

Giant, Chinese spoons, baby spoons

2009-01-12 18:04:16 | Weblog
Conchita, I am being busy on the coating front.

The first pic for today is the salt/powder spoons
that wnet through the 1st imersion coating.

Short stemmed Chinese spoons as well as the egg
holders are seen here.

Some baby feeders are also being coated in some

Here, you see my table ladle, egg placers, and
long stemmed Chinese spoons. Also seen are
very small straight stemmed spoons.

Here above, you see them better, I think.

Here, some rabits and long stemmed forcs. These will be
coated as soon as nail beds have spare areas.

Here, some more baby feeders are being born.

Today's work ended with the templates for the deep
cavity table ladle, not exactly yet completed.

Conchita, I talked about computerising
my current milling machine. I am postponing comupterisaion
a while.

This is because I decided to purchase a much more
powerfull milling machine. It will set me back
a lot and I cannot afford the driver and the
step motors.

They are also very expensive...

My current thinking is this. Wood working as it is currently
practised, not just by me, but also by other poeple
around the world, and here I am talking about

non-professional workers, like me, may well change.

At the end of the day you need to computerise your
milling machine, but wood working with a milling machine
will have to prevail...

Why? Simply because you can step into a new horizon
with your milling machine. Yes, you have those who
are renowned for their craftmanship with their

extremely intricate artefacts, all made by hand.
I greatly admire their skills and worship them in awe.

However, they are dying away, sooner or later.
With your milling machine, you can approach them,
I think. I may be wrong...

They are a patient lot, aren't they? Quite adept at
repetitive processing. I am not one...

Take a case of an egg placer. You need to create 24 holes
in a tiny plate. I used my milling machine,
but it is a laborious task.

Although now shown here, think of the toast holders
with all those grooves. With my current less poweul
milling machine I cannot create a single groove

even in one go. My new mwchine will allow me to do just

Oh..., I would be rambling on...

パエ-リャ 182

2009-01-12 17:30:40 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas?

Todavía es ventoso. El plan de Okinawa aún no ha finalizado. Debe ser algo de tiempo esta semana. Ahora entonces, vamos?

el tramo final de la Cumbre

una ola de inversiones

este mecanismo beneficiara tanto a las

naciones ricas como a las pobres

para alcanzar estas metas

una hoja de ruta que permita iniciar el camino
a nuevo pacto climatico

Necesitamos el liderazgo de la Union Europea!

las decisiones que se estan tomado en Brussels

un ambicioso proyecto

el medioambiente

la cumbre en la ue se decidira el futuro paquete

de medidas ambientales

Conchi, vamos ingles aqui?

Have you done anything unusual with the salad?

in the last your years

Important though what you are saying is, ...

you have to let off some steam!

They made available to you a large amount of money

Conchita, I stop here abruptly. Somehow, my
character conversion is not working properly...

Take care!

Giant, deep cavity, Chinese and infant spoons

2009-01-11 17:29:55 | Weblog
Conchita, I did not have a full day today.
Somehow, though, I put in a fair amount of work, I think...

These are very tiny spoons for powder handing. Their
cavities are so small and the inside walls have been
left unattened. I used my diamond bit to clean the surfaces.

These have been also unattended to, neglected might
be the better word for it... These are now ready for
coating tommorrow.

There was some odd feel about holding of these short
stemmed Chinese spoons. The defects have been attended to and
these are also coating ready.

These are infant feeders, again coating ready.

Yet more infant feeders are being worked on.

I am thinking about coating. Right now some of the
large items from the last lot are drying in the shed.

That means those late comers are now stored in my
bedroom. Not only that, a lot of the last lot are
also in my bedroom, doing nothing.

I really need one or two more nail beds, so that
I do not need to waste my time, because the time
spent on coating is not that large.

It is the inspection after drying and wet sanding and
drying and inspection yet again. All these can take
place in the evenings. All these process takes up

something like two hours, but coating only needs 30
minutes, no matter how large the stock is...

Yes, more nail beds, that is what is looming over the
horizon at the moment...

パエ-リャ 181

2009-01-11 17:29:19 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas?

Todavia hace frio, y todavia estoy aqui...
Bueno, entonces solo vamos, no?

Hay gente que tiene miedo que el abuso de las cookies

nos pueda llevar a una perdida de privacidad

No es un virus ni nada!

