

Wooden cutlery, brush stand, milling machine

2008-08-26 16:59:01 | Weblog
Today, I did not do anything in terms of new cutlery pieces.

The day started with wet sanding and drying and coating again,
taking up so much of my time...

On top of that my daughter went back to the very north, and
I took her to the station. As my son is in the very south,
they are both students, they will be apart over the

distance of some 4,000 km, again! What a crazy family we actually are!

Making use of the rest of the afternoon, I started working
on calligraphy brushes stand for my wife. All of the brushes
have a small ring on the end and that prompted me to make

use of one of the redundant peices, which was an wedge, in its
original state. I saw it down the length of it with my
bandsaw. Take a look.

You can see that a long stick is pointing upward, and that
is exactly what you want to hang things on it. What follows
is a schematic.

Look at C and D, and with the above photo the stick is
perpendiular to the surface. How do you ensure that?

As in C, you make a cut, paralell to the side on the
left, and flip over the separated wedge underneath
the main block.

Put together, they form a flat piece, with parallell
surface both above and bellow, and that is exactly
what you need to make your holes perpendicular to the

upper surface! Clever, is it not? Green bars indicate
the pegs.

What follows shows you the result.

Can you see that the two pieces forming what you want, and the
stick (or the peg to be) pointing upward?

Now, what might be the grand scheme? Obviously, you do not
want to spend hours and hours on a simple artefact like this.
On the other hand making each member strictly vertical and

horizontal is a must. Take a look at the following illustration.

By far the easiest way to errect a vertical supporting
structure is to make use of a round piece of rod, and you make
a hole with sufficient depth, and you just stick it in!

Next image shows you the base block, with enough mas, and
sitting a top is the bit that I will be using tommorrow
for hole making.

You may say that the base block is too bulky? Who cares!
You need to support up to 8 soaky brushes with the
supporting pillars.

It is my gut-feeling that you need something like this
to support the super-structure...

What about the pillars? See bellow.

You obviously need a step with each piller, and above shows that
my milling machine has done the job. The horizontal bar with
8 or 9 pegs will be placed on these steps and glued!

I might even use a few reinforcing screws...

Anyway, that is the lot for today...

パエ-リャ 77

2008-08-26 00:05:52 | Weblog
MADRID, 21 (EUROPA PRESS) - "Amor, se me averió el avión".

Ése es el último mensaje de móvil SMS que uno de los pasajeros fallecido envió a su mujer momentos antes del accidente del avión Spanair en el que viajaba junto con otras 175 personas, que se estrelló ayer.

"Mirad todos el mensaje, me lo envió mi marido antes de morir", señaló hoy María del Carmen, de unos 45 años, rota por el dolor al salir del Hotel Madrid para dirigirse a la improvisada morgue.

Más sereno, su hijo Rubén, de unos 22 años, explicaba a la prensa lo sucedido. "Mi madre recibió el mensaje de móvil de mi padre, desde el avión, a las 12:30 horas. Mi madre le llamó y le dijo que se bajase, pero mi padre le dijo que no le dejaban bajarse", indicó el joven.




Conchita, como etas?


Me encanta esta naturaleza!

para realizar la "Utopia"

situado (a) a las orillas del lago

edificado (a) sobre una loma

Que hora sera?

Se ve la isla!

hecho (a) con canya de maiz

Aqui se ve mejor que alla!

Pronto llegaremos a la estacion!

Conchita, basta con esto para hoy!
Desde aqui en ingles!

I do not mind what music!

You deserve a pat on the back!

That is too tatty!

I could not care less!

There is still some way to go!

They have got a lot of catching-up to do!

as the year draws to a close...

I was not even around!

You should see it from my way back!

I should echo what he just said!

Conchita, that is it! That is the lot for now!
Vaya con Dios! Es que, vaysa adond vayas...

Wooden cutlery, My chopstics containers

2008-08-25 16:38:11 | Weblog
Today, not being too warm, I decided that I should
start coating the next lot. I will show you those
in succession as per bellow.

Above, can you see the containers? More will follow as you will see.

Here above, those 175 mm "eating pretty in quiet office
corners! chopstics are also being coated. They will be
given away at the BBQ next month to my former female

colleagues of mine, along with the containers, and some
other items.

