

Wooden cutlery, my chopstics, containers

2008-08-17 16:21:22 | Weblog
Today was good, good for coating, which
still continues, of course.

With my wife away, somewhere up in Tochigi,
I had to busy myself with things, and what
I achieved was not very much.

However, there was a new insight into containrs
fabrication, that is, trench making. Take a look at the
overall picture with the following illustration.

With A, the larger square is my cross-table, and
the smaller square is my vice, fixed on the cross-table.
The red bar is my workpiece, in which a trench is

to be made. Because this is a milling machine, my cross-
table can move about, in X-, and in Y-, directions.
However, the distances that can be covered are limited.

A1 is the maximum horizontal shift I can make. That is
to say that the trench making must be done in two parts.
A2 is the remaining second pass I can make.

Today's discovery is this. When you have reached the very
end of the first run, you must relax on your vice grip
so that your uncompleted workpiece can move sideways,

between the gripping elements. At this stage, however,
I have reached the end of the 1st pass, so moving the
workpiece and positioning the bit over the reference line

means automatically that you will not overshoot at the
2nd pass. If you overshoot, you will obliterrate the
space where the locking hole is to be made.

Take a look at the side profile of the bit. Not
exactly perfect, but there is a line feature, there,
which may be taken as the centre (or dividing) line of the
bit diameter.

Why am I making a fuss about all this? The primary
reason is the dusts during operation. The whole thing
is a messy business, with dusts flying away in profusion,
making it very difficult to view these reference lines...

These reference lines, for trench making are shown as the green
lines with B. What you then do is to allign the centre of
the bit to the green line and get going.

What follows is showing you my output for the day.

Three more containers, more or less, completed, except
rounding the edges. It is my triumph that I have identified
procedural elements in trench making...

I am also praising myself over the precision of
the trenches. Shifting your workpiece can easily
lead to discontinuities, where the shifting takes place.

In reality, there is no recognizable discontinuity.
If there were that could be obliterated easily with my
rugby ball sander!

パエ-リャ 68

2008-08-17 16:21:10 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Que es lo que mas extranyo de Londres? Son muchas cosas!
Desde la comida, hasta la forma de ser de la gente alla...

Extranyo los festivales de musica salsa que se organizaban
en la playa los dias domingos del verano..., y donde
bailaba hasta que me dolian los pies.

Todavia recuerdo el temor y la excitacion que senti
la primera vez que saque a bailar a ti, Conchita!
Yo tenia veinte y cinco anyos!

Lo pasado, pasado, sin embargo...
Ahora, vamos!

Que mala suerte!

No conoces otro restaurante bueno por aqui?

Lees aluguna revista?

mas de tres horas seguidas

Tienes que confromarte con esto!

No importa! No mata!

Conchita, basta con esto, yo creo...
Ahora vamos en ingles!

Knock it out!

Knock it in!

I would not put my money on it!

something a bit more weighty

It is a bit of wishful thinking!

Do not take it out on me!

Stand clear from me!

I would like a quote on the doors...

I suppose I have not got much choice, really...

Come Novemver...

anybody who cares to listen?!

Stay flat!

Get down!

These two above, I picked them up while watching TV,
covering the siege of the Iranian Embassy in London.

That in fact reminds me of another phrase, which I
still vividly remember to this day. Naturally,
all of the terrorists were shot to death.

However, one of them was "trying to blend into
the hostages", and in fact it is the phrase I used
to describe the movement of Hannibal and his army.

You can refer to it and other stories, by reversing
the viewing order of my logs, and they are all found in the
first few chapters...

Ascending order, instead of descending order, that is
what you want, and you know you can choose which, the
default is ascending, but you can choose...

I am feeling a bit low!

Now, Conchita, this should suffice for the day!
Take care!

Wooden cutlery, shatters connected together

2008-08-16 16:07:35 | Weblog
Coating is continuing..., despite the heat...

Sometimes, I think of doing the coating out
in the open, not sweating it out in my coating shed.

That would be ever so nice, but in reality I cannot do that.
I do not have the retarder and the strong summer sunlight
will immediately solidify the coating, no good at all...

Today, I meant to talk about the shatter locking device, but
let me start with this illustration as per below.

In order to simplify my reference line drawing I used the
same L shaped jig, as shown in C. Today, I was, for a time,
regretting it, becasue the space created by the jig as in A

is too large at a glance, but then I was forgetting the fact
that I was going to elongate the hole. The blue area in B is a cut.

All in all, my istinctive decision to use the same jig paid off
hundsomely! So much so, and not shown here, I prepared 3 more
for my containers today. In the end I will have to make

40 odd containers. But then, I now know how to go about this!

