最終氷期が終わり,地球は温暖化し,およそ 1 万年前には,地中海周辺で雨が多くなった。湿潤な状態は 10000-9000 年前と 8000- 6000 年前のふたつのピーク大湿潤期には,サハラ奥深くまで多量の雨が降り,砂漠はサバンナやステップに覆われた。
私の知る限り、決まったスケジュールはありません。私がある母船で観察した例を挙げましょう。彼らはあまり睡眠を必要としません。私の知る限りでは、単に彼らがとても癒されているからだと思います。肉体的な形はありませんが 信じられないほど癒されているのです。彼らは連絡を取り合っています。夜も昼もありません。それを経験する必要がないのです。他の種族にはそれがあると思いますが......アンドロメダでは、彼らは常に自分自身を伸ばしています。進化しようとし、常にもっともっと多くのことを経験しようとしています。彼らは幸せな人々です。私たちのように極端な感情を持つことはありません。実際、私たちが経験するような領域の感情を表現する種族は、銀河系全体で見てもほとんどいないと言われています。彼らはいつも素晴らしい空間にいるのです。そこはまさにその空間です。彼らは本当に感動する文明ではありません。彼らは物事をあるがままに受け入れますが、例外として、彼らの特定のライフスタイルや、彼らの本質などを脅かすものがあれば、他の種族は脅威として感じたり、認識したりするかもしれません。
それは興味深い質問ですが、私にはわかりません。私はあなたの言い方が気に入っています。彼らが持っている2つの能力は、誰もが潜在的に持っているものです。ただ、ここのような社会で生きてこなかっただけなのです。みんなテレパシーを持っています。みんな透視能力があります。科学のすべてを教えられているので、全員がヒーラーです。彼らはずっとそこにいる......つまり、私が言える唯一の方法は、彼らは完全にホールド(補by岡山 霊的認知)されているということだ。すべての魂のニュースは、自分が何者であるかを知っています。自分が誰であったかを知っています。輪廻転生や過去がどうだったかも知っています。魂には個人的なアジェンダがあり、それは転生するたびに意識的に認識しています。だから、自分がどこに行くのかを知っています。彼らは自分自身が改善されていくのを見ています、何度も何度も。私たちも、もしここで騙されていなければ、同じ能力を持っていたでしょう。彼らのようになることができたはずなのです。しかし、私たちはこの5700年の間、信じられないほど操られてきました。毎日のように激しいレベルで。本当の意味で操られ始めたのは約1万4千年前です。オリオングループがDNA構造を操作し始めた時です。だから、彼らが優れているというわけではありません。私たちはただ違うのです。私たちは彼らよりも少し遅れています。彼らは、私たちがここで操作したからです。しかし、ここでの本当の結論は、すべての精神は私たちに魂を含んでいるということです。その魂は、すべての存在の一部であり、その魂は私たち一人ひとりの中で本当に認められようとしてきました。それは、地球人である私たちの周りで進化してきた物質や信念のシステムのせいではなく、私たちの本質、私たちの存在、私たちが誰であるかという真の真実が、スピリチュアルな教えによって見えなくなっていたからです。宗教や、私たちは、私たちは何か違うものだと確信しています。私たちは肉体を持ち、動物の形をしていますが、私たちは精神を持ち、私たちの精神が肉体の形を生かすのです。
Music their music is of, of the universe of what the music that certain planets make as they rotate around their sun. What different solar systems make as they revolve around their sun and what whole systems the sounds and energy that they create to them, that's their music. And then they put things together different constellations, different star systems. They'll put those together and overlap them to create music. It's different than what we just pulled out of thin air here.
How they expressed what their daily life is, like, Is there is there a solar day for them? Or is there a night or day or what is their daily life like or pick periods?
There is plenty to my knowledge, no set schedule. I'll give you an example of what I observed on one of their motherships. They don't require much sleep. To my to my knowledge, simply because I guess they're very healed. There being sort of physical form. They're just incredibly healed. They're just in touch. There is no night and day. They don't need to experience that. Although I'm sure other races have that the Andromeda and they're just constantly stretching themselves. Trying to evolve and experience more and more and more all the time. They're happy people. They don't have the extremes of emotions that we express here. In fact, I've been told that virtually few races in the entire galaxy express the realm of emotions that we experience here. They're just always in a very wonderful space. That there's there. They're not a civilization that really touches. They do accept things the way they are, with the exception of one of those things threaten their particular lifestyle, or what they're about their essence and others but other races might experience for or perceive as a threat.
Alex, you said they're evolving spiritually. What do they want to evolve towards? What spiritual goals do they have?
I guess to be just the best that they are to be completely at one with all that there is at all times. You know, there are 11 creational densities and my understanding is that within each of the entities, you change your physical form, their goal as a race is to go from, from from the densities that they experience, which are 334 and five, I guess, to move to 567 and eight, and then from there, eight, nine and 10. And then to 11. And now the new dimensional realm that's been created 12 is just to continue to evolve. Nobody knows exactly what the ultimate goal is. Because the the essence is the tearing control in touch with that, or on Ninth, 10th and 11th are continuing to evolve. And now there's a 12th density that's being added to our universe. And they're being drawn up to experience this new density so nobody really knows what the ultimate spiritual goal is. They themselves are still searching for what God is. They know what exists. But what it is nobody really knows which is why they call it the isness. It's just a force that's there. And and how we perceive it is based on how we perceive ourselves and our own belief, structures belief systems. And that's how we use the energy to create.
You mentioned that there are contact with essences from the ninth 10th and 11th. Yes. Can you describe what they describe these beings to be like to them and what they would be like to human beings,
just just pure consciousness, what their daily lives are like, I don't have any idea
have been described in any sort of detail. They just
light just like just like that, that's all I know.
Okay, now, what abilities do the Andromeda uns possess that exceed those earth humans? You mentioned?
Well, that's an interesting question, and I don't know that. I necessarily like the way you put it. The let the two abilities that they have are latent in everybody. They just haven't lived in a society that has been screwed with like we have here. They're all telepathic. They're all clairvoyant. They're all healers because they're taught all of the sciences. They're just there their whole I guess that's, that's the only way that I can put it to you is that they're completely hold. Every soul News knows who they are. They know who they've been. They know what their reincarnation or past has been. They as a soul having a personal agenda, which every time they incarnate they're consciously aware of. So so they know where they're going. They see improvement in themselves, life after life after life. We, if we hadn't been sold screwed with here would have the same abilities. We could very much be where they are. But we've been manipulated, incredibly for the last 5700 years. On an intense level every day. Our real manipulation really started about 14,000 years ago. When the Orion group started manipulating our DNA structure. So it isn't that they're better because they're not. We're just different. We're a little bit behind them. They are because of our our manipulations here. But the real bottom line here is that all spirit we contain a soul. That soul is a part of all that is and that soul has been really trying to be recognized in each of us. And it hasn't been because of the material and the belief systems that we have, evolving around us being earth people about being physical, and about the real truths of our essence of our existence of who we are having been blinded from us from our spiritual teachings. From the religions and, and us being convinced that we're something that we're not that we're physical, that we're animal form, and we're not we're spirit our spirit animates these physical forms, period.
神様は自らの血と粘土から人をお創りになり、農業を教え作物 を神に納めた。とあるがシュメール人はその前がなく今から5000年以上前になる。私が解釈する神話は血とはDNAであり、粘土とはそこにいた素材となる生物であろう。遺伝子操作の最も古い記録が神話になっている。今も遺伝子操作は神業である。