DK, pero lo puedes eliminar si vas a herramientras

de tu internet explores!

Tenes que ir a herramientras/elimirar historial
de informaion!


DK, y te va a abrir una ventana, y cuando la abra
pones en eliminar cookies y listo!

El cookie lo que hace es guardar tu contrase-nya!

Puedes entrar a la pagina sin poner tu contrase-nya!

para vencer el calentamiento global

para superar la crisis financiera internacional

Conchi, desde aqui vamos ingles!

Sorry, I cannot make it to the pu tonight!

Got to see an old pal who turned up
out of the blue!

That is for a tale, of course!

That brings the total to DK!

You are quite right to say DK!

for one thing

It is only too easy to use your card and get
yourself up to your neck in debt!

when you save up fo something

That will take a weight off your mind!

They are all set out in a clear and logical

You must come to tersm with yourself!

Conchi, aqui ya me voy. Es que creo que es
bastante para hoy! Vaya con Dios!

Chinese spoons, ladles, giant spoons

2009-01-10 17:31:03 | Weblog
Conchita, I will have to be in Okinawa for a few days
starting Monday next week. Logging will be stopped
for that duration.

Now, take a look at the first pic. This is a ladle,
penetration coating just done on it. You may say that the cavity
wall is too thick. It is not.

It is just the viewing angle that gives that impression.

The discs, yet again, cannot help it, because they
are undergoing the penetration coating fourth time,
to make sure they are potentially salable.

Below, you are looking at long stemmed Chinese spoons.
They are getting better, of course.

Giant spoons are also going through their 4th
penetration coating. Normally, I stop at the
thrid, but these connifers are exceptions as

they absorb a lot.

Infant feeders, just completed this afternoon.

Short stemmed Chinese spoons, very nearly complete
for coating. The only additional work is to make
the stems thinner. It makes all the difference.

What remains? Yes, ordinary spoons and aok chopstics.
Once all these are displayed for sale, what I need to do,
hopefully, is to go for a smaller number of each item.

Then comes in a stage for new designs...
Am I not being too busy!?

パエ-リャ 180

2009-01-10 17:25:06 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Hace mucho frio...
La primavera que viene..., si, y por eso
ire a la Okinawa por unos dias desde la semana

que viene... Ahora entonces, vamos!

algo que hasta entonces nunca habian hecho

tomar medidas para reducir sus emsiones
de dioxido carbono

por primera vez se ponen cifras al esfuerozo

para mitigar el impacto del calentamiento global

por primera vez se vinculan los objetivos

con el esfuerzo en esos paises

en concreto

la reduccion de as emisiones de entre un 25% y un 40%

Que son las cookies!?

Es la parabra que se usa para unos trozos de informacion!

en la Web Mundial

en resumen

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

I come to it from different directions!

Just a quickie!

Just a quickie!

What do you see in your crystal ball?

Public schools should be done with!

breakfast, dinner, high tea and afters!

I twisted my mouth into a smile!

A bankcard keeps you going when you run out of petrol!

It will just roll little problems into
one big problem!

We sometimes do not play it straight with
each other!

Conchi, there you are!
Take care!

Chinese, giant, spoons and infant feeders

2009-01-09 17:49:08 | Weblog
Conchita, know something? It is working!
I decided that I will work longer hours, no?
It is just a mere addition of one hour and

it makes all the difference! What you are looking at is the
part of the lot that started having coating session.
No photo here, but they went through a coatig process,

just this morning.

You can see that they are now looking better and better.
In fact, this is a mixture of two differnt lots.
Chinese spoons, short stemmed, coating 1, and

some of the earlier lot. I come on to that in a sec.

Now, this is the deep cavity spoon, coating ready.
I am happy with this. It looks OK. Initially, there
was a shadow in the cavity in order to give you

the feel of the cavity depth. It was obliterrated
when I took this photo by the flash! Whether I will
be making more of these, I am not sure.

It is a very laborious process... My selling price on
this will be high at somewthing like JPY 3,000. If
it does not sell, then I will retrieve it and use this

at home.

These are allshort stemmed Chinese spoons. Stems have
not yet been done with.

These are some of my infant feeders. Again, they are
incomplete. I have, thoug, two outside this image,
that are coating ready.

