
信じられないことに、ホワイトハウスはフェイスブックと直接協力して、バイデン政権が問題があると判断したCOVID関連の投稿にフラグを立てていると言っています。Fox Newsによると、FacebookはCOVIDの誤報に関するルールを繰り返し破っているページやグループ、アカウントを永久に禁止しており、今日の記者会見で言及された個人のうち10以上のページやグループ、アカウントが含まれています。ホワイトハウスがビッグテックを使って言論の自由を抑圧していると非難しています。
不明 1:00
不明 1:11
Unknown 1:33
エミリー、ジェン・サキのこの言葉を聞いて 口が開いてしまいました トランプの集団訴訟では 大手ハイテク企業が政府と本質的に共謀して 準政府的な役割を果たしていると主張しています トランプの弁護士たちはこの件が発表されたとき シャンパンで祝杯をあげていたに違いありません。
Unknown 1:52
不明 3:06
Unknown 3:25
今、民主党から出ているシナリオは、誤解を招くような誤った情報を削除しているだけだというものです。私がFacebookに投稿したのは、Fox nationで毎日放送している私の最終的な考えを述べたもので、その内容は、「予防接種は個人の選択であり、予防接種を受けないことを理由に誰も仕事を失うべきではない」というものでした。Facebookはこの動画を削除してフラグを立て、潜在的な危害や危険を引き起こす可能性のある誤解を招く情報として、コミュニティの基準に反すると指摘しました。これもまた、任意であるワクチン接種が個人の選択であることを伝えることが、誤報であると判断されたのです。不明 4:14共産主義はどのようにして始まるのだろうかと考えている子供たちのために。ビンゴです。ラファイエット・スクエアのような問題、COVIDラボのようなロシアの報奨金に関する理論のような問題、トランプに対するこれらの凶悪な嘘、その中でも特にロシアとの共謀について、ソーシャルメディアはいつ真実の提供者、事実確認者になるのでしょうか?Unknown 4:36私にとって最も驚くべきことは ジェン・プサキの声明です 彼女が認めたことで、これが彼らのやっていることであることが明らかになりました 私たちは長い間、彼らが存在していることを疑ってきました 彼らはそれを自慢しているのですが、1年半前にラグ研究所リンク説についての情報を抑制するために、実際にはあまりにも早く反応しすぎたのではないかという声明を発表したのと全く同じ日でした。その説は禁止されていた説の1つでした フェイスブックやグーグルなどのプラットフォームは インターネットから消えてしまいました 私の新聞であるワシントン・タイムズは 非常に早い時期にこの説についての記事を掲載しましたが それらの記事は消えてしまいました 私はそれを振り返って考えました もし彼らがその情報をインターネットから消していなかったら どれだけ多くの命が救われていただろうかと。驚くべきことに、本当に素早いハリスは、プロデューサーが「どんな考えでも実行しなければならない」と言っているからです。Unknown 5:28いいですか、外科医総監は勧告を発表しましたよね。その一環として、ビッグテックにアルゴリズムを調整して、私たちがミスを犯していると思われる場所を探すように提案しています、ちょっとチキンのように漬けてみてください。www.DeepL.com/Translator(無料版)で翻訳しました。
Jen Psaki
We are in regular touch with the social media platforms, we've increased disinformation research and tracking within the Surgeon General's office, we're flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation
Unbelievable the White House now saying that it has been working directly with Facebook to flag COVID related posts that the Biden administration deems quote problematic. In a statement to Fox News Facebook says we permanently ban pages, groups and accounts that repeatedly break our rules on COVID misinformation, and this includes more than a dozen pages, groups, and accounts from some of the individuals referenced in the press briefing today, but the backlash was swift Republicans call it a violation. They accuse the White House of using big tech to suppress free speech
Unknown 1:00
right word property corporation can make its own decisions, but when it's doing that in collusion with government, it starts to look to me an awful lot like a First Amendment violation.
Unknown 1:11
But what they're seeking to do is take away your first amendment rights and have a thought police or a language police. We need to realize, doing away with the First Amendment is one of their goals,
this kind of coordination between big government and the big monopoly Corporation. Boy, That is scary stuff and it really is censorship.
Unknown 1:33
Emily, my mouth dropped open when I heard this quote from Jen Psaki because the Trump class action lawsuit is alleging that big tech has essentially colluded with government and become a quasi government actor, and I can, I gotta tell you the Trump lawyers had to have been celebrating toasting champagne when that was
Unknown 1:52
admitted from the podium. Right I foresee an amendment of the the the complaint there as they introduced this right into it. I will say that. Absolutely, I agree and remember that as President Trump was announcing this lawsuit he said that specific phrase, He said the government has deputised social media platforms. And the issue is, remember, for example, Justice Clarence Thomas is concurrence in the Columbia School decision which related directly to this which is why President Trump filed that lawsuit, he said as Twitter made clear the right to cut off speech lies most powerfully in the hands of private digital platforms, and the extent to which that power matters for purposes of the First Amendment and the extent to which that power could lawfully be modified by the federal government now this is me talking, will lie in future actions such as this. So now we have an actual vehicle of that action which is President Trump's proposed class action, and then we have now Jen songhees comments and their actions now that led to us to now know for sure that yes they are working together creating a quasi governmental agency in these social media platforms, and remember to that the the power to cut off this speech that the Justice was talking about it, it's not only the facts themselves and that dissemination, but it's also the public reaction to it and those two things are equally important here.
Unknown 3:06
That's right. It was a stunning admission Tommy Jim Safi saying we're in regular touch with social media companies this of course as Sal she had been even emailing with Mark Zuckerberg about a Coronavirus database, it was called Coronavirus Information Hub, I believe you've been a victim of social media suppression Tommy.
Unknown 3:25
Yeah, and the thing that the narrative that's coming out from the Democrats now is that they're just taking down information that is misinformation that it is misleading. But I can tell you this I posted a clip on Facebook that was from my final thoughts that I do daily on Fox nation, and the clip was simply this vaccination is a personal choice and no one should have to lose their job because they choose not to get vaccinated. Now Facebook took that down and flagged it and said that it was against their community standards for misleading information that could cause potential harm or danger. Again, it's telling people that vaccination which is voluntary, by the way, if telling people that that is a personal choice is what they consider misinformation and that was well before, when Jen Psaki said yesterday, boy, we've got a lot of problems on our hands here and this is what happens controlling the narrative, controlling the conversation, controlling the information of
Unknown 4:14
the kiddos out there wondering how communism starts. Bingo. Here it is 100% Charlie, coming to you when is social media going to be the purveyor of truth and fact checker on issues like Lafayette Square on issues like the COVID lab like theory on Russian bounties all these heinous lies against Trump the least of which was Russia collusion.
Unknown 4:36
To me the most amazing thing about all of this is a Jen Psaki statement her admission, it's out in the open that this is what they're doing, we've suspected for a long time that we know they're there, they're boasting about it came on the very same day that the who issued a statement saying that actually maybe they reacted too quickly to suppress information about the on the lag lab link theory, a year and a half ago. That was one of those theories that had been banned, that Facebook and Google and all of these platforms, silence they vanished from the internet, my newspaper, The Washington Times ran stories about this very early on, and those stories, disappeared and and I look back at that and I think about how many, how many lives might have been saved if they hadn't vanished that information from the Internet,
Unknown 5:23
amazing, really quick Harris because producers are saying we got to run at any any thoughts.
Unknown 5:28
Look, the surgeon general floated out his advisory right. And as part of that it's a suggestion to big tech that they adjust their algorithms to look for where they think we're making mistakes, just marinate on that like chicken for a minute.