公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ


B・Fの戯言 1

2021-10-30 11:57:00 | カウンター・グレートリセット
この世では悪魔も天使も富があってこそ悪魔であり天使である。悪魔は生き血を吸い続けなければ悪事を実行できないこの事実を忘れてはいけない。やがて邪な天使も含め彼らは自ら滅びる。武漢で人間が死んだのはコロナが原因ではなく、5Gが原因だった。信じられますでしょうか。そういえば武漢の映像には失神する急性症状がありましたね。イオン化する電磁波はX rayからですよ。


Unknown 1:03

Unknown 1:26

不明 2:06
2000年の選挙では、殺人者が勝利しました。彼らは選挙を盗み、すぐにこの対テロ戦争を始めました。彼らの神、マラコ・サタンへの生け贄のような911事件で幕を開け、世界中に生物兵器研究所を建設しました。鳥インフルエンザ、エボラ出血熱、SARSなどを発表しています。また、農家にお金を払って、食料の代わりに石油や燃料を栽培させ、大規模な飢餓危機を引き起こそうとしました。このグループは長い間、権力を握っていましたが、失敗に終わりました。そこで 人類の90%を大量に殺すことに反対する、イギリスやヨーロッパの王族に率いられたカーボンの人々の戦いがありました。そして、ジョージ・ブッシュ・シニアを処刑し、その家族のほとんども処刑したのです。そして、これらの悪魔のような大量殺人者の多くを殺すための大きな後押しとなったのです。 さて、これからはもっといい顔をしましょう。まずは、地球温暖化防止のためのカーボンキャンペーンから始めます。それが彼らのビッグイベントなのです。

Unknown 3:42

Unknown 4:23

Unknown 4:59
では、5Gについて少しお話しましょう。なぜ5Gは危険なのか?ノーベル団体のホームページで、2013年のノーベル医学賞を見ると、ある帯域幅の低レベルのEMF 放射線がどのような症状を引き起こすか、そのメカニズムがわかります。肺疾患のような症状ですね。基本的には、細胞内のイオン原子やナトリウムイオンを励起して分解し、細胞は分解された物質を注入して、肺やISISの血液を通して吐き出すというものです。

Unknown 5:41
武漢では1万台の送信機を作動させた途端に、世界中で人々が死にました。武漢では、1万台の送信機を起動した途端、停止するまでに100万人以上の人が死んだでしょう。これは新しいCOVID-19と呼ばれるもので、「Certificate of vaccine ID 2019」の略であることをご存知の方は多いと思いますが、機関の善良な人々は5Gを直ちに停止しました。それで、人々は死ななくなりました。彼らは風邪やインフルエンザ、結核などの伝統的な肺疾患を取り上げました。風邪やインフルエンザ、結核などの伝統的な肺の病気に、「COVID-19」や「SARS」など、好きなように名前をつけたのです。そして、医者に莫大なお金を払って

Unknown 6:48

Unknown 7:42

不明 7:42 しかし、不明 7:45

Unknown 8:16
しかし、アジアの長老たちは、彼らの穏健派であっても、このような人たちはもう要らないと決めました。この人たちはいい人じゃない。彼らがこの惑星の責任者であり続ける理由はありません。彼らの本部はスイスにあります。私は彼らをオクタゴングループと呼んでいます。フォレンジックトレースされています オクタゴングループについて少し説明しましょう。人々に知ってもらうために スイスの調査によると、世界の多国籍企業の90%は700人の人間が支配しているそうです。複数の会社の役員になっている人がいるんですね。彼らは基本的にヨーロッパの王族に報告しています。例えば、イタリアに公式な制度があれば皇帝になっていたであろうビットリオ・エマニュエルや、カルワン・ハプスブルク、ロスチャイルド家やロックフェラー家のようなこのグループを知っています。これが秘密の支配者グループで、G20をコントロールしています。そして、あなたが本物だと思っている政府の多くは、実際には単なる操り人形なのですね。命令を読むこと、これが私たちが戦っていることです。彼らにこれ以上、地球を支配してほしくないのです。そして、もし彼らが資金を絶たれたのなら、100兆ドル、50兆ドルの計画のための資金を本当に得られなかったということになり、だからこそ、この警官26人が推し進める大きなイベントは失敗しているのです。ロシアは行かなかった 中国は行かなかった 日本は行かなかった これは非常に大きなことです。日本はもはや彼らの支配下にはありません。これはとても大きなことです。日本がいないと、彼らは本当にお金がないので、これは彼らの最後の釘です。

