公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2017-10-25 08:58:43 | 意見スクラップ集

ROCHESTER -- Some of them have never picked up a gun before.
"We have each others back," said Lore McSpadden. "We're acknowledging our fear of a world in which conservatives are the only ones who are armed."
Until now.
"Queer and trans people are often depicted as weak and defenseless," said Jake Allen. "Fragile."
But, Allen had a point to prove when he co-founded the "Trigger Warning Queer and Trans Gun Club." The group of approximately 20 people meet at a gun range once a month in Victor to learn how to shoot and safely own a firearm.
The group was also founded just weeks after President Donald Trump was inaugurated.
"One of the biggest things was that I'm fearful of the rise in violence coming from the far right," Allen said.
Allen told 13WHAM that self-defense has never been more important for the LGBTQ community and says one day it could be necessary.
"Some viewers might be aware of the pride flags burned up and down Park Avenue," Allen said. " A few days after that, a KKK sign was found along the inner loop."
"The reality is, in today's political climate, there are a lot of challenges out there and if some people feel safer by arming themselves and doing that type of work, I think its an important thing for them to do," said Scott Fearing, Executive Director of Rochester's "Out Alliance."
The Trigger Warning Queer and Trans Gun Club have a licensed instructor that assists them in learning how to properly handle guns.

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) - A gay, lesbian and transgender group concerned that extremists have become more emboldened and dangerous have decided to take up arms.
The Trigger Warning Queer & Trans Gun Club meets once a month to shoot long guns in a field in Victor, New York.
The members stress they are about empowerment and self-defense, not offense.
They say it also gives them a sense of community -- even if it comes on a firing line in the middle of farm country.

queer /kwɪər/
形容詞~er; ~est
1 ⦅俗けなして⦆〈主に男性が〉同性愛の(homosexual) (!一般には侮辱的な言葉とされるが, 同性愛者の間ではgayやhomosexualの代わりに肯定的な意味で積極的に用いられる) ; 同性愛者に関する
▸ a queer community
2 ⦅やや古⦆奇妙な, 風変わりな, 異常な, おかしな
▸ a queer way of thinking
3 怪しい, いかがわしい, 疑わしい, 偽の
▸ give A a queer look
4 ⦅英話やや古⦆〖be ~〗気分が悪い, めまいがする.
in quéer strèet [Quéer Strèet]
⦅英俗やや古⦆金に困って, 借金にはまり込んで; 評判を悪くして.
1 〈計画状況など〉を台なしにする.
2 〖~ oneself〗不評を買う, 不利な立場に立つ.
~́ bàshing
奇妙に, 変に.
U奇妙なこと, 風変わり.

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