サウスカロライナでの手がかりは、ディープステートの意図に同調する核物理学者が、カリフォルニウム252を使用する2つの放射性装置の完成に近づいていると主張する連邦政府の "第5コラムニスト "からのものだと彼は付け加えた。
この "第5のコラムニスト "は、兵器はサウスカロライナ州チャールストン近くの海上倉庫に保管されており、FEMAがその場所を警備していると述べた。彼はまた、デービッド・ラセター国防副次官補(大量破壊兵器対策担当)が6月19日に倉庫を訪れたが、その後 "消息不明 "になったと主張した。 大量破壊兵器対策(CWMD)は、大量破壊兵器を使用した米国への攻撃を防ぐことを任務とするDHSの一部門である。
この情報筋は、"第5のコラムニスト "は自分の話の信憑性を判断するためにポリグラフ検査に同意したと付け加えた。
「武器以外にも電子機器がたくさんあり、どこで爆発させるつもりだったのか調べているところです。女性は多少協力的で、ラセターがそこにいたことを確認している。誰に報酬をもらったかは明かさないが彼女はこの装置を作るのを手伝っただけで何に使われるかは知らなかったようだ これは勝利と呼べるでしょう」と情報筋は語った。
不明 0:12
こんにちは ジャガン このクイック・トリップ・ガソリンスタンドでは 人々がポンプの前に車を停めていますが、ノズルに黄色い袋がかけられています 私たちが今朝到着したときには すでにプレミアムとミッドグレードが切れていました 1時間もしないうちに無鉛レギュラーも切れてしまいました 多くのガソリンスタンドでこのような状況になっています 南東部のあちこちで散発的に行われています 消費者はコロニアル・パイプラインのサイバー攻撃の波及効果を 実感しています
客不明 0:42
客不明 0:43
Unknown 0:47
不明 0:51
不明 1:06
Unknown 1:17
コロニアルパイプラインは、複数の等級のガソリンを輸送するだけでなく、ジェット燃料も輸送しています アメリカン航空は、長距離路線の一部に飛行機への給油のための停車を追加しましたが、これまでのところ、ユナイテッド航空とデルタ航空は、ダゴンの影響を受けていないと述べています コロニアルパイプラインは、南東部だけでなく、東海岸全体の南部の燃料需要の約45%を供給しています。そのため、パイプラインに何かが起こると、ダゴンの消費者にも影響が及ぶことになります。
Unknown 3:21
そのためにはどうすればいいのか 私たちはどう対応すべきなのか 私たちの触手はどこまで伸びているのか 私たちには見えないものとでも言うのでしょうか
ポンペオ 3:31
Unknown 4:11
ポンペオ 4:27
掘り下げてみると、アメリカが強くなく、国家安全保障のための抑止モデルを実行する準備ができていないと、世界はこのようになります メキシコやカンザス、そして今では東海岸のパイプラインの人々を安全に守るために、敵は私たちを試し、アメリカ人にとって最も重要なものを損なうような行動を取るでしょう 昼夜を問わず、国中で車を動かすことができず、ガソリンスタンドに行ってもガソリンが入っていません。彼らはそれが私たちに影響を与えることを知っています。私たちには強力なリーダーシップが必要です。だからこそ、私たちは4年間かけて、世界中のあらゆる場所で行われている、多くの悪質な行為者による多くの悪質な行為を阻止してきたのです。
Unknown 5:01
ポンペオ 5:12
不明 5:15
ポンペオ 5:24
Unknown 5:36
ポンペオ 6:19
身代金の定義は皆知っています 身代金を払えばもっと増えるでしょう 5年生の単純な資産なら気づくでしょう 人質に身代金を払っていません サイバーテロに従事している人には身代金を払っていません 攻撃された人には確かに言っています 自分がマークされていること、保険会社がマークされていることを他人に知られるような状況を作らないように 身代金がビジネスをする上でのコストである以上、決してマークされることはありません。
ポンペオ 6:43
ポンペオ 7:14
不明 8:00
Unknown 8:04
不明 8:05
Unknown 0:12
Yeah, hi there Jagan well if this quick trip gas station people are pulling up to the pumps, only to find yellow bags over the nozzles when we arrived this morning they were already out of premium and mid grade and within an hour they ran out of regular unleaded, and that's been the situation at many gas stations as you look at them on and off sporadically throughout the southeast, consumers are really feeling the ripple effects of the Colonial Pipeline cyber attack
Unknown 0:42
actually didn't even know about it till
Unknown 0:43
I pulled up and noticed that there was no gas here. Well, the
Unknown 0:47
fact that we can be hacked so easily is the concern,
Unknown 0:51
some gas stations closed temporarily Georgia Governor Brian Kemp has signed an executive order waiving fuel taxes through Saturday. Triple A says the average price per gallon could increase an additional three to seven cents this week.
Unknown 1:06
What that means for gas prices could be an increase of three to seven cents as early as this week, again, A lot of this is going to depend on how long the pipeline is down.
