「トランプ氏のポピュリストの側面が最も分かりやすく出ているのは、反エスタブリッシュメント(主流派)の急先鋒(せんぽう)で選挙陣営の責任者を務めたスティーブン・バノン氏を首席戦略官・上級顧問に起用したことだ。」WSJ Capital Journalより。
6:23 AM - 14 Dec 2016
不気味なのはマンハッタンのこの動き この30分間の飛行軌跡のなかにはトランプタワーが立っている。
Many New Yorkers were alarmed this afternoon by a USAF C-130 and several Black Hawk helicopters that could be seen circling at low altitudes over Manhattan. Per the Washington Post, U.S. Air Force Col. Nicholas Broccoli, the vice commander of the Air National Guard’s 106th Rescue Wing, said the aircraft were conducting "standard military training." That said, there is seemingly very little that is "standard" about a C-130 circling at low altitudes over Manhattan for 30 minutes.
US officials: Aircraft flying slowly over Manhattan on Tuesday were doing aerial mapping at request of Secret Service
6:23 AM - 14 Dec 2016
不気味なのはマンハッタンのこの動き この30分間の飛行軌跡のなかにはトランプタワーが立っている。
Many New Yorkers were alarmed this afternoon by a USAF C-130 and several Black Hawk helicopters that could be seen circling at low altitudes over Manhattan. Per the Washington Post, U.S. Air Force Col. Nicholas Broccoli, the vice commander of the Air National Guard’s 106th Rescue Wing, said the aircraft were conducting "standard military training." That said, there is seemingly very little that is "standard" about a C-130 circling at low altitudes over Manhattan for 30 minutes.
US officials: Aircraft flying slowly over Manhattan on Tuesday were doing aerial mapping at request of Secret Service