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ソニア・ソトマイヨール判事が軍に逮捕される 米国虚構新聞

2022-02-19 08:07:26 | カウンター・グレートリセット
Former Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor was sentenced to hang by the neck until dead after a military commission at Guantanamo Bay found the Obama-appointee guilty of treason and betraying her oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States.

On Monday, March 7, the Deep State Justice had her day in court and found herself answerable to the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps and the Office of Military Commissions. Their offices, with help from the U.S. Marine Corps, helped adjudicate her fate.

At GITMO’s south courtroom, Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall recited the charges against Sotomayor: Treason, aiding and abetting the enemy, crimes against humanity, domestic terrorism, falsifying public records, money laundering, bribery, espionage, and sedition, several of which are punishable via gassing, firing squad, beheading, lethal injection, electrocution, or hanging. The “White Hat” partition has relied on hanging the condemned, with a few exceptions.

Appearing without counsel, a pugnacious Sotomayor chose to defend herself, saying in an opening statement that she, a Supreme Court Justice with 40 years of legal experience, didn’t need a lawyer to advocate on her behalf. Instead, she told the 3-officer panel that she had absolute and irrevocable immunity from prosecution. Her station as a SCJ, she said, exempted her from being held to account for statements made while on or off the bench, and shielded her against unrighteous and unlawful assaults on her character and work ethic. President Obama, she added boisterously, had promised her protection for life.

Vice Adm. Crandall swiveled his head. “Do you see Obama here? I hope we see him here soon, but he’s not here right now. Maybe you don’t understand where you are. This is a military commission, not your chambers. You have no rights here,” he said.

He put her in her place. Her energetic niggling suddenly turned to quiet murmurs of discontent.

Vice Adm. Crandall showed the panel a dozen emails Sotomayor had written to Dr. Anthony Fauci, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, and members of the illegitimate Biden administration on 6 January, two days before she’d blatantly lied at a congressional hearing on Covid-19. There, Sotomayor claimed over 100,000 children were “hospitalized in intensive care and dying of Covid,” a statement later refuted by even her most loyal Deep State allies.

He went on: “This wasn’t a misspoken mistake, an error. Her emails prove she intended to amplify Covid fear by whimsically manufacturing a number in her head. Do you know how many minors on that date, across the whole country, were actually hospitalized and confirmed as having Covid?”

He held up seven fingers. “That’s right, seven. Seven in all United States. And do you know how many were in critical condition? The answer is none, zero.”

In emails to Deep State friends, Sotomayor wrote: “I’ll do everything in my power to ensure the current mandates stay in place. I have authority to enforce belief. The actual number of sick doesn’t matter. What matters is that we, the caretakers of the U.S., get everyone on board with mandates and make them stop questioning why we’re enforcing vaccinations. I’m a SCJ, and my word has weight. The greater number of people we say are sick, the more we’ll be believed.”

Vice Adm. Crandall paced around the courtroom, reading slowly from the email, giving each word its owed space: “…the more we’ll be believed. Who exactly is we? You? Fauci? Walensky? Biden? Obama? The Covid fraud is over, but you, like your associates, will bear the burden of your crimes.”

“Naive man, what’s over is only over because we want it that way. Covid is coming back with a bang. Just wait until after midterms. Win or lose, there’ll be a Covid resurgence like you can’t even imagine,” Sotomayor hissed.

Vice Adm. Crandall smiled. “This commission appreciates your candor. You just freely and without coercion implicated yourself in criminal conspiracy. I was prepared to spend a few days here, entering into evidence a mountain of financial records showing the bribes you accepted to promote Covid fear. That no longer seems necessary, Mrs. Sotomayor.”

“I’m a supreme court justice; address me by title,” Sotomayor said.

“The only title you have here is that of detainee,” Rear Adm. Crandall replied.

The panel swiftly affirmed the admiral’s declaration, and ruled that Sotomayor be hanged for high treason.

A date of execution is scheduled for 28 March.

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Military Arrests SCJ Sonia Sotomayor

ソニア・マリア・ソトマイヨール (Sonia Maria Sotomayor、1954年6月25日 - )は、合衆国最高裁判所陪席判事。2009年8月8日に就任した[1]



Military Arrests SCJ Sonia Sotomayor

Michael Baxter
February 18, 2022

U.S. Marines on Wednesday arrested Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor following a 3-month investigation into whether she had accepted cash payoffs for rulings favoring mask and vaccination mandates and knowingly made false statements to amplify Covid fear.

A source in the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps told Real Raw News that JAG began investigating allegations of criminality last May, after receiving tips that Sotomayor had accepted from billionaire Johnathon Gray, a heavyweight DNC donor, monies totaling $3,450,000, a hefty bonus to her official $266k/yr. salary.

“We established, conclusively, that the financial transactions took place. I can’t disclose how because it would, you know, help them avoid getting caught in the future. Still, we had to prove she took the money in trade for promising to do everything in her power to enforce masking and vaccine directives. We made the connection, and how we accomplished that will come out a trial,” our source said.

As JAG dug deeper, it discovered that Sotomayor’s palms had been greased by yet another DNC whale, Reid Hoffman, an American internet entrepreneur, venture capitalist, podcaster, and author. The co-founder of Linked-In, Hoffman’s estimated net worth hovers at $2bn. He has financially backed many Deep Staters such as Joseph Biden, Gretchen Whitmer, Pete Buttigieg, and Bill DeBlasio. In April 2021, he added Sotomayor to his list of beneficiaries, to the tune of $625k.