In above, you can see short pickers. They are all heavy-duty
pickers and could pik up large items on the plate.

Here above, you can see my "cabbage spoon" being coated.
I think I will give it to my wife...

In terms of fabrication, above are today's result.
One with a rubber band is a slight failure, and
I will think about what to do with this...

In any event all of these will have to be coated,
very soon..., in time for the BBQ!

You may remember that I was talking about the rain door
shutter locking mechanism. I have been thinking about it,
all along...

My earlier version was, perhaps, a little involved.
Since then, I have thought about a simple latching
mechanism. I have ruled that out, too.

Why all this fuss about it? It is because the built-in
latching device is faulty. Above illustration is
showing you how you might put a small hole through

at the top of the assembly, drilled at an angle
(not too difficult, as the whole thing is alminium),
and hooking a hook as shown.

The spacings? G1 and G2 are good enough.

Actually, there is an even better mechanism. Remove
the faulty built-ins, and drill vertical holes
in their place, and simply drop heavy nails in the

holes. That should work...a very brute force operation,
but it should work, I am dead sure!

パエ-リャ 76

2008-08-25 16:37:47 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Estas preparando la cena al son de la musica?
Se que te gusta la musica mas que nada...

El tiempo aqui hoy? La lluvia! La lluvia ligera como la de

Vamos inmediatamente!

Dicen que es el mayor centro del mundo
en fabricar televisores a color!

Tengo ganar de tocar algo!

Me entiende? Quiero una habitacion individual
con la cama de matrimonio!

Tengo pocas ganas de salir!

Se me ocurre una buena idea!

Has probado el jugo de narranja?

No se debe dejar de visitar "El Disney Land"!

los tallados de madera

Tengo muchishima sed!

Vamos a sobrear algo regional!

Conchita, bastante, no? Desde aqui en ingles...

I finally made it over to the reception desk!

What other crafts are you offering?

Let us have a quick chat with them!

I do not know what got into him!

The first proble to my mind is DK!

There is something in the wind!


A deafenning sound of silence! That is what I got!

if you continue for any length of time...

A, B, and C, all in the space of the last 10 years!

That is the only thing that keeps me going!

Conchita, I think this is enough for the day.
Don't you? Take care and vaya con Dios!

Woden cutlery, My chopstics and containers

2008-08-24 16:35:03 | Weblog
Today probably was a sorting out day...

Take a look at the following image.

Over the course of a month or two I have fabricated
an assortment of things, which you see here. Some were made
coating ready at the time of fabrication, most not...

So, some of my time was diverted to making them
ready for coating.

Purely in terms of today's output only what follows...

At a glance they may look like a single pair of chopstic
container, but, two are banged together with a rubber band.
With these two, though, something remakable happened!

I will illustrate that with what follows.

From my operation manual I know that the cross-table
traverse distance to the left and to the righ is the
same. You know the limit while in operation, because

the cross-table will refuse to move beyond a certain position.

With the current lot of containers I knew tat the limit
to the far right was not protruding the right end of
the vice as shown in A.

I knew that because I had been making trenches with
more than 20 (or 40) of the container pieces. Somehow,
though, today, that limit was passed!

This is shown in B, with the longer red bar on the
workpiece. Why the hell, how would know? Perhaps,
there was a grit or something in the system...

I measured the length traversed in a single pass,
and it was just about 160mm! Amazing!, just so amazing!

As one can imagine, there are all kinds of operational limits,
to operating with a machine. Take a look at the next

This is a 10cm x 10cm toast placer, the dimensions of which
are constrained by other factors, the details of which
I am not going into. Suffice to say that it is the fixing

of the staring material on the cross-table.

Anyway, the extra gain in the X-direction traverse
is a big surprise to me, whatever the reason, because
operating with a machine of any kind is an empirical thing.

With my milling machine, if the traverse to the right
feels resistance, you stop there, without thinking too much,
and believing that you have reached the end of it all...

Today, it went past the usual limit!!!, by something
like 40mm!!! And, you may not be able to see what
this all means! The vice is fixed on the cross-table,

so that a single pass (or traverse) of the bit is paralell
to the walls on either side of the pass. This has been a very
delicate job, requiring many trials and errors.

So, overall, I am over the Moon on this discovery

Now, take a look at the next image.

