

パエ-リャ 63

2008-08-12 16:10:28 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Aqui hace mucho calor todos los dias! y no tengo hambre!
Tal vez, eso tambien alla? En este caso no se que decirte
para consolarte!

Ahora mismo, la temperatura aqui es de 30 grados!
No mata, y vamos!

Cuanto tiempo tenemos?

Cuanto tiempo falta?

Faltan tres horas!

I am a bit under the weather... (調子がわるいのよ。。。)
Me encuentro un poco mal...
(I find myself a little sick...)

Duerme bien por la noche?

Eso es demasiado!

El elefante se mueve lentamente!

para que?

No, no hace falta!

Quisiera ducharme con agua fria!

Estoy lavandome la cara!
Me estoy lavando la cara!

antes de entrar en casa

despues de jugar con mi perro

Conchita, ya me voy, creo que basta con esto!

Are you absolutely positive?!

You seem to be under the impression that DK?

Does anything scare you?

Someday, you are going to have to come up with the courage to do DK!

Must be those cheap imports!

Do not yell at me!

Can you blow it up a bit?

I am on the pill!

Get on your feet!

This picture has been touched!

Conchita, this should suffice for the day.
I am hungry and am going down to grab something
to eat! Take care and vaya con Dios!

Wooden cutlery, milling operation, my chopstics

2008-08-11 16:18:54 | Weblog
How I spent my time today?

Well, the whole morning was spent on watching the games.
It was still warm, in the afternoon, but armed with yesterday's
purchase I was confident that I should be able to achieve

something, and what follows is indicative of that...

You have seen them before, of course, but their tips have not been
rounded. I rounded them today, albeit only 10 of them. I will have to
deal with the remaining 30 odd pairs, tommorrow.

I also did some more work. In fact, I managed to make trenches
with the 4 containers, as can be seen bellow. I even made
chopstics for 3 of them, the last pair of them is to be

made tommorrow.

Can you see that one of them is empty? Anyway, all in all,
what I talk about today must be trench making and the
milling machine operation.

What follows should give you some idea of what is

What you are looking at is this. The container to be
is firmly gripped by the vice on the X-Y table. X-Y
table means that the workpiece, the vice, and the table itself

can move horizontally, in any direction I want. You are
also looking at the tip of my round-head bit sunk into
the container to be.

There is a substantial issue here, that is, how do you
know that your trenches are centred with respect to the
edges on either side.

Normally, you use what can be seen bellow.

This is a commercially available device for drawing a centre
line. I do not go into details. Suffice to say that it can be
useful if the width of your workpiece is wider than, say, 30mm.

With the containers, you are talking about something like
12mm starting width (starting? because their width can be
narrowed down later).

Even if you have the correct centre line for reference, it
is no good unless you have a very pointed end to your bit,
as indicated in the next illustration.

Here, C. is the bit under discussion and the red bar going
vertical from its tip, pointing at the blue dot (centre line)
is our ficticious pointed end. In reality, there is not

such a pointed end!

Anyway, A. is not what we want. B. is the non-existent and
imaginary centre line. What I am trying to say is that I
do not have any of these two essentials.

So, the question is how do I go about this business of
making the trenches equidistant form the ends.

The next illustration is my attmept to explain all this.

With A. I have just made a very short and shallow trench.
Obviously, this trench is not at the centre and needs to go up
a bit, as indicated by the blue arrow.

Needless to say that prior to all this I very carefully
set my bit as equidistant as possible from the two sides.
And, I failed!

B's slightly longer trace is more like the correct line
to be followed (longer red line above initial short line).

Here, you obvisouly have a mess, two shallow trenches side
by side. However, the black arrow in the middle is suggesting
that this mess will be obliterated as the tip of the bit

goes deeper into the workpiece. After all, I am using a round head
bit, specifically for this purpose!

C. and D., D is the L shaped jig, and C is telling you,
in the absence of an appropriate divider how you might
to guess where the centre line might be.

You press the L shaped jig to one side of your piece
and draw the first line, then do the same from the other side.

