


2019年11月04日 | 雑感


既に貿易戦争状態となっているが、米国は技術・金融・情報などの対中管理を厳密化しており、既に、中国の科学者にはビザを発給しなくなっている。10月21日から25日にかけて開催されたINTERNATIONAL ASTRONAUTICAL CONGRESS(IAC)の70周年記念にあたる記念的な会議にも中国関係者にはビザが発給されていない。これは、新疆ウイグル自治区でイスラム教徒の少数民族弾圧に関わったとしてビザの発給制限に踏み切っているからだ。10月7日には、中国企業20社余りを対象に、少数民族に対する政府を支援したとして禁輸措置を発動している。



また、マルコ・ルビオ上院議員らは、公務員の年金運用において中国株への投資を中止する法案を11月6日を目処に提出する。連邦職員の退職金が中国株に投資されることは米国経済や国家安全保障を脅かす中国共産党を利することになり容認できないと述べている。因みに連邦退職貯蓄投資理事会(FRTIB:Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board's)の11月時点での中国株のウェートは7.5%と言うことだ。また、報道の通り、公開会社会計監督委員会(PCAOB:Public Company Accounting Oversight Board)が財務情報へのアクセスを制限されている国の株式や金融商品への投資を阻止するとしており、財務情報へのアクセスを制限されている中国株式や金融商品への投資は大いに制限・阻止される。



I personally consider Vice President Pence's speech to China at the Hudson Institute in October to be the second Haru Note. Today, China is divided into the CCP and its army, the PLA, and the Chinese government, on top of which the President reigns. This is the same as Japan before the war. The Emperor was divided into the Imperial Army and Navy and the Imperial Government (legislative, judicial, and executive), and was the Emperor.
Before the war, Japan expanded its continental policy, eventually leading to a war with Britain and the United States, and lost. Halnaut is the same as a substantial US and British war declaration.
The second Halnote is the Pence speech last October. The Chinese Communist Party will follow the same path as the Japanese Empire. The United States and the British end the Chinese Communist Party's rule of China.

Although the country is already in a state of trade war, the United States has tightened its control over technology, finance, and information in China, and has already issued no visa to Chinese scientists. No visas have been issued to Chinese officials at the INTERNATIONAL ASTRONAUTICAL CONGRESS (IAC) 's 70th anniversary commemorative meeting held from October 21 to 25. That's because the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region has started restricting visas for alleged involvement in the suppression of Muslim ethnic minorities. On October 7, an embargo was imposed on more than 20 Chinese companies for supporting the government on ethnic minorities.
However, visa issuance restrictions have been in place since then, and a meeting in Washington on quantum ICT in February was held at a conference without a visa issued to Professor Ban Jianwei (China University of Science and Technology), the father of China's quantum. Not able to participate. In addition, similar measures are being taken at advanced technology conferences such as artificial intelligence.

The financial war has already begun:

At the Bilderberg meeting held from May to June, discussions on China's human rights, religion repression, and ethnic minority issues showed that even the pro-Chinese Kissinger was in favor of overthrowing the CCP. Strengthen China's tightening not only in trade but also in a wide range of areas. If China does not accept the second Haru Note, it will seize the foreign assets of the CCP and the wealthy. This has not been overstated, but it has also been quietly tightened in the financial arena. Chinese nationals in the United States and other countries are no exception, and families such as the Crown Party will face difficulties sooner or later.

Senators Marco Rubio will also submit a bill on November 6 to stop investing in Chinese stocks in government employees' pension management. Investing in Chinese stocks of federal retirement benefits would be unacceptable, benefiting the CCP, which threatens the US economy and national security. Incidentally, the weight of Chinese stocks in the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (FRTIB) in November was 7.5% as of November. Also, as reported, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) has stated that it will prevent investment in stocks and financial products in countries where access to financial information is restricted. Investing in Chinese stocks and financial products that have restricted access to China will be greatly restricted or blocked.

China has refused to allow the PCAOB to audit Chinese companies listed on the U.S. Stock Exchange, including the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, despite changes in US policy on China. Many large Chinese companies, such as Alibaba and Baidu, are raising dollars in the United States while avoiding PCAOB audits, but will no longer be able to do so. The impact has become apparent with the resignation of Alibaba Group's founder, Chairman Jack Ma, on September 10.

In any case, the Chinese Communist Party must conduct its business and investment in the post-disruption regime of the continent after failing to govern. Japan has been reported to greet Xi Jinping at the state guest, Japan is always from the world of trends, are offset in the lap, in particular managers guys sweet outlook and ideas that belong to the Keidanren, is amazed honest . Right now, retiring from China is a cultivation, and sticking to immediate interests will be a matter of survival for the company.