公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2022-05-03 18:47:59 | グレートリセット

ロー対ウェイド事件(Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973))は、「妊娠を継続するか否かに関する女性の決定は、プライバシー権に含まれる」として、アメリカ合衆国憲法修正第14条女性堕胎の権利を保障していると初めて判示し、人工妊娠中絶を規制するアメリカ国内法を違憲無効とした、1973年アメリカ合衆国最高裁判所の判決である。




Dershowitz: 'Never Been a Leak Like This'


憲法専門家のAlan DershowitzがNewsmaxに語ったところによると、中絶に関する画期的なRoe v. Wade判決を覆す、月曜日の夜に流出した最高裁の草案は、本物であるばかりでなく、裁判官に「圧力」をかけようとする意図的な試みのように見えるという。

Dershowitzは月曜日の "Rob Schmitt Tonight "で、「これは本物であることを示している」と語った。「このリークは、おそらくロー対ウェイド裁判を覆すことに非常に強く反対している法律事務員によって、非常に意図的に、最高裁に圧力をかけることができるように、今公開することを求めていた。

書記官とハーバード大学法学部教授を経て、最高裁で57年の経験を持つDershowitz氏は、"私が最高裁を追いかけてきた中で、このようなリークはなかった "と付け加えています。

"しかし、これは単なる不注意によるリークではない "と、ポリティコ・リークの草稿からニュースが流れた時、Dershowitzは司会のRob Schmittに言いました。「これは、女性の中絶の権利が奪われることを深刻に考えた法律家が、自分の弁護士事務所やキャリア、遺産を危険にさらしてまで行った、市民的不服従の行為だと思う。




Dershowitzは、最高裁長官John Robertsは、彼自身の法学部の学生であり、裁判所の独立性とバランスに対する長年の党派的攻撃の中で、コントロールを失ったことに不満を抱いているはずだ、と指摘した。





Dershowitzは、リークされた多数意見案を書いたSamuel Alito判事の著作を知りながら、これが「フェイク」報道である可能性は2%しかないと述べた。



「この議論は、新しい判事が任命されただけで、50年間の法律を変えることができる最高裁の力についてであり、それは、Stare Decisis、つまり、法律を変えるためのやむを得ない理由がない限り、法律をそのままにしておくという概念をひっくり返すものだ」とDershowitz氏は結論付けた。

Monday night's leaked Supreme Court draft to unravel the landmark Roe v. Wade decision on abortion appears not only to be authentic, but a deliberate attempt to "pressure" the justices, constitutional law expert Alan Dershowitz told Newsmax.

"This has the sign of authenticity," Dershowitz told Monday's "Rob Schmitt Tonight." "It also to me, and this is just a theory, but I think it's maybe correct: The leak was very deliberately – perhaps by a law clerk who was very strongly opposed to reversing Roe v. Wade – seeking to make it public now so that pressure could be put on the Supreme Court, either by an act of Congress to pack the court, or an act of Congress making a federal legislative right of every woman to have an abortion based on the Commerce Clause."

Dershowitz, who has 57 years' experience with the Supreme Court, having been a clerk and a Harvard Law professor, added that "in all the years I've been following the Supreme Court, there's never been a leak like this.”

"But this was not just an inadvertent leak," Dershowitz told host Rob Schmitt as the news was breaking from the Politico-leaked draft. "I think this was an act of civil disobedience engaged in by a determined law clerk who thought it was so serious that a woman's right to abortion will be taken away that they were willing to risk their bar, their career, their heritage on this, because this is going to be investigated."

The leaker – potentially trying to be a "hero of the left" – Politico, and the reporter are sure to be investigated amid an unprecedented set of circumstances, according to Dershowitz.

"The FBI is going to be called in," he continued. "There's going to be an attempt to break the journalist privilege. There's going to be an attempt to call Politico and demand of them that they reveal the source.

"Politico won't do it, but the case may go all the way to the Supreme Court on that issue as well."

Dershowitz noted Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, his own law student, has to be frustrated he has lost control amid years of partisan attacks on the independence and balance of the court.

"This is a monumental day," Dershowitz said. "Chief Justice Roberts is just so upset, I can imagine, because he's lost control. People will think, at least, he's lost control of the court."

While the leaker might become a "hero of the left," Dershowitz said, adding, if revealed, "they won't be practicing law anymore.”

"They will be disbarred if this comes to light, and we may never know who leaked it, but we may find out, and that person will lose her or his career but will become a hero to the left," Dershowitz said. "So it's a very important day in Supreme Court history.

"It will also result in a tightening up of the hiring of law clerks and making it explicitly a crime to reveal information from the inner workings of the Supreme Court. In all my years of following the Supreme Court and being a professor, nothing like this has ever occurred."

Dershowitz, knowing the writings of Justice Samuel Alito – who wrote the draft majority opinion that was leaked – said there is just a 2% chance this is a "fake" news report.

"There's a 2% chance there's no truth to this – that somebody created a fake story – but I can't imagine that Politico would risk its reputation," Dershowitz said.

Ultimately, "the dignity of the Supreme Court in the United States," Dershowitz said, "suffered a terrible blow today."

"The argument is really about the power of the Supreme Court to change 50 years of law simply based on new justices being appointed, and that's gooing to be upsetting to Stare Decisis – the concept that you leave the law alone unless there are compelling reasons for changing," Dershowitz concluded.

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