You then end up two lines as shown in C. The real centre line
is somewhere between these two blue lines. Naturally, the precision
will be increased the narrower the interline spacing.

Ideal situation is where the interline spacing is equal
to the blade width. This rarely happens, of course, and
you must be content withit!

パエ-リャ 62

2008-08-11 16:18:41 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Ya tienes todo preparado para la cena?
Aqui, Yo vivo cerca del mar, muy cerca!, y por eso
ahora misom hay un poco de viento.

Pero, tengo calor, despues de mi trabajo de hoy!
Ahora, vamos?

y entonces, cuantos vienen a cenar?

como si fuera esta noche la ultima vez

como es esta noche la ultima vez

a ver, dejame pensar!
a ver, dejame que piense!

Ella llevaba unos tacones asi de altos!

Me costo mucho conseguir estas entradas!

Cuanto tiempo has estado esperando?

Ahora, desde aqui en Ingles...

well, you know best!

She is now on the phone!

keeping in mind the difference in price ...

I am in paradise!

How do you rate your chances of winning?

It is almost telepathic!

He is safe and well!

What makes you so sure that DK!?

You hung up on me, do you not?!

He is a dirty player!

Conchita, creo que basta con esto para ahora.
Hasta manya-na!, y vaya con Dios!

Wooden cutlery, chopstics making

2008-08-10 16:22:54 | Weblog
Today, I think I will talk about chopstics making
at some length, but before that take a look at the
following image.

These are redundancies from my earlier work. I have
been wondering all this while how I might best make
use of them. What follows is the outcome.

Incidentally, I will show you how these redundancies
came about in the first place, with the first of
my illustrations for today.

Only 4 pairs of shorter chopstics! It is pretty much
obvious that I did not divert a lot of my attention
to my work! Cannot help it!, with games going on

all the time and my wife wanting to go shopping with
me. One outcome of that is the next image.

Rather simplistic way of getting myself a little
more comfortable, but it did wonder! I noticed
two things there.

First of all I was getting the breeze from behind.
That means that the dusts are blown away from me,
not depositing on my clothes and my arms.

Secondly, I was feeling very comfortable. I bought
a bucket, also, so that dusts covered arms of mine
can be dipped into water, for dusts removing and

generally lowering my body temperature, at least

I now have both! However, times spent on my
work will continute to be less than usual, due to
the games!

Now, let me start...

A. of this illustration is showing you the side view of
the chopstic to be, with its cross-section on the right.
It is a rectangular piece of bar, very simple.

B. is showing you the cross-section of my jig, made of
alminium, bought at a DIY nearby. You then set it against a piece
of a wooden block, one at a time, after one cutting process.

That is to say that once you have separated the first rectangular
piece from the block, you set the jig again and draw the
reference line with a pencil.

In the end you have several pieces of these rectangular bars
for forming them into chopstics. However, you are often left with
an odd-man-out, as indicated by the blue arrows.

This is how my redundant pieces came about, as shown in the
first photo of today. I am pleased that I did not throw them
away! They have been turned into chopstics!

Now, take a look at the next.

With this, A. is the schematic side view of my belt sander. In the middle is the flat bench, and on either side of it are the rollers
(in red) and the belt runs over the bed in the direction

indicated by the horizontal green arrow. You can also see
two gaps indicated by A and B. These are where problems
arise, particularly at the gap B.

In order to lose mas you need to press your work down
onto the flat bench, but at the gaps there is no effective
pressure exerted on the sanding belt.

In the end you end up with something like B. in
this illustration. Blue arrows indicate where
mas has been lost, and the red arrow shows the part

where not much mas has been lost. Remember that this is a schematic
and exageration is there...

What this illustration is telling you is that I prepare the rough
shape of my chopstic to be by my disc sander. Initially, the
piece is made into a long rectangular wedge.

Then, about two thirds of the 4 edges are sanded out, making the
narrower end looking like octagonal in cross-section, with red parts
having been rounded.

At this stage of the game, the whole thing is still too fat,
too thick, and the surface covered by horrible scurs,
due to the angle of holding the piece against the disc...

Scurs go at angles to the normal grain direction!