“He wrote the cash off as a ‘consulting fee.’ Consulting for what? And she declared it as the same. But she never mentioned these revenues, if you can call them that, on her most recent financial disclosure statements, what SCJs must file each year. Again, we now have hard evidence she took his cash to promote mandates,” our source said.

Moreover, he said JAG procured an email Sotomayor had sent to Dr. Anthony Fauci on Thursday, January 6. “You know, Tony, I’ll do everything in my power to ensure the current mandates stay in place, as per CDC guidelines,” were her words. The next day Sotomayor made a significant false claim about Covid’s impact on children, saying at a congressional hearing that over 100,000 American children were hospitalized and critically ill with Covid-19, an assertion so outrageous that even her Deep State allies had to rebuke it.

“We don’t believe she just accidentally said 100,000, but she definitely jumped the shark in proposing the absurd figure. Had she lied and said 10,000, no one would’ve blinked an eye. She zestfully got carried away. She had no legitimate reason for corresponding with Fauci, though, and it’s a direct conflict of interest. Bottom line is she committed treason, and that’s why JAG was compelled to act,” our source said.

JAG, he added, shared its findings with Marine Corps Gen. David H. Berger, commanding officer of the U.S. military’s “White Hat” partition, and requested his help in apprehending the criminal judge.

“Gen. Berger reviewed the military arrest warrant and said he’d act on it ASAP,” our source said.

ASAP came in the predawn hours Wednesday, when an unspecified number of U.S. Marines breached her lavish D.C. condominium after disabling an alarm system and ensuring she was home alone, as intelligence had shown. Sotomayor was reportedly asleep in bed when Marines subdued her using non-lethal force.

“Essentially she was gagged, zip tied, and put in a civilian vehicle, an innocuous-looking van, for transport to a processing center. Make no mistake, she’ll soon be headed to Guantanamo Bay,” our source said.

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米海軍軍医総監部の関係者がReal Raw Newsに語ったところによると、JAGは昨年5月、ソトマヨールがDNCの重鎮ドナーである億万長者のジョナソン・グレイから、年俸266ドルの公務に多額のボーナスを加えた総額345万ドルの金銭を受け取ったという情報を得て、犯罪疑惑の調査を開始したという。



"コンサルティング料 "として計上した。何のためのコンサルティング?そして彼女も同じように申告した。しかし、SCJが毎年提出しなければならない最新の財務開示報告書には、これらの収入(と呼べるかどうかはわかりませんが)を記載していませんでした。繰り返しになりますが、彼女が職務権限を促進するために彼の現金を奪ったという確固たる証拠があるのです」と情報源は語っています。

さらに、JAGはソトマイヨールが1月6日(木)にアンソニー・ファウチ博士に送った電子メールを入手したと言います。"トニーさん、私はCDCのガイドラインに沿って、現在の義務化が維持されるように全力を尽くします "というのが彼女の言葉でした。その翌日、ソトマイヨールは、議会の公聴会で「10万人以上のアメリカの子供たちがCovid-19で入院し、重症を負っている」と、Covidの子供たちへの影響について重大な虚偽の主張をしましたが、この主張は、彼女のディープステートの同盟者でさえも反論しなければならないほど、とんでもないものでした。





"基本的に彼女は猿轡を噛まされ、ファスナーで縛られ、一般車である何の変哲もないバンに乗せられ、処理センターに運ばれました 間違いなく、彼女はすぐにグアンタナモ湾に向かうことになるだろう」と情報源は語っている。



2016年、グレイがドナルド・トランプの次期大統領政権の財務長官として検討されていることが報じられた[1]。 グレイの上司であり、トランプの友人であるスティーブン・A・シュワルツマンは、共和党内閣の枠がグレイのような民主党支持者に提供されるという考えを即座に否定した[7]。 Geiger, Casey; Sullivan, Daniel (27 January 2021). "Jon Gray is the future of Blackstone. 50 insiders reveal how the superinvestor consolidated power, elbowed out rivals, and is remaking the firm in his golden-boy



  1. Hui-yong Yu (2016-11-20). "Trump Said to Discuss Treasury Post With Blackstone's Gray". Bloomberg. Archived from the original on 2020-10-27. Retrieved 2020-07-07.
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b White, Ben (November 23, 2016). "Blackstone executive Jonathan Gray won't serve as Treasury secretary". POLITICO. Retrieved January 29, 2021.
  3. Kelly, Kate; Goldmacher, Shane; Kaplan, Thomas (2020-08-09). "The Wallets of Wall Street Are With Joe Biden, if Not the Hearts". The New York Times.
  4. ^ Cumming, Chris (2020-02-27). "Private-Equity Leaders Place Their Presidential Bets". The Wall Street Journal.
  5. ^ Schwartz, Brian (2020-11-02). "Joe Biden's fundraiser list includes more than 30 executives with Wall Street ties". CNBC.
  6. ^ Schwartz, Brian (2020-02-13). "Joe Biden to host more than 250 donors from Wall Street, big business at NYC fundraisers – here's the guest list". CNBC.
  7. ^ "Gray Foundation". www.grayfoundation.org. Archived from the original on 9 February 2018. Retrieved 8 February 2018.

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