいった。高校の寮でラップトップで録音したヴォーカルをフィーチャーした "Something for Your M.I.N.D "は、エルトン・ジョン、フランク・オーシャン、ヴァンパイア・ウィークエンドのエズラ・ケーニグのファンになり、この謎のバンドは実はGorillazの作品だという噂が流れたほどだった。しかし、日本、イギリス、オーストラリア、ニュージーランド、韓国に起源を持つ、鋭敏で冒険的なポップ・イヤーを持つ、遠く離れた集団であることが判明した。ノグチが18歳のときにリリースした2018年のセルフタイトル・デビュー作は、大胆で豪快、カラフルな現代ポップで、スタイルとジャンルを遊び心を持って融合させたコラージュであった。このアルバムのリリースまでに、バンドはついに実生活で出会い、ロンドンで全員一緒に暮らすようになり、その直後、Superorganismは世界中をツアーで回るようになった。

昨年、オロノ、ハリー、トゥカン、B、ソウルの5人組にスリム化した彼らは、『World Wide Pop』をリリースした。マドンナやキラーズを手がけたスチュアート・プライスのプロデュースによるこの作品は、ラジオ放送からスコット・ウォーカーのサンプルまで、あらゆるものをフィーチャーした最大級のアルトポップ作品であり、ペイヴメントのスティーブン・マルクマスや日本のアーティスト、チャイと星野源もゲスト参加している。

野口とヤングは、この1年を振り返って、慌ただしかったとはいえ、最初の急成長の渦中に比べれば大したことはなかったと語る。「前回のアルバム・サイクルに比べれば、今はずっと冷静です」と野口は言う。「というのも、前回は何が起こっているのかほとんどわからなかったからです。今回はもっと楽しいよ "と。

一夜にしてセンセーションを巻き起こしたことの残滓が、"World Wide Pop "に浸透している。音楽的には、"World Wide Pop "を一言で表すと、「より多くの」:より多くのアイデア、より多くのサウンド、より多くのソニック、より多くの感情。「ファースト・アルバムは僕らのベッドルームだけで作ったんだ」とヤング。だから、より開放的で、より壮大なスケールの作品になったと思うんだ"。

高揚感のある "On & On "や広い視野の "Teenager "など、相変わらずファンタジックでキャッチーだが、その一方で、個人とテクノロジーの両方における不安や、健全な量の終末論が並列に置かれている。惑星、太陽系、衛星といったテーマが繰り返し登場し、まるで人類を救おうとする終末的なアーケードゲームのサウンドトラックのような、銀河系的な雰囲気を醸し出しています。


このアルバムに収録されている "Put Down Your Phone "のような曲は、デジタル時代に対する不安感を表している。野口は、「だから僕たちはデジタル時代を恐れているんだ」と言う。「というのも、私たちはデジタルに慣れ親しんでいるので、デジタルが進む方向に恐怖を感じてしまうのです。私の友人のほとんどは、ソーシャルメディアがあまり好きではありません。

このことは、野口が歌詞をオープンにすることにもつながっている。過去のしばしば不条理な歌詞は、"Solar System" や "crushed.zip" といったトラックで孤独や鬱を表現することに置き換わった。

"飽きたから "と彼女は言う。"何度も何度も歌を歌わなければならないとは思わなかった。もっと心のこもった歌詞のほうが、観客とつながりやすいというか、意味があると思う。1回目はそういうことを一切しなかったから、それがどんな感じなのか確かめたかったんだ"。




Japanese vocalist Orono Noguchi isn’t afraid to say she’s not a huge fan of her home country. But her feelings have changed somewhat ahead of her band Superorganism’s tour here, which kicked off in Tokyo yesterday and will now head to Osaka, Nagoya, Hiroshima and Fukuoka, in support of the group’s second album, “World Wide Pop.”

“I am more chill with the idea (of playing in Japan) now,” she says. “But last time around (in 2019), I was pretty uncomfortable. I mean, I still had a good time. But the crowds here tend to be a lot stiffer, which I always had an issue with. And I was very outspoken about that last time. But I think now people have caught on to it. So it should be more fun now.”

Then, she adds pointedly, “And I’ve chilled out on my stubbornness about hating Japan.”

Being in the decidedly internationally flavored Superorganism — a band whose eight members found each other through internet forums and had a viral smash, 2017’s squishy, lo-fi electro-pop earworm “Something for Your M.I.N.D,” before they’d all even met in person — suits Noguchi’s personality (which, like her vocal style, is deadpan and detached). By her own admission, she has a complicated relationship with Japan. “Because it sucks,” she says, matter-of-factly. She says there are long-standing social issues she feels strongly about — “like the rampant misogyny that still exists here, and gay people never being allowed to marry, and people being really weird about weed” — but her feelings actually date back to her childhood.

“I just never liked it here,” she says, speaking over video chat from her parents’ house in Tokyo a few days before Christmas. “I always liked where I lived and stuff, but I felt really put in a box and restricted. It’s so comfortable and safe living here. But I think that kind of makes it restricted and boring. People aren’t fully allowed to be themselves.”

