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2023-01-03 04:17:00 | 偏向マスメディア

Judge Orders Biden Admin to Hand Over Communications With Tech Companies

Martin WalshJanuary 2, 2023


Joe Biden大統領とその政権のメンバー、および一部のソーシャルメディア企業は、言論の自由を抑圧するための共謀を主張する訴訟の開示段階において、今後30日以内に文書を提出し、質問に答えなければならないと裁判所が裁定したのです。ルイジアナ州とミズーリ州の司法長官は5月、バイデン氏と同政権の高官8人、政府がソーシャルメディア企業Meta、Twitter、YouTubeと結託し、および/または強制的に "ソーシャルメディ アプラットフォーム上の好ましくないスピーカー、視点、コンテンツ "を弾圧したとして訴訟を起こしている。


"5月、ミズーリ州とルイジアナ州は、バイデン政権幹部がソーシャルメディア大手と結託し、COVID-19の起源、マスクの効力、選挙の完全性など多くのテーマで言論の自由を抑圧したとされ、画期的な訴訟を起こしました。" ミズーリ州共和党上院候補で現司法長官エリックシュミット氏は、次のように述べました。「本日、裁判所は私たちの証拠開示の申し立てを認め、私の事務所が共謀の疑いの真相を解明するために重要な文書を収集する道を開いたのです。これは大きな進展である。"



オハイオ州選出の共和党議員Jim Jordanは、Apple、Amazon、Googleの親会社Alphabet、Facebook親会社Meta、MicrosoftのCEOに手紙を送り、バイデン政権の「目覚めた言論警察」の手先になっていると非難している。

"ビッグ・テックは保守派を捕まえようとしており、オンラインでの言論の自由を抑圧するバイデン政権の指令に従うことで、ますます修正第一条の価値を損なおうとしている "とジョーダンは書いています。「このアプローチは、アメリカの基本的な原則を損ない、強力な政府関係者が政治的反対者を黙らせ、反対意見を抑圧することを可能にします。

ジョーダンは、"バイデン政権がビッグテックと共謀して、特定の情報や視点を検閲し、黙らせ、その範囲を狭める "という委員会の調査に従って、2020年1月に遡り、ハイテク大手の従業員と「行政機関に所属するあらゆる個人」の間の文書や通信を引き渡すように要求しました。




A federal judge ordered the Biden administration to hand over communication documents between the federal government and big tech companies. U.S. District Court Judge Terry Doughty, of the Western District of Louisiana, granted the order of discovery sought by Republican Attorneys General Eric Schmitt of Missouri and Jeff Landry of Louisiana.

President Joe Biden, members of his administration, and select social media companies must turn over documents and answer questions within the next 30 days during a discovery phase of a lawsuit alleging collusion to suppress freedom of speech, a court ruled. The attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri filed a lawsuit in May alleging Biden and eight high-ranking members of his administration and the government colluded with and/or coerced social media companies Meta, Twitter, and YouTube to suppress “disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content on social medial platforms.”

Terry Doughty, a judge in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana, ruled there is “good cause” for the discovery process and set a timetable, including specific deadlines for depositions.

“In May, Missouri and Louisiana filed a landmark lawsuit against top-ranking Biden Administration officials for allegedly colluding with social media giants to suppress freedom of speech on a number of topics including the origins of COVID-19, the efficacy of masks, and election integrity,” Missouri Republican Senate candidate and current Attorney General Eric Schmitt said. “Today, the Court granted our motion for discovery, paving the way for my office to gather important documents to get to the bottom of that alleged collusion. This is a huge development.”

The lawsuit alleges that social media companies labeled information as “misinformation” and “disinformation” in violation of the First Amendment and that the federal government went beyond its authority, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Homeland Security violated the Administrative Procedure Act.

When Republicans take control of the U.S. House in January, lawmakers have already vowed to zero in on the Biden administration’s cozy relationship with Big Tech.

Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan sent letters to CEOs from Apple, Amazon, Google parent Alphabet, Facebook parent Meta, and Microsoft, accusing them of being an arm of the Biden administration’s “woke speech police.”

“Big Tech is out to get conservatives, and is increasingly willing to undermine First Amendment values by complying with the Biden Administration’s directives that suppress freedom of speech online,” Jordan wrote. “This approach undermines fundamental American principles and allows powerful government actors to silence political opponents and stifle opposing viewpoints.”

Jordan insisted the tech giants hand over documents and communication between their employees and “any individual affiliated with the Executive Branch” dating back to January 2020, pursuant to the committee’s probe into “the Biden administration’s collusion with Big Tech to censor, silence, or reduce the reach of certain information and viewpoints.”

Republicans on the House Oversight Committee also sent letters to Twitter owner Elon Musk and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg requesting documents and communications from the platform to assist in an ongoing probe “to uncover any unconstitutional actions by government officials or agents working on their behalf.”

“Despite these clear constitutional limits on government action, reports continue to surface that government officials and agencies have conducted censorship campaigns involving social media platforms. Whether working through the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, or other agencies, government officials should not tip the scale by urging social media platforms to disallow certain speech,” they wrote in the letter.

“A bedrock principle of our democracy is free speech,” the House Oversight Committee lawmakers wrote. “The government, in concert with social media, should not tell Americans what they can and cannot say online.”
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