Above?, today's (only) result...

Above? the container is opened up and you should be
able to see the elongated hole on the top lid, at the left end.

I am over the Moon on this. Opeing the lids has become
ever so easier!

Now, let me get started on this shatter linking issue.
The idea here is that instead of linking the shatters together,
with the gum tapes on the inside, I am exploring simpler

mechanical devices. Gum tapes are sticky and leave traces
all over the place and the whole thing has to be done with
the lights on...

Take a look at the following illustration.

A is a schematics of typical shatters, seen dead on.
Shatters are corrugated, universally, and you may regard the
blue horizontal bars as their crests, and white spaces

as troughs. The vertical black bars are reinforcing
elements, and behind these at the troughs positions
are spaces, which I want to make use of.

You can stick things in there!

What I want to insert in these spaces are shown in red in B.

Once the hook portion of them are securely in place behind
the reinforcing vertical bars you can lock them with a nut
and bolt, shown here, simplified with a black bar down

in the middle of the configuration.

All this is no good, is it, as it stands? Simply because
my mother will not approve of it. The nut and bolt locking
mechanism will be conspicous and easily be unlocked.

So, you need an additional, precautional piece. C may
be the answer. This is a separate metal piece, with an
elongated space enclaved by my milling machine,

as shown in red. There is a hole, as shown in black,
so that the nut and bolt can go through this hole.

Inside the elongated space will be a piece of a thin soft iron
plate. It can move about horizontally, how?, you might ask...

My straight answer to that is the use of a very strong
magnet. See below.

The concentric thing is the magnet, the triangular thing
is a steel saw, all sitting atop a large brass plate. I did try
to move the saw across the brass plate.

It does work and I can move the steel piece in any direction
I want, even vertically. So, my tentative conclusion, based
on my preliminary experiment, is that a small piece of

soft iron plate can act as a shatter to the hole. Once the hole
is covered by the iron plate it will be rather difficult to
undersnd the locking mechanism.

OK, you may say that the burgler can poke at the iron plate
with a stick and move it sideways, with the friction...

Yes, I am aware of that, but I could make a small cut, both in
the shatter container and the iron plate itself, so that they
can be enmeshed by gravity, when the iron plate is moved horizontally.

My techinical skills? No problem, and I have everything
I need. Take a look at the next image.

These are gears I made for something else, made of brass, 8mm thick.
I am not just a simple artisan in wood working...

I have metal working skills, too, and I learnt all these
while I was a postgraduate at Imperial College, London.

The shatter casing will be welded onto the outermost
hook, the skill of which I also learned while at the college...

Being a physicist, I am proud of the skills I have
available to myself. My fellow classmates at the college
also share these skills, amazing, is it not?

After all, if you are doing your postgraduate research
you need to construct your own experimental setup,
all by yourself. You just cannot buy things off the shelf.

You contribute to the world of knowledge by making your own
experimental setup, using everything you have available!
Be it metal cutting, be it welding, be it whatever!!!

If you cannot do that you will not get your PhD!!!

パエ-リャ 67

2008-08-16 16:07:10 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Te pones a cantar despues de la comida?
Es para hacer bien la digestion!

Aqui, todavia hace mucho calor todos los dias! Hoy tambien,
extranyo ir a comprar al mercado o a una tienda y
ponerme a conversar con la vendedora aun sin conocerla!

Ahora, vamos?

Conoces a la senyora que esta sentada junto a la fuente?

Bueno, creo que ya me voy...

Veo que hoy tienes prisa!

Que causalidad!

Vuelves manya-na?

Tu modo de hablar se parece al de mi difunto marido!

Conchita, te pareces mucho a tu madre!

Ahora, basta con esto...
Desde aqui vamos en ingles!

I must hear it from your own lips!

I am feeling flat!

My battery is flat!

This beer is flat1

D not get smart with me!

Come on!, waky!, rise and shine!, it's morning!

Do not just sit there pretty! (常套句)

Something like that encourages weeds!

Yes, that is more like it!

Are they offered for sale?

I think it is a bit of non-starter!

What might hat be?

What have I done wrong!?

Conchita, that is it for now. Take care and
vaya con Dios!

パエ-リャ 66

2008-08-15 16:44:20 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

En que estas pensando? En nada?, or tal vez
en la comida para tu familia? Creo que tienes
todo preparado para la cena...

Ahora mismo extranyo el clima de Londres en invierno,
con eso cielo nublado y una ligera lluvia que es casi

Asi que hace mucho calor aqui!

Ahora vamos!

Hace treinta anyos que nos conocemos!

Nunca me lo olvido!

Nunca me pongo los pantalones vaqueros!

