"選挙は完全に不正操作された わが国の恥だ」とトランプ氏も主張した。"第三世界の国のようなもので、あちこちから投票用紙が押し寄せ、誰も所有権を知らない、誰も何も知らない機械を使っている。彼らが言うところの『不具合』があるんだ。不具合か 不具合は不具合ではなかった 彼らは何千票もの票を送っているのがバレてしまいました。"ところで、すべて私に不利な票です。"
"我々のチームは今朝8:30 [午前]頃に入ることができ、約8時間そこにいて法医学的な検査を行い、約48時間後に結果が出て、これらの機械について多くのことを教えてくれるだろう "と、トランプ弁護士のジェナ・エリスは日曜日にフォックスニュースに語った。"裁判官は実際に我々のチームに...法医学的な監査を行うためのアクセスを許可した」とエリスは付け加えた。
Forensic exam after a rape or sexual assault
Forensic exam after a rape or sexual assault
President Donald Trump told reporters Monday that people can expect to “see a lot of big things” over the coming days.
On alleged election fraud, “I think the case has been made,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “And now we find out what we can do about it. But you’ll see a lot of big things happening over the next couple of days.”
He did not elaborate.
The president was answering a question about what his strategy will be after electors vote in the Electoral College, which is scheduled for Dec. 14.
“The election was totally rigged. It’s a disgrace to our country,” Trump also asserted. “It’s like a third-world country—these ballots pouring in from everywhere, using machinery that nobody knows ownership, nobody knows anything about. They have ‘glitches,’ as they call them. Glitches. The glitches weren’t glitches. They got caught sending out thousands of votes—all against me, by the way.”
Starting in late November, Trump’s legal team attended events and hearings with lawmakers from several key states, arguing that the legislatures have the power under the U.S. Constitution to select their own electors. They also presented witnesses who claimed there was intimidation, ballot stuffing, numerous ballots that should have been disqualified but weren’t, and statistical irregularities.
Secretaries of state in several states have said there is not enough evidence of fraud to overturn the election.
Over the weekend, a judge in Michigan allowed two dozen Dominion Voting Systems machines in Antrim County to be forensically audited by Trump’s legal team. Antrim County hasn’t responded to a request for comment.
Antrim County spokesperson Jeremy Scott told the Detroit Free Press that forensic images will be taken from voting machines used during the Nov. 3 election. Judge Kevin Elsenheimer issued the order last week following a challenge from a Michigan voter on a separate issue related to a marijuana proposal.
“Our team is going to be able to go in this morning at about 8:30 [a.m.] and will be there for about eight hours to conduct that forensic examination and we’ll have the results in about 48 hours, and that’ll tell us a lot about these machines,” Trump attorney Jenna Ellis told Fox News on Sunday. “A judge actually granted our team access … to conduct a forensic audit,” Ellis added.
Ellis also told Fox News on Monday that the team is currently working on trying to get their lawsuits to the Supreme Court while they are still lobbying state legislatures in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. It came as fellow Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani was diagnosed with the CCP virus over the past weekend.
Facts Matter (Dec. 7): Trump Team Begins a Forensic Exam in Michigan