Unknown 10:15

Unknown 10:43


It was possible because the US had enough military power to force countries to either accept their dollars or lose access to oil. However, that system is now breaking down. And what we're about to see is a bankruptcy that will be bigger and more dramatic than the fall of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union collapsed because a plan by President Ronald Reagan and any other people and I've talked to a lot of these people was to lower the price of oil dramatically in order to force and at the same time kario the Star Wars program in order to force the Soviet Union into bankruptcy. The Soviet Union went bankrupt because they ran out of money and that's what caused the fall of the Soviet Union The and the arrival of all these new countries like Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, etc.
Unknown 1:03
And what we're gonna see is going to be even bigger, because what's going to go bankrupt now? Is the people who control the G 20. The BIS the World Bank, the IMF, and even the United Nations and of course, the United States of America corporate government, which is not the Republic of the United States.
Unknown 1:26
And this is what we're going to be fighting over for the next weeks or months. Now, let's talk about the rulers of the West a bit more. They were divided into two factions, we can call them the moderates and the murderers but the murderers wanted to kill 90% of humanity and the moderate saying we can save the environment without killing an 80% of humanity by paying poor countries you know, money to roll force with a carbon tax.
Unknown 2:06
And in a 2000 year election, the murderers won, they they stole the election, and they immediately started this war on terror. They you know, kick it off with the 911 event, which is like a sacrifice to their God. malaco Satan, and they built biological weapons laboratories around the world. Remember they release to bird flu, Ebola, SARS, etc, etc. And, and they also paid farmers money to grow oil or fuel instead of foods try to create a massive starvation crisis. So this group was in power for a long time, but they failed. There. They weren't able to kill humanity and there was a battle where the carbon people, led by, you know, British and European Royals, who were against the mass murder of 90% of humanity. And they had George Bush Senior executed as well as most of his family. And it was a huge push to kill a lot of these satanic mass murderers and the new group that Okay, so now we're gonna turn a nicer face. We're going to start with a global warming carbon campaign. And that's their big event.
Unknown 3:42
In it's now happening in Glasgow or it's starting on on Halloween, it's supposed to go until November 12. The problem is that there's a large group of people, including people who control the US military and many of the agencies as well as Asian Royals will say, No, we're sick of this whole group. We don't want any of them running the planet because they are. They weren't elected and they're criminals and they view us as sheep. So they were cut off from their money on January 31 2020.
Unknown 4:23
And what these people did was, each time they've been cut off, they carried out some horrific event like 911 Fukushima and this time the so called pandemic. Now the pandemic was long plan these people are planning years in advance it's fighting against them is very tough, but what they did was they they promised to have 5g transmission start all over the world and the city of Wuhan, China fired up 10,000 5g transmitters.
Unknown 4:59
Now let us talk a little bit about 5g. Why is 5g dangerous? If you go to the Nobel organizations homepage and you look at the 2013 Nobel Prize for Medicine, you understand the mechanisms of how low level electrical Rachmat netic radiation of a certain bandwidth can cause symptoms. That look like lung disease. It basically excites the ion atoms or the sodium ion inside the cells and causes break up and then the cells injects the broken up material, which is in a you know, coughed out through the lungs and ISIS blood.
Unknown 5:41
And when they fire this up, suddenly people were dying all over the world started in Wuhan, where as soon as they fired up those 10,000 transmitters. Probably more than a million people died before they shut it down. And everywhere else that the fired up 5g People also started dying and they said all this is the new, you know COVID-19 Which you know, as you people who are aware no one stands for Certificate of vaccine ID 2019 is killing us all but the good people in the institutions shut down 5g immediately. And so people stopped dying. But they had to go to plan B. What they did was they took traditional lung diseases like the common cold influenza tuberculosis, etc. And they all labeled it as COVID-19 or called SARS to whatever you want to call it. And they also paid doctors huge amounts of money to
Unknown 6:48
label any death as from this pandemic and they use this to justify extreme lockdowns and to try to impose vaccines which contain RNA. In other words, they can alter our genes on the world's population, so this was their counter attack. They were cut off from their money and the other thing they did was they promised that on under Joe Biden's presidency, they would suddenly put on a new face. They would go along now with the plans for a more moderate United States and they were pushing their big carbon thing so the carbon people kicked out the kill 90% of the people and said okay, now it's our turn. And the cop 26 is supposed to be their big party.