It is one thing that you have fabricated so many containers,
but there is another problem. Will they open up easily?

And, on top of that, counterpart members of any of these
containers are end-specific, that is to say that you cannotjust simply bang them together, using the pegs.

You need some indication of that with earlier versions.
As with A, two holes (one is a dummy and very shallow...)
is the answer.

With the recent versions there is no need for this,
because of the incisions.

So, most of the rest of my time today was spent on
shaping the pegs, as shown with C. Apologies for
the lines!

The idea here is that you round only the top of the peg,
because after all you need some friction left.
What follows is today's result, only a handful...

and this work will continue tommorrow.

パエ-リャ 75

2008-08-24 16:34:47 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui hoy, solo lluvia, nada mas!
Sin embargo, es bueno que no hace calor...


No tiene importancia!

No hay de que!

Podria repetir eso?
Podria repetirlo?

Estaba paseando por el centro (de la ciudad)...

Tengo preparada la comida!

Tengo entendido que DK!

A que se debio esto!?

sea que sea

pase lo que pase

vayas adonde vayas

Se debe a tu tonteria!

de importancia vital

Conchita, es bastante para ahora, Yo creo, y
desde aqui en ingles...

Get down on your hands and knees!

You should not shy away from it!

leaving aside the issue of DK...

That is the nicest thing anybody has ever said to me!

The cat turned its attention to DK...

That would do just as nicely!

He wants to be where he likes to be!

Come on! Hurry up! We have not got all day!

We are having a rough ride, are we not!?

Conchita, this should suffice for the day.
Ya me voy and vaya con Dios!

Wooden cutlery, chopstics containers

2008-08-23 17:27:57 | Weblog
What was today like?

I was comfortable, not too warm, in fact, it was
cold? I had to wear long sleeves, both up and

Output for today? Here you are!

Here are some more on way to completion.

And, I am not exactly
sure what I am supposed to be doing with respect to these...

These are all shorter containers, for eating pretty.
I have about 10 of these, and that might be enough...

By the way, what follows shows the grand scheme I have
been chasing with the chopstic containers.

8mm is the trench width, 11mm starting material width, and
1.5mm wall thickness, and at the coating ready stage
the wall thickness may be down to 1mm, and that is

exactly the reason why I call them "skins"...

Part of my time today was spent on bringing the
chopstics to completion, as shown bellow.

Of course, you have seen something similar, but,
with this there is no demarcation, indicating
that all of the postcoating work is now complete.

I tell you a little bit about postcoating work.

Here, A is my nail bed in schematic, with a blue bar
sitting over it, with a few contacts with the nails,
because nail height is not constant.

It also does mean that always my pollyurethane
coating is deposited at the nail heads, during the
drying stage...

B's red bars are the nails, and the black dots are
the depositions.

C is telling you the kind of shapes they can form.

1, 2, 3, and 5 are the easiest to remove with a sharp edge.
4 is the more difficult, and the 2 is not as a result of
contact, but an superfluous liquid solidifying.

I call these rather extensive obstacles "pools",
sometimes 'swamps", but they are not that difficult to tackle.

Once you have removed larger obstacles, you then slide across
the whole length of your chopstic with a sharp edge, at a
glancing angle, as depicted in D.

Why, because you cannot see them with your eyes. In what follows,
A is telling you that the texture of it makes it hard to
find them, them being the black dots...

In B the larger blobs in red are easy to find ones.

As in C, you also need to be watching out for defects
on the ends, both thickest and thinnest. So, can you imagine
how time consuming the whole business of all surface

inspection is?!

That is how quite a proportion of my time is spent...

パエ-リャ 74

2008-08-23 17:02:57 | Weblog
Una persona murió y 25 resultaron heridas cuando un tren portugués con 47 personas a bordo, muchos de ellos turistas, descarriló el viernes y cayó por un barranco, dijeron las autoridades.

Una portavoz del servicio de defensa civil dijo que 10 personas resultaron gravemente heridas en el accidente en la región del valle de Duero, una zona de laderas empinadas con viñedos, famosa por su vino de Oporto.

"Hubo un descarrilamiento de un tren con unas 50 personas y el tren se cayó por un barranco", dijo la portavoz.

