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2009-11-15 08:07:25 | ジェンダー


2009年度 第10回ジェンダーコロキアム

NY市立大学の政治学教授、Joyce Gelbさんが

10th Tokyo University Gender Studies Colloquium
Date:Nov. 18th at 18:40 till 20:30
Place: Hobun no.1 bldg, 315 room (4F), Tokyo University, Hongo Campus

Speaker: Joyce Gelb (Professor of political science, City University of New York)

Title: The Impact of Obama's Policies on Women: health, reproductive rights, and welfare
(in English, no interpretation provided)

About the speaker:
Professor Joyce Gelb received her Ph.D. from New York University.
Her research and scholarly concerns deal with feminist mobilization
and gender policy in comparative perspective, particularly in
the United States , Japan and England.
She has been a visiting professor at Yale , the Associated Kyoto
Program and Tokyo University in Japan in recent years.

Her publications are: Gender Policies in Japan and
the United States: Comparing Women's Movements, Rights,
and Politics, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2003),
Women and Public Policies, (University of Virginia Press,1996);
Co-editor, Women in Japan and Korea: Continuity or Change
(Temple Univ. Press, 1994), "The Equal Opportunity Law in Japan:
A Decade of Change for Japanese Women?" in Law and Policy, Dec. 2000.

Her most recent article , on hospital mergers and the politics
of civic advocacy in five American communities (with Colleen Shogan),
was published in Social Movement Studies May 2005. Her most
recent publication is Women and Politics Around the World,
ABC-CLIO, 2009 , ed 2 volumes with Marian Palley.