Unknown 7:42
Unknown 7:45
there is a lot of reasons why we don't want these people in power anymore. Even the moderate faction. Now the cop 26 People put out $150 trillion plan as $5 trillion a year for their so called green plan which involved you know, vaccinating everybody and forcing them to have these ideas in order to make them be more enslaved and go along with these green plans.
Unknown 8:16
However, a the Asian elders decided no, we don't want these people anymore, even their moderate faction. These are not nice people. There's no reason why they should continue to be in charge of the planet. And their headquarters are in Switzerland. I call them the Octagon group. They've been forensically trace. Let's describe the Octagon group a bit. So people know. A Swiss study showed that 90% of the world's multinational companies are controlled by 700 people. You have people who are on the boards of multiple companies. And if you look at the people that one guy will be on the board of 20 100 companies and you look at them almost 700 people and they report basically to European Royals, like a Vittorio Emanuelle who would have been the emperor of Italy if they still had an official system or Karwan Habsburg or you know these this group as well as people like the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. So this is the secret ruling group, and they control the G 20. And a lot of these governments you think are real but are not they're just puppets? Reading orders and this is what we're fighting against. We don't want them in charge of the planet anymore. And if because they've been cut off their money, they really did not get their money for the 100 and $50 trillion plan and that's why this big event that they're pushing this cop 26 is failing. Russia didn't go China didn't go Japan didn't go and that's very big. Japan is no longer under their control. This is huge. This is this is a final nail in their coffin because without Japan, they really really don't have money.
Unknown 10:15
And Brazil and Mexico, Africa, everybody's rejecting them. That's the system that's happening now. That's what's happening. And these people are not to be underestimated and they're still in power. And it's gonna be a nasty fight. But you can see how powerful they are they they were able to put in some actor with a mask and calm President Joe Biden they were able to kill Pope Francis and replace them with another actor to mask.
Unknown 10:43
This is a sort of thing these people do, and they control the corporate media. The other thing they do is they control the stock market. They're trying desperately to survive. What they do is they jack up the stock market, which is you know, companies they own. And so they're pumping themselves up, and they're trying to convince the ordinary people to jump in with them. The other thing they're trying to do to suck money out of ordinary people is cryptocurrency. A good sign of this is Walmart set up ATMs. You know, where you can buy bitcoin. But here's the point. You can't sell Bitcoin. It's like a one way sponsored. And the other thing they're going to do to survive as they're jacking up prices of everything, food, oil, anything they can. They're trying to get money out of the common people to keep their system going. And so it's going to be very, very tough fight for a lot of people, especially in the West. While we cut these criminals off once and forever, and this battle is gonna take place over the next several months, but there's a lot of progress has been made. A lot of their top leadership has been killed or arrested, and more and more of them are hiding. They're hiding in Switzerland. Most of them in an underground bunker there. We have confirmed this with multiple sources and why have blamed the Pentagon why they need to literally force them to surrender and if necessary, you know terms Switzerland into a ball of molten glass if that's what it takes, because these these people are what are preventing humanity from advancing into the universe and into, you know, a golden age. 
Now, let's look again at this vaccine of theirs. I don't know what's in it. But I do know that they have the ability to change human DNA with vaccines. The Russians gave us an example of an experiment where they injected rats with a vaccine that contains CRISPR which uses a virus DNA to pinpoint edit genes. And they were able to change these rats personality so that the increased the amount of dopamine they produced in dopamine is the pleasure particle in our brain. And the idea was it was to fight addiction. But the result was they have these rats that were happy no matter what. So imagine if they injected humans with that. Suddenly, oh, they murdered my family. Oh, wow. Wonderful. That's great. I feel lovely. No, you know, in other words, create perfect people. Absolutely. uncapable genetically of disobeying them. This is possible. I'm not saying they're doing it, but that's one thing they can do.

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