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Rudy Giuliani Describes Alleged Underage Material On Hunter Biden's Laptop

2020-10-23 05:34:00 | 捨て置けないニュース

Rudy Giuliani Describes Alleged Underage Material On Hunter Biden's Laptop

Durden, Tyler
Thu, 10/22/2020 - 13:20
Recall that the FBI's top child porn lawyer signed a subpoena used to obtain a copy of Biden's hard drive(s) which were dropped off at a Delaware computer repair shop by a man believed to be Hunter Biden, who signed a work order for 'data recovery' services following a liquid spill incident.

In a Wednesday episode of "Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense" podcast, Giuliani describes some of the disturbing contents allegedly contained on Biden's laptop (which, combined with evidence of Joe's involvement in Hunter's lucrative business endeavors, would give any foreign adversary massive leverage over a Biden administration).

ルディ・ジュリアーニの常識 "ポッドキャストの水曜日のエピソードで, ジュリアーニは、バイデンのラップトップに含まれているとされる不穏な内容のいくつかを説明します (これは, ハンターの有利なビジネス努力へのジョーの関与の証拠と組み合わせると, バイデン政権に対する外国の敵対者に巨大な影響力を与えるだろう).

"What we found were a number of photographs that troubled us greatly. They troubled us greatly because there were photographs of underage girls. The underage girls were dressed in a very provocative way... very little bikinis, and poses, that were sexually provocative.

That was troubling in and of itself, but then there was one that was straight out-and-out child pornography. Just straight - I mean, as [Justice] Potter Stewart once described pornography as 'you can't define it, but you know it when you see it.'

Well, you know this when you see it.

We also knew what our obligations were because Bernie [Kerik, a senior VP at Giuliani Partners and former interim Interior Minister of Iraq after Operation Iraqi Freedom] had been a policeman, and I had been an assistant US Attorney and a Mayor. As a public official, had I seen that, I'd have to report it. I'd be a mandatory reporter as are medical people. When you see child pornography, or you see evidence that we also saw in the text messages and emails of an unsafe environment for the children.

Considerably unsafe environment for the children. Again, I will not go into detail as to why. That's for the Delaware police.

Now, you would say 'well this was already with the FBI,' but I have no indication, no evidence that the FBI has ever done anything with this. Or anything with the very serious and obvious overwhelming evidence of numerous crimes having been committed by Joe Biden, which they seem to be ignoring, which no prosecutor in the world could possibly ignore. So I was afraid they ignored the young girl, or young girls."

Later in the podcast (21:15), Giuliani summarizes 'things that have come out so far' - "because there's so much to this hard drive that it'd be impossible for me to analyze it professionally before the election."

"私たちが見つけたのは、私たちを大いに悩ませる写真の数々でした "未成年の少女の写真があったからです "未成年の少女達は 挑発的な服装をしていました" "ほとんどビキニを着ておらず" "性的に挑発的なポーズをとっていました

それ自体が問題なのですが その中には完全に児童ポルノのようなものもありました ポッター・スチュワート判事は かつてポルノを「定義はできないが 見ればわかる」と表現しました


また、バーニー(ジュリアーニ・パートナーズの上級副社長であり、イラク自由化作戦後の元イラク暫定内務大臣であるケリック)は警察官であり、私は連邦検事補と市長を務めていたので、私たちは自分たちの義務が何であるかを知っていました。公務員として、それを見たら報告しなければならない。医療関係者と同じように、私も報告義務があります。児童ポルノを見たり メールやメールにあった 証拠を見たら- 子供たちにとって 安全でない環境だと思います


さて、あなたは「これはすでにFBIに提出されていた」と言うでしょうが、私には何の証拠もありません、FBIがこの件で何かをしたという証拠もありません。ジョー・バイデンが犯した数々の犯罪の重大で明白な圧倒的な証拠を無視しているように見えるが だから私は、彼らが若い女の子、つまり若い女の子を無視しているのではないかと心配になりました。"


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