公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2021-12-18 19:41:00 | カウンター・グレートリセット

ルディ・ジュリアーニとマイク・リンデル 不正選挙を告発した二人はいずれも攻撃と妨害に遭っている。それでも訴え続ける姿勢を崩さない。全ての司法が告発を無視しても。米国民は今のことで精一杯だ。今のこととはバイデン大統領が行なっている米国社会の破壊と破滅への道への熱心な舗装工事。

One of the early cases of canceled you know, full full out canceling. And they and and the reality is you just came back enthusiastic about a man who laid out for you deep commitment to solving the problems of the United States. And at that time, we didn't know if he could do it or not. But at least he had the commitment to do it.

And so what's so wrong with supporting someone like that? All of a sudden, you're all of a sudden you're the devil. I accomplished a lot in 2020 exposing the truth, establishing the relationship with you working tirelessly for America.

Yeah, they attack me truth and advertise Better Business Bureau went out to me and I was up for their highest award and that they went after me because I went all in for Donald Trump and I'm going to it my pillow still got an amp rating to this day. I call it fantastic. And I'll tell you what they did back then it kind of gave us training for where we got to now because my employees and stuff we had to put up with this garbage that these attacks and for no reason and, and you know, I think Jimmy Kimmel said it best I was on Jimmy Kimmel. I don't know if you've seen that. That was last spring, Jimmy Kimmel, you know, he went into attack mode for 18 minutes. You can all watch it online. But I wanted to go on there to get the word out because none of the media would talk about the election of 2020. Well, I went on there. And halfway through we went to a commercial. And Jimmy said to me, I said Jimmy, you know we have we have in common they left came they came after you and attacked him for blackface in the 90s. Right? And they went to attacking him. And you know what he said to me? He goes Mike, he said that the difference is I did something bad. All you've done is back a man you believe in. And that was Jimmy Kimmel. Saying that and I couldn't believe it. I said well, why would you not help the country and then you know, this is he's getting attacked for nothing. I'm getting attacked for nothing. This cancel culture. And no rim Rudy. The worst thing is, and this is why I went after Fox News Newsmax Salem media went after everything because our conservative media right now everybody when you're what's worse when you're over here when I lost my box stores and I lost my mic lindo loves just Boxtrolls he loves just Twitter. He loves QVC, rotten HSN and all these things know what's worth losing your money are over here. People that you're losing your voice. So you know you can't I can't go on Fox to say why I lost that when I went on news back to say why I lost it. They pulled the guy pulled his plug and walked off the set. So it might never occur. to you that for eight years, including most recently with that stupid tape of her victory speech. Hillary Clinton has disputed the 2016 election.

Yeah, she lost by twice twice what she lost weight but she but she has never recognized the validity of that election. Nor has Stacey Abrams in in.

So why what what is so damaging about an American citizen believing that an election was a fraudulent we've had fraudulent elections. And you're entitled to that opinion. And it's nothing illegal about having that opinion. And one side can have it and nothing is done and the other side has it. They don't just want to really want to put you in jail. They want to destroy you. They might destroy me you know you're right, Brody, I went you know all the stuff that I went back Donald Trump, you know, I spoke from the rose garden I was attacked. Then when I talked about spending time in our Bibles and with our families. I was attacked then I was attacked when a therapeutic came out. This guy brought me I was attacked then.

But this was different in your and it was like on January 9 When I was actually given evidence, they didn't attack me before that like like they had like they did after January 9 But it's like, even if it was my opinion, I'd still be speaking up but when you got facts, even more, so why two rooms from here I just reorganized a big file for Arizona. And what occurs to me, Mike, is that with one exception, I'm not a witness to any of this. I'm just reflecting what other people have said to me. Something like 400 American citizens have given me evidence that the Democrats cheated in favor of Biden. Some of it is a few votes. Some of it is 700,000 votes, but all I'm doing is relating what they said. And I want to get them to hearing no court would listen to it and we brought it to the legislators and finally a little bit now is getting through but it's not me.

Right but what a shame when you did those four I think you

Transcribed by https://otter.ai



ご覧になったかどうか分かりませんが。去年の春、ジミー・キンメルが18分間、攻撃モードに入ったんだ。皆さんはオンラインで見ることができます。でも、どのメディアも2020年の選挙について語ろうとしないので、私はそこに出演して情報を発信したかったのです。それで、出演したんです。そして、途中でコマーシャルに入りました。ジミーが言ったんだ。"90年代に黒塗りをしていたジミーを攻撃したのは彼らだ "とね。そうだろ?そして、彼を攻撃するようになった。彼が何と言ったか知ってるか?彼はマイクに言ったよ 「違いは俺が悪いことをしたことだ あなたがしたことは、あなたが信じている人を支援することです。それがジミー・キンメルだった。それを言って、私は信じられなかった。なぜ国を助けないのかと言ったら、彼は何もしていないのに攻撃されたんだ。
私は何もしていないのに攻撃されているんです。これは文化的なキャンセルです。そして、縁のないルディ。このように、私はフォックス・ニュースのニュースマックスを追いかけ、セーラムメディアを追いかけ、すべてを追いかけ、そして、今、私たちの保守的なメディアは、あなたがここにいるとき、何が悪いのか、私が箱店を失い、私のマイクを失ったとき、リンドはちょうどボックストロルが大好きで、ちょうどTwitterが大好きです。QVC や HSN が大好きで......お金を失う価値があるのは、こっちの方なんだ。"自分の声が 聞こえなくなる だから、私はFoxに出演して、なぜ私がそれを失ったかを言うことはできないんだ。私がニュースに戻って、なぜ私がそれを失ったかを言うために行ったとき。彼らはプラグを抜いて、セットから立ち去ったんだ。だから、思いもよらないかもしれませんが、8年間、直近では勝利演説のくだらないテープも含めて ヒラリー・クリントンは2016年の選挙に異議を唱えた。


その通りだ、ブロディ。私はドナルド・トランプに逆らい、ローズガーデンで話したら、攻撃されたんだ。"聖書と家族との時間を大切に "と言ったら... それから、ある治療法が出てきたときにも攻撃されました。この人が連れてきたんだけど......その時も攻撃されたよ。

で、ふと思ったんですが、マイク、1つの例外を除いて、私はこの件の目撃者ではないんです。私は他の人々が私に言ったことを反映しているだけです。400人のアメリカ市民が私に 証拠をくれました バイデンに有利なように 民主党が不正を働いたということです そのうちのいくつかは数票です。しかし、私がしているのは、彼らが言ったことを関連づけることだけです。そして、どの裁判所も耳を貸さないような公聴会に持ち込みたい。そして、議員にそれを持ち込んで、ようやく今、少しは伝わりつつあるが、それは私ではない。


文字起こし: https://otter.ai

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