Ella siempre se olvida de apagar el tocadiscos!

Por que no se lo preguntas?

No me atrevo!

Conchita, basta con esto, no, y ahora vamos!

You just never know!

What is in that letter?

He can take anything!

Let us keep it that way!

Secret lies in DK!

It is most American of American towns!

Where have you been!? I have been looking
all over for you!

anything remotely resembling DK

They mean business!

You look super!

I just now realised that there is an insertion
in my notebook, not my own handwriting, but of my wife,
obviously and it says...

"Cutlery industry will go down"

It is too obvious that this insertion was made something
like either in 1978, or 79. I fails me! How come did
she know I will be associated with the cutlery business?

Anyway, Conchita, this should suffice for the day.
Take care!

Streamlining trench making, wooden cutlery

2008-08-14 16:48:05 | Weblog
Yesterday's hitch was not my fault, after all, and
I have everything restored by now.

Despie the heat my work continues, mostly in terms of
coating. Let us take a look at three images.

Water is very murky, after the first of the wet sanding...

This is after the second sanding. Can you see water is less murky now?

This is after today's sanding. Water has been progressively
getting less murky. In fact, after this, not much change
will be taking place in terms of water clarity.

Apart from gruellig coating work, I did some fabrication,
as shown below.

The issue here was this. This is a test trial, for the
190mm chopstics. I belive I have got at least 30 of
those to be given away as gifts.

After deep thinking, I decided that the overall length has to be
220mm. OK, then you must dress them, create trenches and
insert pegs. How do you ensure positioning of these

elements? Ideally, you want to simplify the process, but how?

Where do you make holes? How far should they be from the
ends of the trench? It is a complicated issue...

Because, to simplify the process, you need to rely on jigs,
in order to define positions, but there are more than a few
that might be used.

However, I asked myself what might be the most important
thing. It is the trench length, enough for the 190mm chopstics.
Up until today, I have been making my trenches, rather

inconsistently. Starting positions were not exactly
defined, let alone ending positions. Today, I streamlined
it all.

Take a look at the following illustration.

A is just what I do not want! B is what I want, equal distances
from either end. By drawing the reference lines as in C, at equal
distances I can get my not excatly pointed bit onto the

reference lines, with the bit in green. The bit will then go down in,
making trenches of the length you want. What you see here below is
the result!

Both of them are beautifully trenched, and precisely
positioned with respect to the starting workpiece.

I am very much priding myself on this, because, after all this
things will become easier, a lot easier, in fact. I am happy because
up until this stage only one and of the same line drawing jig

has been used. Having to keep changing the line drawing
jigs is a nightmare! There can be so many variations!

Today, I also meant to talk about one other issue, but
time is running out for that. Suffice to say that the
issue is how you might lock what is commonly reffered to

as "rain doors". This problem has been tormenting me
for such a long time by now. My mother insists and
does lock the doors on the inside, once they are

in position, with gum tapes. How time comsuming and
how ridiculous, to me, and I want to come up with a neat
solution to that.

The idea behind all this is that unless secured by
some means "rain doors" can be opened and the house
broken into for robbery...

Accordg to my mother, this has happened a few times in the area
where our mountain cottage is located. We have nothing
so valuable in the house to be stolen, but you cannot

contradict your aging mother...

So, I want to do the whole securing business from the
outside, with mechanical devices of my own invention...

I will do that tommorrow.

パエ-リャ 65

2008-08-14 16:47:47 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Ahora mismo tengo una problema con mi computadora!
No se lo que hacer! Vamos!

De que se queja el ninyo?

Se queja del calor!

Yo me lo como todo!

Ultimamente, nos vemos con frequencia!

Si, es cierto!

Vengo aqui a oir cantar los pajaros!


Aquella mujer tomo a su marido por el cuello!

Conchita, basta con esto para ahora...

Ingles? Auqi!

It will be a talking point!

Funny you should say that!

I am on a very tight schedule!

I have just got in town...

Don't you dare lay your hand on DK!

I will get it!

Is it not lovely not going to school!

Are you just sitting there pretty?!

A news just flushed in!

I do not normally talk dirty!

Conchita, there you are!
Take care!

Hole elongation, wooden cutlery, my chopstics

2008-08-13 16:59:40 | Weblog
This morning, I was late in getting up. It was 10:30...
And, I had to tak my wife to Kamakura, one way..., at

So, the first thing I did on return was to retrieve the
result of yesterday's coating. You see them bellow.

In each of the tubes, two pairs of chopstics are stored
in antiparalell, for identification. Their surfaces are
very rough and the roughness must be removed by wet sanding.

Bellow, you see a very clear water before wet sanding.

Can you see how murky the water has become?

