折角のお正月です(^^)/ 失敗怖がらずに着物ライフはじめる
絶好の機会(^^) なぜかお直しおばさん出現せず、寛大な方々ばかりになる一年で一番着やすい時期です!がんばって!!!
Osho-gatsu week(new year cerebration: Jan 1-7 ) is coming! This is the best time of the year to start trying on "Kimono" not "Yukata" bathrobe". The funny thing is that everyone is not too strict about following classic rules during this week. So just take a courage and keep yourself warm enough with shawl, leg warmers, and any western things you have over you!! If you think you need some advice, send me the ordination pic personally, I might be able to help you (^^)/