Un alcalde local dijo que la mayoría de los pasajeros eran turistas.

Dos helicópteros de rescate volaron a la zona y unos 100 trabajadores de emergencias estaban ayudando en las tareas de rescate.

Conchita, como estas? Hoy no hace mucho calor, con una poca
de lluvia...lluvia ligera como se encuentra en Londres.

Ahora vamos?

a pesar de haber pasado 5 anyos

Me comunico a traves del internet!

el recuerdo que se me viene a la memoria

Ellas aun siguen reuniondose!!

Conchita, here I remember another expression.
Mi suenyo es seguir trabajando! So,
"reuniondo" is just right!

, algunas ya casadas y con hijos!

No me digas!


Ella ha tardado dos horas en preparar el pastel!

Que dinamico!, Que dinamica!

Conchita, es bastante para hoy, no?
Desde aqui en ingles!

A lot of people say it cannot be done1

What comics do you take?


I do not know wht has taken over me!

a piste

You can try it out at home!

There is a telephone call for Mr DK!

That is as far asyou can go!

I struck a match, and the end broke off and

lodged in the hem of her skirt!

Oh, you should have seen it!

I was trying hard to hold back the tears, the laughter!

He smothered the fire with a blanket!

Smother your salad with olive oil!

It was nothing, after all, was it!?

Conchita, enough for the day?
Take care!

Wooden cutlery, My chopstics

2008-08-22 16:43:06 | Weblog
What was today like? Not too much different from the
recent past...

Three more coating ready containers.

and, as you can imagine, the stock is increasing. Here are
the output from the last few days. I wish I could opt out for something else, something new! I will think about it!

There will be a BBQ, sometime in September, just postponed
from this weekend. One of my former colleagues is
currently on a business trip in the UK, and her suggestion

was just that! Incidentally, my wife and my daughter will
be in the UK, too, in February next year. I am not going!
Can't stand the long flight without smoking!

I will have to have a complete set by the September BBQ,
as there will be more than half a dozen former female
colleagues, to whom I have been giving away my artefacts.

My contact with the colleague, via e-mal, was made possible
by international roaming... Technologies!

Actually, the BBQ last October at my mountain cottage was
also organised by the same international roaming, amazing, is it not?

Here are some more and I will talk about these in some
details, using illustrations. One of the striking features
of my chopstics containers is that they are extremely

thin in walls. They are just like skins! Their structural
stiffness is therefore provided by the bottom backbones
of about 2mm thickness...

The following illustration is the key to it all.

This illustration is telling you how I go about making
holes and ellongated holes with my milling machine. The idea
itself is very simple.

Have the same sized (width, depth, and length) starting materials
and make peg holes down the centre and exactly equidistant
from their ends.

Easier said than done!

Now, A is the starting reference lines. They are only useful,
if drawn exactly from all of the sides that you use, with
the L angled jigs.

That is not easy, in the first place, what you need is the
equal lengths of the participating members. If they are not,
then they must be made eqaul, and once made equal, the pairing

must be preserved. That is why you see bellow.

I realise I am going back and forth, can't help it.

With the above the container cases are banged together with
the pegs, not seen, of course. Here, if the banged togerther
surfaces do not have discontinuities the rest is ever so easy.

In reality, there are discontinuities and they have to be erradicated.
And, if you do that the walls will inevitably get thinner
during the process of sanding away the discontinuities.

The discontinuities I am talking about can be best
illustrated by what follows.

B is the result of sanding out the discontinuities, the wedge
like indiscrepancies, and the net result is skin like walls
of the containers, which suits me very well...

With what follows, I will explain each element.

A is talking about initial reference lines, the exact positions
of which are critical to my operation, but, often, I cannot
guaratee ultra precisions...

B is showing you how cutting bits are hovering
above the reference lines and are about to be lowered
into the materials. This is where difficulties lie...

My bit, which is used for peg hole making is not
symmetrical, at all! The larger diamter trench
cutting bit is more reasonable, but with any of them

positioning of the bits is a demanding job, and that is
exactly where mismatching of holes and pegs sneaks in...

However, we are only talking about, at the maximum,
one half of a millimeter discrepancies, I think.
Walls being reduced by that kind of magnitude.

Is this a blessing in disguise? I do not know...