公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ


28 legislative signings

2017-04-30 09:40:49 | カウンター・グレートリセット
Mainstream (FAKE) media refuses to state our long list of achievements, including 28 legislative signings, strong borders & great optimism!

The Democrats, without a leader, have become the party of obstruction.They are only interested in themselves and not in what's best for U.S.
[ハリスバーグ(米ペンシルベニア州) 29日 ロイター] - トランプ米大統領は北朝鮮が核実験を行えば「不満に思う」と述べる一方で、軍事行動に出るかは明言を避けた。CBSテレビのインタビューの内容が29日、明らかになった。

北朝鮮が核実験を強行すれば米国は軍事行動を取るかとの質問に対し「分からない。つまりいずれ分かる(we'll see)ということだ」と述べるにとどめた。

Bernstein Slams 'Radically Divisive' Trump Picks, Likens Sessions to Ex-KKK Member
By Brad Wilmouth | November 20, 2016 | 9:57 PM EST

Appearing as a guest on Friday's Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN, and again later on CNN Tonight, CNN political commentator Carl Bernstein charged that Donald Trump's choices for his administration so far are "radically divisive choices," alleging that he made his choices 'in an ugly way" that sends a message to minorities that his administration will not put a priority on protecting civil rights.

At one point, he seemed to compare Attorney General nominee and GOP Senator Jeff Sessions to being like former KKK member and former Alabama Democratic Senator Hugo Black, who he recalled was appointed to the Supreme Court and became a "great liberal" justice whom Sessions could potentially emulate.
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