公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2022-05-03 16:44:07 | カウンター・グレートリセット





It is not an ordinary decision to have 1.1 trillion yen in cash on hand. Even if we were to invest ¥110 million in cash on hand on a 10,000:10 scale, the decision to borrow another ¥460 million would be more difficult than one might imagine.

So far, TWITTER's earnings capability has been 3.7% with a PER of 26.7 reciprocal in good times, and now TWITTER, a loss-making company with no PER, means to make its assets worth $632 billion over the next 10 years. Without fundamentally changing the business model, it will be difficult to achieve an asset value of 8.3 trillion yen in 10 years. The only way to achieve this level of growth is through speculation like Softbank's (article in 2020 says SBG has about 8.3 trillion yen of cash on hand to prepare for the worst) or real estate investment business. The only business that could be done by Elon Musk would be the business of selling real estate on Mars to 400,000 billing active Twitter users (about $20/year). What about the idea of distributing 10 acres of land on Mars to each of 400,000 active Twitter users (about $20 per year)? Four million acres (16,200 square kilometers, about the size of Iwate Prefecture) would be enough to start.

Divide up the difficulties. René Descartes.

 [3日 ロイター] - 米電気自動車(EV)テスラのイーロン・マスク最高経営責任者(CEO)が買収・非公開化で合意しているツイッターについて、買収から最短3年で再上場させることを計画している。米紙ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル(WSJ)が3日、関係筋の話として報じた。


Musk Seeks to Put Less Money Into Twitter Deal

Read Newsmax: Musk Seeks to Put Less Money Into Twitter Deal | Newsmax.com
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2022年5月2日 16:04pm EDT掲載


"NBCは基本的に共和党はナチスだと言っている..." マスク氏は月曜日のツイートで、他のユーザーが投稿したビデオクリップに反応し、Mehdi Hasan氏がマスク氏に対して激怒し、彼を「あまり明るくない億万長者」と呼び、ソーシャルメディア大手企業の買収について不満を述べていると書いた。








ブランドン・ギレスピーはFoxニュースのアソシエイト・エディターです。Twitterで @brandon_cg をフォローしてください。

Published May 2, 2022 4:04pm EDT
Elon Musk goes scorched-earth on NBC after Peacock host's attack, notes network's worst scandals
Musk slammed the liberal network over Matt Lauer's #MeToo scandal, allegations it buried Harvey Weinstein story

Tesla CEO Elon Musk took a scorched-earth approach to NBC on Monday after a left-wing Peacock host accused him of handing Twitter "to the far-right."

"NBC basically saying Republicans are Nazis …" Musk wrote in a Monday tweet, responding to a video clip posted by another user showing Mehdi Hasan railing against Musk, calling him a "not-so-bright billionaire," and complaining about his purchase of the social media giant.

"Same org that covered up Hunter Biden laptop story, had Harvey Weinstein story early & killed it & built Matt Lauer his rape office. Lovely people," Musk added in another tweet, listing some of the network's most notorious scandals in recent years.

Among the scandals mentioned by Musk were the Hunter Biden laptop story, which NBC frequently ignored despite revelations the laptop was not "Russian disinformation" as some news outlets claimed, as well as former reporter Ronan Farrow's allegation that NB  suppressed his story on the raft of sexual misconduct allegations against Harvey Weinstein.

Musk also mentioned the scandal surrounding former NBC "Today Show" anchor Matt Lauer, who was fired from the network in 2017 after being accused of inappropriate sexual behavior. 

He appeared to reference reports, subsequently denied by Lauer, that there was a secret button under his desk at NBC allowing him to lock the door of his office to trap women without getting up from his chair. 

Musk has garnered a swath of negative attention from the liberal media since he announced his intentions to purchase Twitter last month.

His $44 billion offer was unanimously accepted by Twitter's board on April 23. Since then, Musk has repeatedly needled left-leaning media figures online, while also saying he's no fan of the "far right" either.

"For Twitter to deserve public trust, it must be politically neutral, which effectively means upsetting the far right and the far left equally," he wrote last week.

Brandon Gillespie is an associate editor at Fox News. Follow him on Twitter at @brandon_cg.



The Washington Post first reported on the meeting.

While out of office for more than two decades, Clinton remains one of his party's strongest communicators, and is a sought-after surrogate for Democrats. Clinton suffered significant Democratic losses during the 1994 midterms, when Republicans took control of the House and Senate, a fate Biden is trying to avoid.


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