What then you will have to do is pretty obvious. That is
to say you use your belt sander to lose further mas,
wanting a long rectangular and tapered piece of wood.

With the illustration above I no longer remember what I
was going to mention with A. Let us forget about this and
take a look at B.

In order to erase the scurs I always start with the thicker
ends, and because of the gap problem, you always end up
with the pointed ends (eventually..., that is) having

redundant mas, as indicated by the red dots. In reality,
it is ever so easy to remove them, by flipping over the
stick and sanding them out.

So, what do you have at this stage? Well, you have a much slimmer
piece of chopstic to be, well defined in all aspects, and without

Having reached this stage, I refer you to the C. of the same
illustration. You have to further round the edges. I start with
the portion C1, and this portion will be round in the end
(cross-sectionally, that is).

Next comes the portion C2, press this portion against the
flat bed, fairly hard, so that its cross-section is neither
circular nor square, somewhere halfway between them.

If you do that the section C3's sharp edges are slightly
sanded automatiocally, and inevitably, but that is precisely what you want!

You want this section to be square in cross-section, but
not to the extent of its sharp edges hurting your hand!,
when you eventually hold your chopstics.

There are other minor details, but this is what my
chiopstics making process is all about!

パエ-リャ 61

2008-08-10 16:22:36 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Estoy muy bien!

Oiga, Conchita, mi "Paella" realmente es un cuento,
muy rico en todo sentido y desde aqui en Japon lo valoro
con mucho orgullo!

Bueno, ahora vamos?

de debajo arriba

for having discovered that DK
por haber descubierto que DK

Que quiero ser en el futuro?

A mi me gustaria ser doctor!

La mayor aspiracion de un maestro es DK

Yo ya tengo el mio aqui!

Daniela esta solita y no puedo dejarla por
mucho tiempo!

Daniela is on her own, and I cannot leave her alone
for long!

Esta bien! Hasta luego!

Conchita, para ahora basta con esto, no?
Entonces, desde aqui en Ingles!

I have got two jokes!
Let us hear them!

That makes a good landmark!

That is an entirely another story!

a cat with a knowing look

(Is she) still there?
(Esta ella ) todavia alla?

It is no good just shouting at each other and
doing nothing!

When do you break off?

It all gave me a lovely surprise!

Here is something that makes you feel better!

Conchita, surely, this should suffice for the day!
Take care!

Wooden cutlery, ohmic heating and heat dissipation

2008-08-09 16:14:50 | Weblog
With the games and all that I did not make much
progress today...

Also, the sheer heat is interfering with my work...
It really does! Anyhow, take a look at the next image.

These are ready for coating, and I have 4 more of these, as
shown bellow.

These had been pre-prepared for further action,
prior to my departure to our mountain cottage, and
I found them by chance on return...

It was pretty obvious to me that these were meant
for my 175mm chopstics, and after completing toay's
I set them on top of one of the four, as seen bellow...

I must have been going mad, when I made the decision on
the length of the containers. The container cannnot accommodate
my 175 mm chopstics! One of the ways out is to make even

shorter chopstics, only for these odd containers...
But then, they will be miles away from eating pretty
for office girls. They will be more like for kids!

Silly, is it not? After all those sweats in the heat!

I use a few instruments for measuring thicknesses and all
those. They are very helpful, when you are talking about

My plan for tommorrow is this...

Complete the remainig 4 containers and start making
8 sets of 160mm chopstics, and ...

I know from today's and even from past experience that that will
be the most I will be able to cope with.

The largest stambling block is the ohmic heating with my
milling machine. I can make trenches in 2 sets of those
containers in 30 minutes.

But then, you will have to set aside another 30 minutes
for heat dissipation. OK, during that time I can do other things,
like I had to today.

It is a slow process... and in this heat...and games
proceeding like hell...and on top of that even mosquitos
seeking my company all the time...do I want some beers?...

No, no, no, can't finish the whole lot of that can in the fridge...
Mr Heat, will you please go away soonest, leaving me alone in my workshop
as before...

day dreaing, am I?...

パエ-リャ 60

2008-08-09 16:14:35 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Todavia sobre mis dias en Londres...

