ゴルフタイムスの世界   Eagle Eye


Japanese Americans’ View of Japan and Historical Awareness Summer 2013 before the previous m

2013-07-23 | 危うい日本のゴルフの世界


小島 茂(静岡県立大学教授)

Ronald SHINOMOTO(Writer, PhD, USA)

古賀 剛大 様




   http://hassin.org/01/wp-content/uploads/The-Road-from_J.pdf をまず取り上げ、むしろアメリカこそがあの戦争を引き起こしたのではないか、という問題提起を行う。

小島教授は、また特に参照すべき二つの書籍として、チャールズ・ビアード(元米歴史学会会長)の『ルーズベルトの戦争責任』、フーバー元大統領の Freedom Betrayed(裏切られた自由)(フーバー研究所刊)を取り上げ、シノモト氏もそれによって大いに認識を改めさせられたことを認めている。




英語原文版は下記の通りNewsletter で紹介し、4000ほどの海外メディア、学者等にemail送信した。

 平成25年7月23日   「史実を世界に発信する会」茂木弘道拝


Japanese Americans’ View of Japan and Historical Awareness

Professor Kojima and Japanese American writer Shinomoto discuss Japanese Americans' view of Japan and their historical awareness of Japan's political and military actions, specifically in the days before and during WWII. Just like the Japanese who have endured self-flagellation by insisting that they were the aggressor in those days and therefore have continued to apologize and make amends for their alleged acts of aggression, Americans have a distorted view of history, in which they claim they had no choice but to fight Japan in the Pacific because they were attacked by an aggressive state.

  The discussion leads to the conclusion that while it is necessary to liberate the Japanese from this distorted view of history, it is also important to correct Japanese Americans' inaccurate historical knowledge of Japan's actions before and during WWII.

   Prof. Kojima refers to Mr. Henry Stokes’s article, “The Road from Perry’s Arrival to Pearl Harbor: Why America started a War against Japan?”, which is uploaded at our Website, in his discussion:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/93_S4.pdf

   He also suggests that the following two books are important in discussing this subject:

*Charles Beard, President Roosevelt and the Coming of the War, 1941: Appearances and Realities   

*Herbert Hoover, Freedom Betrayed: Herbert Hoover’s Secret History of the Second World War and Its Aftermath (Hoover Institution Press)

 Portraits with corresponding profiles were drawn and written by Prof. Kojima to enhance the visual experience of the reader.

The full text can be read here:

   *Full text:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/101_S4.pdf

*Author profile:  http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/101_S3.pdf




MOTEKI Hiromichi, Secretary General

for KASE Hideaki, Chairman

Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact

Phone: 03-3519-4366

Fax: 03-3519-4367

Email moteki@sdh-fact.com

URL http://www.sdh-fact.com


Note: Japanese names are rendered surname first in accordance with Japanese custom.


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