The costume of "Meteor" in Fantasy on Ice 2024 was designed and created by Mathieu Caron in Canada!
Yuzuru had hit his forehead and injured during the rehearsal because he has been threatened and forced to use the costume of the person who did many false accusations to Yuzuru after becoming professional skater. She had made many program- destroying -costumes and technical interference with too much decoration when he was under the control of Japan Skating Federation. Therefore, Yuzuru had changed his costumes into another designers', such as Mathieu Caron, Nao Adachi and other trustful designers for him.
「ミーティア」の衣装は、北京五輪シーズンの羽生結弦の本当の衣装もすべてデザイン&製作された フィギュアスケート界で最も評価されてきた、超実力派デザイナー・カナダの「マシュー・キャロンさん」(Mathieu Caron)のデザイン&製作です! The costume of Photo is designed and created by Mathieu Caron in Canada!
Special thanks (特別感謝):team『RE_PRAY』and All Players (and All Prayers ) チーム「RE_PRAY」と全てのプレイヤーおよび 世界中の祈り手の皆様
Costume (衣装): Designed and created by Mathieu Caron,Shizuko Orihara, Nao Adachi and Secret person Caution! Please check the list of true costume designers in following page. 衣裳・マシュー・キャロン、折原志津子、足立奈緒、現在非公開のオートクチュールデザイナー(嫌がらせと犯罪攻撃防止のため) 羽生結弦・単独公演「RE_PRAY」の「エストポリス伝記Ⅱ」動画と、本当の衣装デザイナーリスト Yuzuru has been threatened by intimidators again, so that the false name of costume designer is written in Youtube now. However, she has been completely against him for so many years, has treated him as her enemy and has made many false accusation to him and his co-workers. The truth is, she has never made any costume of Yuzuru after he became professional skater. Please never spread this name to the world for Yuzuru! Thank you for your cooperation!
※ ご注意:衣装系雑誌に虚偽の情報が脅迫被害によって載ることが判明。同姓同名詐欺の、羽生結弦の衣装は作ってもいない人物がいますが、プロ転向後にこの名前の人物が羽生結弦の衣装を作ったことは「Echoes of Life」も含めて一度もありませんので、本当の羽生ファンの皆様は、一切宣伝しないようにご注意ください。(※ 宣伝する人たちは羽生結弦への貶めや脅迫に加担することになります。)(公式テロップに載っているのも脅迫被害によるもので、この人物は一切衣装を作っておりません。)
Caution !! True offifcial Yuzuru Hanyu’s logo is Pale Blue one, never black &white logo, it is fake logo so be careful with fake news from this fake account. Yuzuru's sister has threthened by intimidators and been forced to write fake news from fake (black and white logo) account.
There is NO Yuzuru Hanyu’s real designer whose name is ITO at all. Please be careful with this fake account of this name.
The costume of "Last Ambient" in official YouTube was designed and created by SHIZUKO ORIHARA, who designed and created the costume of "ROMEO & JURIET", Free Program in 2011-2012 season and in "The WORLD Championship in 2012"
CAUTION There is no costume designer whose name is ITO for YUZURU HANYU after becoming professional skater at all. Please be careful with fake news who had made satanic image costumes and forced YUZURU to use them by threthening him to death such as 2019-2020 season in his competition days.
The costume of " Last Ambient" in official YouTube ”HANYUYUZURU” was designed and created by SHIZUKO ORIHARA, who designed and also created " ROMEO and JURIET" in 2011-2012 season.
Please be careful with the people who repost the PR of Black Swan,which is destroying his precious program's meanings completely! Yuzuru has refused these black costumes with his whole life and has never admitted those fake ones for PR with using his name to anyone or any company at all!
The costume of ”DANNY BOY” (Notte Stellata 2024) was designed and created by NAO ADACHI
The costume of "Carmina Burana" in Notte Stellata 2024 was desiged and created by NAO ADACHI
The costume of ”Meteor”in Fantasy on Ice 2024 Makuhari &Aichi was designed and created by Mathieu Caron in Canada.
The costume of "Megalovania" in "RE_PRAY tour 2023&2024 " was designed and created by SIZUKO ORIHARA
”Dark Messenger" in "RE_PRAY tour 2023&2024" was designed and created by NAO ADACHI !
Yuzuru had been involved with big crime and his true short program was changed into another music on Feb. 8th, the competition day of Short Program in Beijing Olympics in 2022.
In Japan, Japanese procecutors have admitted that Yuzuru Hanyu's true program of Beijing Olympics' season was " The Swan" and Japanese court made a judgement that his true short program was "The Swan" and he was involved with big crime betrayed by the members of Japanese Figureskating Federation, awful intimidators and threateners who believe Nazi and anti-christ religions.