Bandmate Christopher Young, aka Harry, joining the call from north London, has some sympathy: He moved from England to Christchurch, New Zealand, as a child. (He’d later form The Eversons, whose four members first connected with Noguchi when they toured Japan in 2015.) “I felt exactly the same way,” he says. “There was a whole culture of ‘Who do you think you are?’ if you’ve got any ambition.” (Young does make it clear that he loves his visits to Japan, and it’s his favorite place to play.)

Noguchi had this realization from a young age (“I’ve got my parents to thank”) and says that her childhood was further isolating by the fact she never connected with Japanese culture: She was always more interested in Disney than anime.

“I really didn’t like what my classmates were into. So that was another thing that I felt alienated about, that made me feel very much like an outsider,” she says.

With her parents’ blessing, she was just 14 years old when she moved away, leaving her hometown “near Tokyo-ish” to go to boarding school in Maine. “I still don’t really consider it a big move,” she says. “I only do because people interviewing me tell me that it’s a big move. I couldn’t wait to get out of here.”

Noguchi says wherever she goes with Superorganism, she meets Japanese people she inspired to pluck up the courage and leave home.

“A lot of people have come to our shows and told me via letters that they felt how I felt when I was a kid, and say, ‘Hey, I left Japan because I heard you talk about how much you hated it.’ That is really cool. And that’s why I’m still saying you should get out if you’re jaded or whatever because that’s how I felt.”

It certainly worked out for Noguchi. “Something for Your M.I.N.D,” which features vocals that Noguchi recorded on her laptop in her high school dorm, found fans in Elton John, Frank Ocean and Vampire Weekend’s Ezra Koenig; such was the hype, rumors swirled that this mysterious band was actually the work of Gorillaz. It turned out to be a far-flung collective with origins in Japan, England, Australia, New Zealand and South Korea, with an astute, adventurous pop ear; 2018’s self-titled debut, released when Noguchi was 18, was bold, brash, colorful contemporary pop, a collage of styles and genres playfully melded together. By the album’s release, the band had finally met in real life and were all living together in London; soon after, Superorganism was touring the globe.

Last year, now slimmed down to a five-piece (with members going by the names Orono, Harry, Tucan, B and Soul), they released a brilliant follow-up, “World Wide Pop.” Produced by Stuart Price (who previously worked with Madonna and The Killers), it’s a maximalist alt-pop opus that features everything from radio broadcasts to Scott Walker samples, with guest spots from Pavement’s Stephen Malkmus and Japanese acts Chai and Gen Hoshino.

Noguchi and Young reflect on a year that, though hectic, was nothing compared to the whirlwind of their initial rapid rise. “I’m much more chill now compared to the last album cycle,” Noguchi says. “Because last time I just had no idea what was going on most of the time. It’s been more fun this time.”

The residue of becoming overnight sensations permeates “World Wide Pop.” Musically, one word that would sum up “World Wide Pop” is “more”: more ideas, more sounds, more sonics, more emotion. “The first album was all made very much just in our bedrooms,” Young says, “whereas this one was made in studios and bedrooms and hotels and tour buses all around the world. So I think it opened it up and just made it feel a bit grander in scope.”

It’s still fantastically catchy — take the exalted “On & On” and wide-eyed “Teenager” — but the sugar rush is juxtaposed with anxieties, both personal and technological, with a healthy dose of end-times agitation to boot. There are recurring themes of planets, solar systems and satellites, giving the album an intergalactic bent, like the soundtrack to an apocalyptic arcade game in which Superorganism tries to save humankind.

“When you get into the music industry, you get this weird, slight existential crisis from the whole process,” Young says. “Getting into those space themes is a good way to explore it because a lot of the album is about our experience of the first album and being on tour. We were like a crew in a spaceship traveling to lands unknown.”

Tracks like the self-explanatory “Put Down Your Phone” display unease about the digital age — this coming from the band whose members met online. “That’s why we’re so scared of it,” Noguchi says. “I think it’s because we’re so well acquainted with it and the direction it’s going in feels kind of scary. Most of my friends don’t really like social media.”

This plays into Noguchi opening up with her lyrics: the often-absurdist lyrics of the past replaced by expressions of loneliness and depression on tracks such as “Solar System” and “crushed.zip.”

“It’s because I got bored,” she says. “I didn’t realize I would have to sing the songs over and over again. It’s easier, or more meaningful, to connect with the audience with more from-the-heart lyrics. I just wanted to see how that felt like because I didn’t really do any of that the first time.”

And ultimately, Superorganism is all about connection — just take the album’s title.

“To me, pop just means accessibility and connection,” Young says. “It’s about a level of accessibility that doesn’t require a high entry requirement to understand it. It’s just about being a thing that’s broad enough that anyone can get into it. Nirvana was pop. And that’s what we’re going for.”

Superorganism is currently touring Japan through Jan. 18, with upcoming concerts in Osaka, Nagoya, Hiroshima and Fukuoka. For more information, visit wearesuperorganism.com.

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