Let me summerize my current working style as per below.

1. I now work longer, by one hour, until 17:00.

(This was originally because I wanted to get myself
in line with the norm in the society at large)

2. Wet sanding and drying takes place in the evening,
instead of doing those (and drying) in the morning,
followed by coating at around lunch time.

3. Two different coatings are done almost continuously.

(This is to make the best use of my nail beds)(and I
am going to make one or two more nail beds, soon)


Yes, I am producing more and more end products/day.
At the moment, it is not strictly regulated, but
I will endeavour to achieve just that!

パエ-リャ 179

2009-01-09 17:48:43 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas?

Nieve aqui en la manya-na, y ahora hace mucho frio.
Hay unas cosas, pero vamos!

Son heces blandes como papilla!

El gatito saca mucha baba y espuma de la pastilla!

Como hago para que mi gato vuelva a tener apetito?

Contestame rapido porque se me muere mi gato!

los machos y las hembras

de forma aleatoria

fuera de temporada estival

DK, siendo estos factores favorables para DK2

a partir de la plena madurez sexual

El comienza a dar resultados!

Conchita, aqui vamos ingles, rapido, no?

Off you go and get yourself satisfied?

I was fighting my way back to where I came from!

Put yoursef in the right frame of mind!

going back to the days of ANO

You must shake yourself up to DK!

When you are in good form

Best of luck for both of you!

We mustsee how these predictions actually
square with the experimental results!

A moment's thought will make it clear that DK!

Parents just sit on the side lines and do

Conchi, that is it!
Take care!

Giant spoons and Chinese spoons

2009-01-08 17:24:51 | Weblog
Today I put my idea into practice. That is, I
deliberately sabotaged the coating on most of the
current lot and in their steadapplied

the first coating on the next lot. No photo.
I also realised that most of them are simple
forc-knives, legacy generation by their type.

3 images here of the deep cavity spoon I showed you
yesterday. I like it the way it is, except perhaps
that it is a little small.

But then, I do not want to work on kitchen
utencils. My area of work is squarely table
cutlery. Deep cavity spoons included.

Yes, this is a very weak excuse...

Most of the afternoon was spent on concaving
short stemmed Chinese spoons. There are some more
outside the photo range.

Here, I am very pleased, pleased in that having
two identical carving tools helped me to get them
done without taking operational breaks.

It is a revolution, it indeed is! In fact, I
was able to make the best use of the time left
before the operational time limit and

worked on the deep cavity thing, as shown below.

Definition is not good, but the cavity is there. There are
two problems here. One is surmountable. That is I cannot
make the cavity walls too thin, as the whole thing is

connifer. I will have to sand down the inside walls.

More of a problem is this photo.

Conchita, what you are looking at it is the carving bit
at its maximum protrusion from the chucking device.
It is not long enough to reach the bottom of the

deep cavity I have been talking about. What I will
have to do is to maximum use f this arrangement and
use the sanding cone I showed you earlier.

The cone is long enough. However, I really need
a coupler.

I will be using them when I computerise my machine tools.
I could make one for myself, but the mere thought of time
rejects me... I am busy enough, already.

On the sales front, yes, I delivered some more to shop 1.
Apparently, my pieces are selling well there. Good to hear that.

パエ-リャ 178

2009-01-08 17:24:24 | Weblog
Conchita, buenas tardes y como estas?

Aqui, hace mucho frio. Espero que haria una poca de
nevada la manya-na que viene. Entonces, vamos!

Residencias para mascotas?

En concreto gato, para dejarla cuando

me vaya fuera de viaje

Ya he buscado por internet, pero no se si estoy

buscando correctamente!

Solo me salen residencias clinicas!

Salen mucho a cenar!

Me ha salido mal!

Quien me puede decir como se dice NANINANI!?

DK, pero ya se me paso!

a causa de todo un poco (理由)

en el momento en que haya mas situaciones
stresantes en casa

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles, no!?

They came out in support of our cause!

This is like squaring a circle!

Why wait for a week!?

I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it!

Weather?, dull without breaks of rain!

Why don't you bring your friends!?

Time?, just after quarter to one!

Perhaps I have not got the mind for computing!

There was no chance he could ve survived!

living in a rural area as I do

Conchita, shall we call it a day?
Take care!