

Chinese spoons, long and short

2009-01-07 17:34:28 | Weblog
I had all day today and that helped.

Actually, spending at least two more days during
the penetration coating stage does seem to help a lot.
It leads to better quality pieces.

It works like this. Up until now my coating pattern has been
the same. Coating in the morning and letting dry overnight,
wet sanding and drying in the following morning and

coating again on the same day.

Depending on the season, though, drying can be
unsatisfactory and that can be improved by allocating
a few more days, at least during the penetration coating.

This is because surfaces are still a little rough,
particularly after the first two penetration coatings.

An extra day may have contributed the smooth surfaces
as can be seen below.

Seen below are shorter stemmed Chinese spoons.
I will need to concave them, tommorrow.

Early part of this afternoon was spent on hand
sanding longer stemmed Chinese spoons. See below.
These are all coating ready. I know these all look
dull and greynish at the moment.

Once coated, though, they will all look as
nice as those seen above.

Below is my experiment. It is an attempt to
produce deep cavity large spoons. The handle is still
very much incomplete. It will be thinner.

Quite how something like this might be of use,
I do not know... because this is about 70% of
the normal size of this type, lenth, width,

everyting, except its cavity depth, perhaps.

It is my belief, though, that there are always
enough people interested in odd things...
This is no exception.

This prototype, I only used my disc sander after
cutting out its rough shape. In real production
I will have to use my bandsaw to loose

as much as as possible before sanding operation!

パエ-リャ 177

2009-01-07 17:34:06 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas?

Hace frio todos los dias! Pero, no ha nevado.
Ahora entonces, vamos?

la toma de posesion del nuevo presidente

la polemica modelo Kate oss

una travesia por una de las laderas del pico

en virtud de los acuerdos de colaboracion

el procedimiento se puso en marcha

la unida carina especializada en la busca de personas

まず最初に, そしてそれから
en primer lugar..., y posteriormente...

Como puedo bajar de peso!?

Quisiera algunos consejos!

Cuando te sientas con fuerza
empieza a correr todos los dias!

Recuerda que no hay modas milagrosas que

te quiten los kilos en dos dias sentada
en casa!

Conchita, aqui vamos ingles!

It helps things to run smoothely!

in a class discussion about pocket money

That is not quite in line with what
he said earlier!

I was not too surprised!

Everything seemed to be going right for him!

What has she got that I have not got!?

You just come to terms with what you have to acept!

I will pop over!

on the face of it

We should be given it!

Can I tell you something?!

Conchita, that is the lot for now! Take care!

Giant spoons, Chinese spoons

2009-01-06 17:22:22 | Weblog
This morning was the very first of our outing in the
new year, to register our gratitude at a shrine for the
mini jackpot my wife secured.

Upon return another surprise was waiting.

This is a simple trimmer I ordered a few days ago. I needed one,
at its simplest. Typically, one of these sets you back
by JPY 15000.

I bought this for a mere JPY 2980. Expensive trimmers
have a slow start curcuit built in. I do not want that,
because with my speed controller I only need

a simple carbon brush circuit, and they are cheap,
typically at6000. So, Conchita, you can see what a
bargain this is!

Not just only that! With it came a set of bits!
OK, these are cheap bits, but I can use them.
If you buy equivalent bist off the shelf

they will set you back by JPY 2500/one, easily.
Here, I have got 6 of them for free of charge!

Here above it is already in use, side by side with
another one bought years ago. Why I need a second one
is very simple.

With these there is an operational limit of 20 minutes.
After 20 minutes or so the Jourle heating makes it
unusable and you need a cooling time.

I want to use the trimmer longer and one way
od doing that is to have a second one like this!

Here above you see a template for my deep and large spoons.
Why? I realised, last year, that large spoons sell well.
Sell at something like JPY 2500, easily.

Besides, it is fun to make large and deep spoons,
and it does not cost you a lot.

I took some time off this afternoon to buy
materials. These are 45m deep and 75mm wide
at 900mm length.

I can make 4 large spoonsfrom these and they will
fetch JPY 10,000 and the material cost for those 4
is merely JPY 1200.

Of course, you do cutting and shaping and sanding
and coating and wet sanding and matt coating and
all that, but it is worth my time, or is it...?

The first of penetration coating of the latest
lot is complete and I will be doing wet sanding
this evening...

パエ-リャ 176

2009-01-06 17:22:01 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas?

