This boat is not interesting. Chart as follows and case closed.
This boat is not interesting. Chart as follows and case closed.
This boat is also interesting as it goes along the Banda chain of islands and comes back more or less along the same routes and goes as far west as Surabaya. It then repeats this operation with only a few additional stop-overs.
First chart.
And the second chart as follows.
This actually is good and worth taking a closer look later. Case closed for the moment.
We have looked at Tidar, but here more properly with the charts.
Tidar is one of the most straightforward routes to Ambon and western shores of Papua New Guinea. The first chart goes from Surabaya to Ambon, more or less straight.
Tidar then goes furthr east and comes back along the same routes and finally docks at Jakarta. Next chart shows just that.
Very simple and the case is closed until further scruitiny.
This boat goes all over the arena. Just amazing. She starts out from Bitung in nothern Surawesi. She ends her voyage at Ternate, not in Bitung.
See the first chart as follows. First, she goes north of Bitung. Actually, she goes so close to General Santos in Mindanao. Pity.
She largely stays in the region of Bitung. See next chart. After coming back from the north of Bitung she then goes south.
After this part she goes back up again, but then before going north again she goes to Ambon and back to Bitung. See next. She is very much Bitung centred.
And, finally you get the following chart.
This boat, based in Ambon, does north-south. Interesting enough.
See next chart as follows.
Interesting, very.
Case closed for the moment.
This boat does not go west of Makassar. See below.
Given that the area of most interest lies east of Makassar this boat is all the more interesing as it starts out from the furthest corner of Indonesian territory.
If you are interested in Papua New Guinea, yes, this boat may be worth chasing up.
Case for the moment closed until I come back for expanding on this particular route.
This Kelimutu is allso very interesting as it goes as far as Merauke on Papua New Guinea. The first chart to show is as follows. Starting port is Makassar.
She goes right across the sea of Banda as the second chart amplifies as follows.
Although the starting port is Makassar, this boat returns along the same route to Makassar and goes further west to Jakarta.
Case for the moment closed.
Let us see what she does.
The first chart is next.
It is interesting that she goes to Ternate. See next.
It is even more interesting that she crosses over to Bitung.
Take alook at the last chart for Dorolonda, as follows.
This Dorolonda thing is very interesting. If her staying in each port of call is much longer this will be ideal for a sample voyage in this region. I may be coming back to this chart later.
Case closed for the moment.
ここでは話の行きがかり上、ホテルの屋上から見た光景を掲載してから、Dauin の村方向の様子を話すことにする。
ガソリンスタンドの赤いひさしの部分の上に Hotel Palwa の文字が見えている。何故このホテルを選んだのかは記憶にないが、 多分町の真ん中辺にあったからだろう。朝食は甘くないコ-ヒ-が出たので、悪くはなかった。この車の左側の路地を入るとホテルの入口だ。
ホテルの内部の画像は、 全然悪くないのだが、窓は、
このホテルには展望用の階があって、そこから撮ったネグロスの山岳地帯の画像を何枚か示す。 黄色の枠だ。
「島の東部は低い山々が海岸まで迫る地形になっている。一方、島の北部と西部は広い平野になっており、サトウキビ畑が広がっている。島北部のカンラオン火山(Canlaon Volcano、標高2465m)はバコロドの街の近くにそびえ、時おり活動する。島南端にはクエルノス・デ・ネグロス山(Cuernos de Negros、「ネグロスの角」、標高1864m)という成層火山がある」と、WIKI
町の中央市場も同じ周回道路をダイウン方面に50m程進んだ左側に広がっている。 これは、周回道路から1本内側の部分でのマ-ケットのパノラマで、
この最後の画像は海辺のリゾ-トへの脇道になる。未舗装だ。ダウインの川のそばのパノラマが次だ。 基本的には何もない。現地の住民の目からすれば色々あるけれど、ツ-リスト的には何もないというのが妥当だろう。
Pura Vida Beach and Dive Resort と言う、途中で立ち寄ったリゾ-トの近辺には多少の店がある。次だ。
中に入って撮った画像が以下になる。とても高い。1泊3万円以上する。岩場が好きな自分には耐えられない場所だ。で、沖合にダイビング用の船が見えるが、ここから短時間で行くには APO の島か、シキホ-ルしかないと思う。
数百メ-トル位離れた所の別のリゾ-トも覗いて見た。以下だ。Atlantis というリゾ-トだ。 このお姉さんは4分の1が中国人だ。ここはレセプションエリアで、奥の出口を抜けるとビ-チに出る。
There is only one chart with Bukit Siguntang, as follows.
It does only north-south, between Kupang and Nunukan. It is unique in that it does not dock at Surabaya or Jakarta, at all.
Quite how useful this boat is, I am unsure, but it may serve as a reserve ship for going further south from Maumere.
Now, we have seen three boats linked to Maumere. It is disappointing that none of these boats actually goes to Ambon. That is to say that it is not possible to reach Ambon direct from the south, from the Banda sea chain of islands.
Makassar is a hub, of course, but it is not the hub for Ambon, because you can easily reach Ambon from Surabaya in a few days. Almost the same nautical distance from Makassar to Ambon, anyway.
However, if you fly Makassar, then ferry Ambon then it may be something to consider further...
Case closed.