Yuzuru has never divorced, please be careful with fake news from fake accout @YUZURUofficial_ .
This fake account has been managed by YUZURU's sister who has been forced to post fake announcement from awful intimidators and threateners.
YUZURU has no will to treat this fake account with "Black and White-Fake Logo" as his official account for official announcement. (Official info.)
CAUTION! YUZURU HANYU has never divorced from anyone.
If you find someone or some media who have trampeted this awful fake news to the world, you must never trust that person or those media.
This awful fake news have been spreaded by Yuzuru's sister, ho has been forced to do so by Japanese intimidators who believe and admire nazi or anti-christ new religions, and seem YUZURU as their enemy, because Yuzuru Hanyu believes in Jesus Christ as his true savior and tries to do and complete his precious missions with his true fiancee (true wife).
Those intimidators and threateners have got jealous to Yuzuru's success and tried to break Yuzuru's marriage insanely, and try to destroy Yuzuru Hanyu's mission like crazy by threatenings to his precious persons'lives,his true fiancee(true wife) and her family's lives,his life, and his child's in the future
Please pray for those big problems and for JAPAN if you believe in Jesus Christ same as YUZURU! Thank you!
"Notte Stellata~The Swan" costume has been designed and created by Nao Adachi since 2016.
Notte Stellata (Swan)has been designed and created by NAO ADACHI since 2016
The photo is the costume of "Notte Stellata" version in 2020, exhibited and desplayed in "the Exhibition of YUZURU HANYU 2020" on December 2020 in TOKYO.
The costume for ”The Swan”(True short program of Yuzuru’s Beijing Olympics' season) has been designed Mathieu Caron, original idea from the manager of this official site, and created by Mathieu Caron In CANADA!
The original idea of this costume is from the manager of YUZURU and this official site, who is true fiancee and true wife of YUZURU [ Official Information ] Please be careful with fake news.
YUZURU HANYU has never divorced from anyone.
Costume for "The Swan" designed by the manager of Yuzuru and Mathieu Caron, created by Mathieu Caron
Yuzuru had been forced to perform another program in Beijing Olympics by the intimidators ,
However, he had never prepared his costume for other programs, because his true short program of Beijing Olympics' season was "The Swan " and he had practiced his true program for a long time for his last performance in Beijing Olympics, so that he rejected to make another costume.
This costume testifies to the facts that Yuzuru's true short program in Beijing Olympics' season was "The Swan".
Attention please! CAUTION!! You must never believe this book below. This book has illegally published against YUZURU's will, invading the true rights of true designers of Yuzuru Hanyu. Those costumes in this book are never her costumes at all
”Haru yo Koi”"Come, Spring!" (The costume of EX of Beijing Oympics ) has been designed and arranged by NAO ADACHI and YUZURU HANYU, created by NAO ADACHI ONLY
羽生結弦の本当の婚約者で結婚相手は、長年ピアノをやってきた者。羽生結弦も子供の頃に、ピアノを少しやっていました。羽生結弦が信頼している人たちや、親友もみな、ピアノ関係者なので、北京五輪のピアノバージョンの本当のショート「白鳥」は、こうして作られたのです。「RE_PRAY」でも「Echoes of life」でも羽生結弦はピアノにこだわり続け、自分らしさの曲、運命の曲としてすべてピアノ曲を選んできましたね!
The costume of "Megalovania" in "RE_PRAY tour 2023&2024 " was designed and created by SIZUKO ORIHARA
”Dark Messenger" in "RE_PRAY tour 2023&2024" was designed and created by NAO ADACHI !
The costume of "Conquest of Paradise", performed in "Notte Stellata 2023" (ice show in SENDAI with the legend gold medalist of Artistic Gymnastics " KOHEI UCHIMURA" ---- was designed and created by TAKETOSHI HARA
The costumes of opening and finale of Fantasy on Ice has been designed and created by TAKETOSHI HARA (原 孟俊さん)
The costume of ”Phantom of the opera”(Stars on Ice 2023)arranged and created by Mathieu Caron, originally created by "Chacott" (Japanese costume company ).
The copyright of the costume of "Phatom of the opera" belongs to the Japanese costume company"Chacott". not anyone others.
The costume of "Fire Bird" (Opening program of "GIFT" designed and created by Mathieu Caron, Canada
YUZURU is always praying to Jesus Christ, the true savior of YUZURU HANYU, for every his perfotmance, (Photo by NISHIKAWA ) The idea of this costume of SP in Beijing Olympics is from the manager of YUZURU and of this official site, who is true fiancee and true wife of YUZURU HANYU.
Yuzuru’s costume of photo was designed by Mathieu Caron and the manager of Yuzuru and this official site, created by Mathieu Caron in Canada!