Unknown 1:17
This is a major pipeline in addition to transporting multiple grades of gasoline Colonial Pipeline carries jet fuel American Airlines has added stops to some of its long haul routes to refuel its planes, so far united and delta say their operations are unaffected by Dagon the Colonial Pipeline provides about 45% of the fuel needs of the south of this not only the southeast, but the entire east coast. And so when anything happens to the pipeline it definitely impacts consumers Dagon,
pompeo 2:25
Taking it Do I think John McCain had it right. A couple things to say for sure one, I think this demonstrates the fragility of our the infrastructure attached to moving petroleum around the world for an awfully long time for eight years Brock Obama denied the capacity to build out further pipelines, we are now single threaded so many points I think you said it was 40% It's somewhere shorter that the fuel that moves to the East Coast is through this single pipeline we need to make sure that this network is strengthened. That's an important infrastructure project. I know the left won't like it but this petroleum product needs to move around the world. And then second, it shows the cyber risks that there are broadly speaking to even more of our infrastructure we need to reinforce that and secure them in a better way. And then finally general key nailed it. We've got to hold those responsible accountable in fact this did emanate from Russia, nothing happens there without Vladimir Putin's permission, he would have known that these folks were engaged in this activity permits them to move about freely and exercise their cyber attacks on the United States, we need to hold those responsible accountable,
Unknown 3:21
how do we do that, what should be our response What are how far reaching our tentacles, things we might not see, if you will.
Unknown 3:31
Well, some of them you can't see for a reason but make no mistake about it, we have the capacity to respond. Big and we have the capacity to respond in the same space in cyberspace, we ought to take a good solid look at how to do that against these very actors, and more broadly at the groups that are conducting this activity, even if they weren't the ones that conducted this particular attack we got to take down those that we know have threaten the United States and our infrastructure before. And then there's lots of activity that we can take with respect to Russian actors including Gru actors the Russian intelligence service, if there's any connection between this attack, and those people or even to those who has generally been described simply quote Moonlighting, end of quote. On behalf of Russia.
Unknown 4:11
Why do you think this is happening now Secretary that again very much of what this administration has done up my words, makes America look weak and vulnerable, is that at play here.
Unknown 4:27
Digging in you know this The world does this when America is not strong and we're not prepared to execute a deterrence model for our national security keep people in Mexico and Kansas and now the East Coast pipeline safe and secure our adversaries will test us they'll take actions that undermine the things that matter most to Americans right, a day and night, denying us the ability to move our cars around the country and drive go to gas pump and not have gasoline there. They know that impacts us. We need strong leadership. It's why the things that we did for four years to turn lots of bad actions by lots of bad actors, all across the world in every venue.
Unknown 5:01
I might have read too many of Tom Clancy novels from John lecarre right thrown in, but do people get disappeared for orchestrating this kind of thing.
Unknown 5:12
Oh dang and I don't want to comment and that you mean inside of Russia,
Unknown 5:15
well just standing. Again, that kind of speaks to the tentacles question that I had a little bit ago.
Unknown 5:24
Yeah, Look, there are there are lots of ways that one can respond there are diplomatic means. There are lots of tools in the American arsenal to protect us from precisely this kind of attack, including securing those various systems that came under attack this past week,
Unknown 5:36
the deputy national security adviser on cyber was asked yesterday about paying the ransom. Again, this is ransomware and their response was colonial as a private company and will defer information regarding their decision to them. And then when asked if the administration had given them any advice about paying a ransom. Typically, the answer, the response was typically that is a private sector issue and the administration has not author offered further advice. That was kind of astonishing that they didn't have that the administration was punting on the question saying it's a private company and they didn't have anything to say about paying a ransom.
Unknown 6:19
Yeah, we all know what the very definition of ransom if you pay them there'll be more of them as a simple asset fifth graders would notice we didn't pay ransom for hostages we didn't pay ransom to those who were engaged in cyber terror, we certainly told those who were attacked, to make sure that they weren't creating a situation where others would know that they were the mark that their insurance companies were the mark you can never become the mark when ransom as the cost is the cost of doing business.
Unknown 6:43
Well, the Obama administration did and sending those pallets of cash in the middle of the night to Iran as part of the Iran nuclear deal, and before you go I do want to ask you, just your thoughts on the cross border fighting between Israel and Hamas, but particularly Hamas firing rockets at Tel Aviv. This is an administration Biden and company that inherited the first peace deals between Israel and Arab nations.
Unknown 7:14
When you lift terrorists sanctions on Iranian terrorists like the administration did with respect to the Houthis another Iraqi proxy Iranian proxy. Other Iranian proxies other Iranian proxies will see that they are they have a green light. And so you see what's happening today the strikes out of Gaza into Israel look the Israelis are going to do what they need to do to defend themselves. It has also been disappointing. Not only are we sitting in Vienna talking to the Iranians while one of their proxies is firing on our ally, Israel, but the administration has yet not said the simple fact that the Israelis have the right to defend themselves from the, from the attacks from Hamas in Gaza. We never failed to do that the Israelis will fundamentally have that right I know they'll do it, but we need an America prepared to stand with our important democratic ally in the region, and make clear that these kinds of attacks are unacceptable.
Unknown 8:00
Secretary Pompeo, great to see you. Thank you for playing Paul, thank
Unknown 8:04
you David,
Unknown 8:05
I just revenue, a little bit there but Thank you always for being here.