A pesar de haber pasado 30 anyos, ellos aun siguen
reuniendose, algunos ya casados y con sus hijos,
y otros exigentes e independientes pensando

primero en su exito profesional. Yo, desde aqui me comunico esporadicamente a traves del internet!

Ahora, vamos! 

de arriba debajo

De que se trata?!

Tratare de no llegar tarde!

Asi que eso esta en el centro!?

Prefiero quedarme aqui!

Vas a ver manya-na!

Please note that I am constrained by the lack
of an appropriate set of fonts!

Que tal ha sido el trabajo?

Pero tambien alla se observa la andeneria!?

Lo que no me gusta de DK es NK!

Pero nadie es perfecto, no?!

Sabes, no? Conchita. I only try to set out simplest
expressions. I could offer more complicated and convoluted
ones, but they are rarely useful...

Let us now move on to English.

I am positive!

Stop being so silly!

Come on in!

忘れられないのよ! (元カノの事とか。。。)
I just cannnot get over it!

I just feel funny, sitting here!

It is coming any moment now!

He cut short of his tour!

How long do you intend to stay for?

Which subjects are you taking now?

I wish you luck with the exams!

When do you go back to school?

We do not see too many of them, these days!

Conchita, basta con esto. Ya me voy!
Vaya cn Dios!

Wooden cutlery, my chopstics, beltsanders

2008-08-08 16:10:58 | Weblog
I do realise, having come down from our mountain cottage,
that I am not doing things as efficiently as beofore
the onset of the summer heat...

It is really tormenting me. Once in my workshop,
sweats start dripping immediately like hell! Naturally,
I had arranged for an airconditioner for my workshop.

However, and the wall socket for one is there to be had
anytime, but the sheer dusts makes it impossible
for an aircon to operate without hitches.

Colder seasons are far better for my operation. Having said
that, I did do some work today and what follows shows that
190mm chopsticks are very nearlly coming to the end of

shape forming process. There are 41 pairs in all.

These will be coated soon, then comes the issue of their
containers. I have not yet given a serious thought to
this issue, except that those containers will be

fabricated from dark wallnut pieces. I have been away for so long,
and it is reassuring to know that my bits for the containers
are securely stored in a metal can, as can be seen in the next image.

This is all too important, bacause if any one of these goes
missing it will be a hell of a work to relocate it. So, this is another
of my attempts to put the house in order.

The expected container fabrication is a delicate process, because
everything will have to be made as compact as ever possible.
I have an 8 mm wide trenches in mind so what go in them will have

to be made as precisely as possible. What follows is the jig
I made and I am greatly helped by this small piece of wood.

With the 8 mm wide trenches the leeway for the chopsticks,
in terms of the maximum width is 1mm on either side of it.
It is a very tricky business, but I am optimistic...

Chopsticks are sanded down gradually so that the maxmimum
dimension just goes through the gap in the jig.

What follows is essentially the same as the one above, and
this was intended to show you the sanding operation, not just of
the chopstics, but more in general.

What you are looking at is a result of deorbiting of the
sanding belt. Right in the middle of this image is one
end of the roller. You can also see the gap between

the roller and the flat bench. Why this image?

I was going to tell you about chopsticks formation,
in a rather comprehensive manner. That was my promise
made a few monhs ago and I will stick by it.

However, today is not the right day for that. For a start,
I am already hungry for something to bite, and secondly,
it is going to be substantial, if I once get started on it.

So, for now, suffice to say that the gap between the roller
and the flat will play a very significant role in the
formation of chopstics.

This gap is a double bladed sword and I will talk more about it
later. Yes, the gap! It is to the left of the roller end,
which is seen black. You see a tiny square to the left of it.

This is the gap I am talking about and further to the left of the
gap is the flat. It looks shining, naturaly, as it is a
slab of alminium.

So much for now, and Conchita, make sure you send me the file
we were talking about!

パエ-リャ 59

2008-08-08 16:10:45 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Yo recuerdo cada dia de mis dias en Inglaterra, donde
te vi por la primera vez!