You then have to dry them for a substantial length of time, as shown

In terms of today's output what is shown bellow is all I did,
apart from the second coating...

Only two containers! There are things, though, you learn from time to time... Today, I meant to complete 4 containers. By the time I have finished with the two I moved on to today's second coating.

Why?, because, you do not want to spend time on coating
in the windowless coating house when the heat is most intense...

Above illustration shows where I am going with respect to
banging together of the containers. One of the holes, at least,
must be elongated, as shown in B.

This is because the two halves must come apart easily and
I can see two arrangements, which spring to my mind.

One is to make the peg protrusion as law as possible and the
other is to elongate one of the holes, as shown in B.

Easy to talk about hole elongation, and normally what you
need is an endmill of the diameter you want. Unfortunately, I do not happen to have the diameter I need...

Ordinary drill bits do not cut sideways. They only makes holes...
However, if you fix the containers with the vice firmly, it
does not matter.

Naturally, you cannot do this operation with your bench
drill, as the drill bit will wonder around. So much easier
to do this with your milling machine, even without an

approapriate endmill!

パエ-リャ 64

2008-08-13 16:59:13 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Estoy bien!

Sin embargo, hace tan calor estos dias que tengo
que ducharme cada dia, inmediatamente despues de
mi trabajo!

Duermes bien alla? Duermo bien, me acuesto a las doce
y me levanto a las diez y media! Yo se que es

Ahora, vamos?

Otra vez!?

Se queja de dolor de espalda y de estomago!

..., bueno, de todas maneras, podemos estar tranquilos!

Que tal comes, Conchita?

Si, asi que ya sabe!

Comer demasiado es peor que comer poco!

y, menos horas en la cama!

Ya es tarde!

El tiempo esta malo!

Yo estoy peor que ayer!

Ahora, Conchita, basta con esto, no?

I would not want to DK!

You think you are going down?

Can you afford to miss that!?

I refuese to be drawn into that sort of argument!

She had a lucky escape!

I say!

My invitation is still standing!

They are withholding the names until relatives are

They are the more to blame!

at a much lower price than that charged by DK...

Some noise is getting through now...

It is a false assumption to say!

Conchita, all I am doing is to lay down the
expressions I collected over the years. En si,
it is an achievement.

I have encountered so many people in my life,
who do not care, who do not make the best use of
being in a country where a particular language is spoken...

I can think of that Greek guy, who had resided there
for more than 40 years, and never spoke a word of the

My expressions are random in nature, simply because
they were picked up randomly, as and when I found
values in them...

Right, Conchita, so much for today! Take care!

Coatings starting, wooden cutlery, chopstics

2008-08-12 17:42:00 | Weblog
It is still too warm these days!

And, the games are there to watch, eating into
half of my normal working hours!

Take a look at the following photo.

Here, you find two chopstics containers, just
recently completed, along with some chopstics.

The issue here is this. What will happen if these containers are
properly coated? I do not have the answer...
Will they open up easily? You can only try...

I cannot coat them all, and these are therefore for
experimental purposes, really. I will see what it will be

See next.

And, see yet next.

All of these were subjected to coating today, the very
first of penetration coatings. You see some photos of those

In above, the containers are there to be seen.

Here are the shortest ones...

Apart from the coating, here on follow some on
today's output.

, meaning that I only completed only a single pair of chopstics!
all in addition to some butter knives!

What is above all about? It is a simple piece of thin
and redundant wood. I have problems, these days, trying
to pick up "somen" noodles from the plate.

They are too slippery, for ordinary chopstics and what I have in
mind is something like as depicted in the next illustration.

Yes, I have something like a comb in mind, with a lot of
pointing members...

Anyway, I have not quite yet finished with the chopstics
fabrication. Take a look at the next image. This is in relation
to the tip formation.

You narrow down on the picking ends, but the very ends
are flat at the top, as you see with A. You must ronud them.

The rounded tip is shown as B. How you actually round the
tips is depicted with C. Basically, you rotate your stick,
and while doing that, you apply your sanding paper, typically

at the grain level of 240, or 320, applied at the tip,
initially at 45 degrees, gradually, to 30 degrees, and then,
zero degree.

The blue line on the left is the paper and that on the right
is a piece of the paper, seen dead on. The strategy here is
that you also rotate the piece of the sanding paper as shown.

That is, the chopstic axis rotates, and the sanding paper
also does the winding motion at angles to the sharp and
circular edges, all trying to get the best rounded tip head!

You may say it is only about simple chopstics, but I can
and must say that there are issues to be looked at with care!

Am I making myself clear at all? I am no longer sure...
All that there is to it is tricky, and is that
what I mean?