公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2022-10-15 03:44:00 | カウンター・グレートリセット



"SpaceXの要求は合理的だ。民間の証券会社が永遠に無料で資金を提供し続けることを期待すべきではありません。ロッキード、ボーイング、ノースロップなどは無料で仕事をしているのだろうか?SpaceXは気前よく寄付してくれたし、政府のお金で喜んで端末を作り続けるだろう」とSawyer MerrittというTeslaの投資家がTwitterで発言し、それに対してMuskが反論しています。



"イーロン・マスクのスターリンクは、ウクライナの無料サービスを提供する余裕がなくなり、ペンタゴンにその費用を負担するよう求めている。スターリンクは戦争におけるゲームチェンジャーであった。これは、ウクライナ大使の@MelnykAndrijがMuskに'f""k off "と言った数日後のことである、とJason Jay Smart記者は語った。



イーロン・マスク氏への外交辞令は「F*** off」である」と大使は述べた。

Tesla, Space X and Starlink CEO Elon Musk has said he can no longer continue to fund the Starlink Internet access for the Ukraine military in the ongoing conflict with Russia.

Musk and his company donated terminals and Internet access to the Ukraine military that has been crucial in its war with Russia, but the company says it can no longer do that “indefinitely” and has asked the United States Pentagon to pay for the Internet service, CNBC reported.

“SpaceX’s request is reasonable. Shouldn’t expect a private sec co. to continue to fund this for free forever. Do Lockheed, Boeing, Northrop, etc do their work for free? SpaceX was generous in donating what they did & they’ll happily cont. to mfg terminals with gov money,” a Tesla investor named Sawyer Merritt said on Twitter, which Musk responded to.

“SpaceX is not asking to recoup past expenses, but also cannot fund the existing system indefinitely *and* send several thousand more terminals that have data usage up to 100X greater than typical households. This is unreasonable,” Musk said.

But musk hinted that there may be more at play in response to another tweet.

“Elon Musk’s Starlink says it can no longer afford to give Ukraine free service and asks the Pentagon to pay for it. Starlink had been a game changer in the war. This comes days after Ukrainian Ambassador @MelnykAndrij told Musk to ‘f””k off,” reporter Jason Jay Smart said.

“We’re just following his recommendation,” Musk said.

This month Musk offered his solutions for peace between Ukraine and Russia that included doing the elections of the regions annexed by Russia but with United Nations supervision and Russia will leave if that is what the people vote for. Crimea will formally become a part of Russia and water supply to Crimea would be assured. Ukraine would remain neutral.

“F*** off is my very diplomatic reply to you Elon Musk,” the ambassador said.

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