昨日行なわれたプレーオフ1回戦、ゴールデンステイト・ウォリアーズ対ニューオーリンズ・ペリカンズの第3戦は、ステファン・カリーの劇的な3ポイントシュートでオーバータイムに持ち込んだウォリアーズが、123-119で逆転勝利。3連勝で1回戦突破に王手をかけた。 まさに神がかっていたと言っていい。 20点差(69-89)で第4クォーターを迎えたウォリアーズは、カリーを中心に怒涛のオフェンスを展開。残り11.8秒にカリーの3Pで2点差(105-107)に迫ると、残り2.8秒、3Pを外した後、マリース・スペイツが必死にリバウンドを奪うと、右コーナーでパスを受けたカリーが、体勢を崩しながらも同点に追いつく値千金の3Pを放り込み、オーバータイムへ。カリーのプレーで勢いがついたウォリアーズは、オーバータイム開始直後に再びエースの3Pで先手を奪い、その後もリードを広げて3連勝を飾った。アウェーのウォリアーズが負けたと思ったが、奇跡の逆転勝利 とはビックリ。それにしても「ステファン・カリー恐るべし」、一矢を報いたいペリカンズだがあまりにも大きい1敗となった。
Curry was fouled on tying 3-pointer in Game 3
Stephen Curry's tying 3-pointer could have been a four-point play. The NBA says a foul should have been called on Curry's 3-pointer with 3.5 seconds left in regulation Thursday night. Golden State went on to beat New Orleans 123-119 in overtime for a 3-0 lead in its series.
Curry got the ball in the corner after Marreese Speights grabbed an offensive rebound and quickly fired it up as Pelicans defenders rushed at him, making contact.
In its report Friday about the plays in the final 2 minutes of regulation and overtime, the league determined that Anthony Davis made contact with Curry before the All-Star guard landed, ruling it an incorrect non-call. Curry, who scored 40 points, says Friday he "had plenty of daylight" on the shot.
Curry was fouled on tying 3-pointer in Game 3
Stephen Curry's tying 3-pointer could have been a four-point play. The NBA says a foul should have been called on Curry's 3-pointer with 3.5 seconds left in regulation Thursday night. Golden State went on to beat New Orleans 123-119 in overtime for a 3-0 lead in its series.
Curry got the ball in the corner after Marreese Speights grabbed an offensive rebound and quickly fired it up as Pelicans defenders rushed at him, making contact.
In its report Friday about the plays in the final 2 minutes of regulation and overtime, the league determined that Anthony Davis made contact with Curry before the All-Star guard landed, ruling it an incorrect non-call. Curry, who scored 40 points, says Friday he "had plenty of daylight" on the shot.