Vamos inmediatamente!

estaba investigando si algunos de los productos

fue distribuido en Reino Unido

por septima anyo consecutivo

la crisis financiera

la caida mas fuerte

en busca de NANINANI

la mujer atrapada por un alud de nieve

a las 17.00 horas de ayer

el numero ha ido aumentando a lo largo del dia

los perros de busqueda y rescate


las tareas de rescate

a la primera hora de la manya-na

una persona desaparecida en la vaguada

al final de las pistas de esqui

el rumor de fondo sobre un posible embarzo

Conchita, aqui vamos ingles!

Why the fuss about it!?


You can fiddle the bill by making a long
distance phone call minutes before
checking out!

We are nowhere nearer the limits!

A nocturnal animal sleeps during daytime and
comes to life at night

This reminds me of something. At JR Nagoya station
there is a sign board which clearly says,

"Nocturnal Exit" I always smile at this...

One can only presume that DOUNOKOUNO!

Look before you leap! (a proverb)

6?, then I make that a total of 25!

every third family in the US

Few people can afford a pack of hounds!

Running expenses are small!

Conchi, let s call it a day!
Take care!

Giant spoons, Chinese variants

2009-01-05 17:23:24 | Weblog
Conchita, rather belatedly a very happy 2009 for you and your family!

I have taken a few days off during the new year's
festivities. I am now back in business!
It does not mean that I did nothing at all.

The first pic is the last lot going mat.
They are now ready for delivery. Here, you see a
giant spoon and a few baby feeders (new type) and

three dinosours.

Below you see one of my latest discoveries. I have
been looking for something like this for a long time.
What is this? It is a front-end rounded cylinder flapper.

Not only that, the shank can be separated once
flapps have come to the end of their useful life.
Normally, these are sold with fixed shanks, which

adds up to the price.

Here, above, you see usual cylindrical flappers.
With these, I will have to make their front end
rounded through normal sanding and it takes time.

One in the middle has not yet been rounded enough.

Above you see my current lot. There are two Chinese
spoons, which are shorter, compared with the one
with a longer stem with its convex face pointing at you.

My biggest problem at the moment is to supply enough
quantity of my pieces for the sake of the woman who was
made redundant last month. She is opening up her own

shop with difficulties and I am determined to help
her make it. So, not wanting to wait for the current lot
go coating ready I have started the process

of coating with my stock. Here, you see some discs and a
few giant spoons.

Here are some oak desert spoons, and a few mini scoopers.

These are mostly forc-knives. There are a lot more
outside these images that are currently being coated.

Today, I spent some of my time on fixing up the US
made plane. On reflection I mus have been insane!
I spent a lotn this last month and I cannot

think of the need for it!

This is the frontal view.

Fence, a guide fence has been fixed to the back of the machine.
This way, I will not loose parts that have been loose in my bed room.

The plane and a bench drill were moved to one side
of the work area, making it possible to install
a new milling machine in the space created.

It is going to be a major investment, but I want it!
My current milling machine is in view, greenish and with
a thick vertical shaft. Its mass is only 5 kg.

The new machine will be a monster with its mass at 35kg!
It is a much more powerful machine. I want it!

Here above, you are looking at one of my trimmers
with a cylindrical sander. As it turned out today
this is extremely useful and versatile in that

I can use this combination almost universally.

Above, you see the status of my work at the end of today.
Mostly Chinese spoons, but I will be working on
giants and even deep giants, very shortly.

Conchita, there you are! I bet I am going to be
very busy this year! Your infant things will be
reaching you, though, in a few weeks time!

Take care!

パエ-リャ 175

2009-01-05 17:22:59 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas?

Estoy seguro de que sera muy bueno
este anyo para tu familia! Para mi,
tambien, por favor!

OK, entonces vamos!

al ser preguntado por la repurcusion ractica

la simetria quebrada espontanea

los constituyentes fundamentales de la materia

en la fisica subatomica

la carne contaminada podria haber llegado a 25 paises

DK, que puede provocar problemas de salud

DK, y con una larga exposicion

el gigante minorista

advertio al publico que no los consumiera

la candidad de paises que podrian haber importado la carne

esta en el rango de 20, 25 paises

son desde luego menos de 30!

la carne que se descubrio provenian de irlanda

Conchi, mucho bastante para ahora, y vamos ingles!

I wonder what they are cooking up for us!?

She made off down the corridor to the
typing room

That is a nice dress you are wearing!

How do you face up to the day!?

They pushed him around

They made it clear in advance that DK!

I will help you make it!

barricades blocking all the approaches and
exit roads

strange as it may seem

Conchita, that is the lot for now. Take care!