Haciendo memoria sobre los gratos momentos vividos en Londres,
siento anyoranza por la epoca universitaria!

Con el grupo de mis amigos de la Facultad de Ciencia de
la Fisica de la Universidad de Londres, pasabamos todo un dia
alternando las aulas, la cafeteria, las reuniones en el banco

del patio universitario, planeando y sonyando sobre
multiples proyectos!

Sin embargo, lo pasado, pasado! Ahora, vamos!

de que te preocupas!?

Que te pasa!? Te has vuelto loco!?

Por fin estamos solo nosotros dos!

Quieres buscarla?

Tratamos de llegar a eso!

He intentado llamarte, pero nadie contestaba al telefono!

Conchita, debe de ser bastante para ahora, no?
Hasta manya-na, y vaya con Dios!

What is the day?

something to play with

It gives you some idea of what it is going to be like?

Have a look in there!

A bird is preening!

Moter duck glances all around

It is easy by the look of it!

It really does ask a lot of you!

I will say 5 minutes?

Speak up, please!

I think this should suffice for the day.
With the addition of my Spanish notes, I really
cannot afford to spend so much time on this operation.

Wooden cutlery

2008-08-07 16:33:00 | Weblog
I got home yesterday, afer a lapse of 16 days.

It has been a gruelling and long stay...
Normally, you would expect to find yourself
taking it easy, alas, not in my case.

There are photos. One of them is the following.

This, I belive, is a lava, or flying lava, do lavas fly?
I do not know... In any event, I and my mother went to
a local batterfly museum, and I saw many just like this one

being described as such...

The patterned cloth is the auning I managed to put
underneath the clear roof I had constructed last year.
All sorts of insects seemed to like the texture of it!

Why is it there in the first place? What follows is the
wooden deck. It is very spacious, 4m x 8m. There was an ad
enclosed in the local paper. According to it, something of this size

(without the roofing) would set you back by JPY 1,200,000.
I constructed mine all by myself and
the total cost was something like JPY 150,000!

My roof had a problem of letting the strong sunlight
onto the deck. The roofing material was corrugated and opaque
plastic sheets and they were not good enough to prevent

the strongest sunlight and that is why extra cloths had to be
employed and insects immensely liked them!

I did do some of my normal lime of work and the next
photo should support it.

and the output from it below. Not much, of course, because
I only did it when I was rained in...

This work still continues, and in fact, I did some
today, despite the heat and the resulting sweats!

While up there, we had to get rid of large amounts of
redundancies, as shown below. These are only a tiny
propotion of things we got rid of!

My workload was very heavy, and most of it was spent
on felling the branches, no photos, but there were
some light workloads, such as below.

These are the vertical bars I was to fix to the main
entrance pillars for my aging mother, so that she can
cling on to them, when she tries to bring herself up

onto the deck.

This, below?

This is a small, removable table on the horizontal bars.
I did construct a table, as shown with the second image of
today, but, very often, you need an extra space, to put

things on. With these horizontal bars they can only be kept
on one of the beams very precariously, because of
the gaps between them.

This is my attempt to improve upon such inconveniences.

More will be made next time we are up there, which will be some time
in late September.

Looking back on our stay this time I am shattered!
What did I do? Fellings, all the time, day after day!
Inevitable, after all those years of neglect!

I probably attacked some 40 to 50 trees, all by hands.
Next time, I will definitely take my chainsaw with me! I simply
forgot to take it this time!

Net result? Breeze is sweeping through across the
entire garden now, with more light coming through.

I also installed a solar powered lighting system in the garden.
I attacked and destroyed a bee hive. We went to museums of
all sorts in the area.

I also found, by sheer chance, a noodle restaurant where
you can have an excellent meal! We had lightnings and
power cuts, almost every few other days, and absolutely

torrential rainfalls associated with them, or, perhaps
the other way around?

So much so, I am not going to put up my usual useful
expressions in English at least for today. I must be
a little tired after all those gruelling fights

against the tree branches, all despite the fact that
the temperatures never exceeded 28 while we were there.
The minimum was always hovering at around 21...

I will be back properly from tommorrow on!