President @realDonaldTrump told me to tell Prime Minister @BorisJohnson that when Brexit is complete, we will begin negotiations on a free-trade deal IMMEDIATELY! Our message is clear: the minute the UK is Out, the US is In! 🇺🇸
Jeremy Corbyn’s #SurrenderBill means more talk, more delay, more indecision.
[英ウェイクフィールド 5日 ロイター] - ジョンソン英首相は5日、10月末の欧州連合(EU)離脱期日を延期するよりは「野垂れ死に」することを選ぶとし、離脱延期はないとあらためて断言した。
Q: Can you make a promise today to the British public that you won’t go back to Brussels and ask for another delay? A: Yes, I can. I’d rather be dead in a ditch. It costs a billion of pounds a month. What on Earth is the point of further delay? It’s totally, totally pointless.