不明 0:06
不明 0:10

不明 0:30
また、アドルフ・ヒトラーの娘であるアンゲラ・メルケルが解任されたことで、多くの証拠が削除されました。だからこそ、今の構成のEUは絶望的なのです。何か別のものに取って代わられることになるでしょう。だから、私たちはとても面白い時代に向かっているのです。すべてを把握するのは難しいですが、私はペンタゴンの人々やイギリスのシークレットサービス、ロシアのFSB、アジアの秘密結社、日本の皇室などと連絡を取っており、これらの人々を最終的に排除して人類を解放するための世界的な同盟が存在していると言えます。いつ実現するかはわかりませんが。この人たちは非常に、非常に、非常に知的で、文字通り何十年も前から計画を立てています。簡単な戦いにはならないでしょう。しかし、今、私の知る限り、我々は勝っている。我々は勝つまで戦い続けるだろうし、彼らは暗殺して脱出することはできないだろう。今回は 正確な時間軸を示すことはしたくありません。しかし、確かに今から年末までの間には、多くの混乱や大きな出来事が起こるでしょう。しかし今は、この警官26に何が起こるかを見てみよう。崩壊するかどうか見てみよう。何が起こるか見てみよう。よし。今日の話はこれで終わりです。それでは、読者からの質問にお答えします。
質問 2:05
Unknown 3:19
Unknown 3:33
不明 4:17
不明 4:51
Rockefeller Rothschild overlord and that's why Japan is once again become an independent country.
Unknown 0:06
And the same was happened in England.
Unknown 0:10
There was a good reason why the queen is not going to a COP meeting even though her family was key to organizing and her grandson Williams is she's not going because you've been ordered not to go by the British establishment and my six and the British, you know, Secret Service and all these guys were there to protect the British people.
Unknown 0:30
We also saw a fall of the a the removal of Angela Merkel, who is the daughter of Adolf Hitler, according to you lots of evidence has been removed, and that's been a huge, huge change. That's why the EU as it now is composed is doomed. It's going to be replaced by something else. So we're headed for very interesting times. It's hard to keep track of everything but I can tell you that I am in touch with the people in the Pentagon people in the British Secret Service Russian FSB, Asian secret societies, the Japanese imperial family and there is a global alliance to finally remove these people and liberate humanity. I don't know when it's going to happen. These people are very, very, very intelligent, and they plan literally decades in advance. It's not going to be an easy battle. But right now, as far as I can tell, we're winning. And we're gonna keep fighting until we win, and they're not gonna be able to assassinate their way out of this. This time. I don't want to put a precise timeline. But certainly, between now and the year end, we'll see a lot of turmoil, a lot of big things happening. But for now, let's see what happens to this cop 26. Let's see if it falls apart. Let's see what happens. Okay. That's what I have to say for today. And now I will answer questions from readers.
Unknown 2:05
Awesome. So we have one subscriber asking, I'm living in New Zealand and like our neighbors in Australia, we seem to have the harshest lockdowns the most tyrannical thoughts running the show. It's hard to believe that these ones great nations are descending into tyranny is similar to Nazi Germany. Are there any comments on why this is? The reason why this is happening is because the elites who wanted to start World War Three in a nuclear war they knew that 90% of the planet would be destroyed and the northern hemisphere would become uninhabitable. So they have long been planning to move to Australia, New Zealand, Southern Argentina, for example, they bought 1000 kilometers of coastline and Patagonia where they could sit it out while the rest of the world was destroyed. So you have an unusually high concentration of these satanic Kabbalists in Australia, but I know that the good guys are fighting that a lot of their underground bases have been removed in Australia. Not yet in New Zealand but all I can say is hunker down and resist every way you can.
Unknown 3:19
The other thing that Australians and New Zealanders need to understand is that these people use a very highly concentrated form of control so you've got to go to the exact top.
Unknown 3:33
The people who are giving the orders, they're very few of them. And if you target them and they are mass murderers and criminals and is you're legally allowed to shoot and kill them, because it's self defense is legitimate self defense. So please, take action now. I'm not talking about protests. I'm talking about sniper rifles. I'm talking about stabbing these people. They I know it's radical, but you know how many times I can't count how many times they've tried to kill me. They killed my probably two of my girlfriend's one unborn child and kill a lot of my colleagues. So you know, I get radical because I'm a cornered rabbit and the corner rabbit can actually beat raccoon in a fight.
Unknown 4:17
We have no choice. We have to this is now a military. It's not going to happen through lawsuits. It's not going to happen through street protests. This is now a matter for men with guns and I am glad to report that critical mass in the military industrial intelligence community agrees with me. They don't want this kind of incompetent inbred mass murderer running the planet anymore. But hang but you know, do what you can. Don't put yourself at unnecessary risk. But help is coming.
Unknown 4:51
Okay, any other questions?