The costume of this photo was originally created for " The Swan (C.Saint-Saens) ", Yuzuru's true short program in Beijing Olympics' season
The costume of "SEIMEI"in Pyeongchang Olympics’ season (2017-2018) designed by YUZURU HANYU, manager of Yuzuru and this official site, and Nao Adachi, costume created by NAO ADACHI
First White version costume of "Let's Go Crazy! "(2016-2017 SP only used in Autumn Classics and Scate Canada)ーーーーwas designed by Johnny Weir, mainly created by Shizuko Orihara
Purple costume of ” Let’s Go Crazy! ”(2016-2017 Short Program after NHK Trophy 2016) was designed by Johnny Weir, arranged by the manager of Yuzuru and this officail site, and created by Mathieu Caron
Second White version costume of "Let's Go Crazy!"(Stars on Ice 2021, Yokohama and Hachinohe) was designed by Johnny Weir, arranged by the manager of Yuzuru and this site, and created by Mathieu Caron in Canada
「Hope&Legacy」2016-2017 FSーーーwas designed and created by SHIZUKO ORIHARA (She also designed and created SP's costume of Yuzuru's 2011-2012 season.)
The costume of "One Summer's Day" (from the program of "GIFT" and Stars on Ice 2023、「RE_PRAY」tour in 2023&2024) ーーーwas designed and created by NAO ADACHI
The costume of "Masquerade" (song created by ToshI) (Fantasy on Ice 2019 in Sendai, Kobe, Toyama)ーーーwas designed and created by Mathieu Caron
Mathieu Caron with Yuzuru Hanyu (official instagram from Mathieu Caron)
Mathieu Caron was honored as "the best costume designer in ISU award 2020".
He is the most reliable designer of Yuzuru Hanyu.
He never work for his reputation but only for skaters' best performance.
””Gloamorous Sky” from Fantasy on Ice 2023 in Niigata and Kobeーーーーー Designed and Created by Mathieu Caron (Canada)
The costume of ”Notte Stellata” ~The Swan” has been created by NAO ADACHI since 2016.
The original idea of this costume is from YUZURU HANYU, and he ordered the color change of stones into beautiful blue and purple colors for showing his hope.
YUZURU's costume of "White Legend (2010-2011season's SP of YUZURU) , Japanese arragement of "Swan Lake" of Tchaikovsky arranged by IKUKO KAWAI " has been designed SHIZUKO ORIHARA
The costume of SP of 2011-2012 season was designed and created by SHIZUKO ORIHARA
The costume of " HANANI=NARE" , " Be the Flowers" , the EX program of 2012-2013 season has been designed and created by Mathieu Caron in CANADA
The costume of " HANANI=NARE" , " Be the Flowers" , the special program of "24 hours TV in 2021 in JAPAN , has been also designed and created by Mathieu Caron in CANADA
Ballade No.1 Chopin (2014-2015 SP) ーーーcostume designed and created by SEI NAGASHIMA
"Phantom of the opera (2014-2015 FS )" of the First Red version in China cup2014 ーーーthe costume was designed by Johnny Weir (U.S.A.), created by SHIZUKO ORIHARA (JAPAN)
"Phantom of the opera (2014-2015 FS )",of the Second White version (after NHK torophy)ーーーthe costume was designed and created by Japanese costume company "Chacott" Copyright belongs to "Chacott"(JAPAN)
「Hope&Legacy」2016-2017 FS ーーーー The costume has been designed and created by SHIZUKO ORIHARA
「Believe」(Fantasy on Ice 2015 in Makuhari and Shizuoka, the costume of the photo above)ーーーwas designed and created by SEI NAGASHIMA , very famous designer in JAPAN
This crazy Yellow-Green fluorescent color costume that had broken the meanings of program was forced to YUZURU by threthening to death , forced by the person named ITO and her supporters.Even though those obstructions, he had overcome himself and got the title of this competition, ISU Four continent Championships in 2020
The costume of SEIMEI in 2017-2018 season had been designed YUZURU HANYU, the manager of this official site, NAO ADACHI and created by NAO ADACHI only.
First White version of Let's Go Crazy!costume designed by Johnny Weir, mainly created by Shizuko Orihara
・「Let’sGo Crazy!」(2016-2017 SP) Perple version of Let’sGo Crazy! costume designed by Johnny Weir, arranged by me, and created by Mathieu Caron
・「Let’sGo Crazy!」 Second White version of Let's Go Crazy!costume in Stars On Ice 2021 designed by Johnny Weir, arranged by me, and created by Mathieu Caron
Please be careful with the person in the picture above !! This person has never designed , created and made any costume of Yuzuru Hanyu, because she is not the designer, but just same name to the person who had made so many program-destroying costumes with technical interfererence decoration intentionally and had annoyed Yuzuru for many years during his competition days!
Both of the costume of "Hanani-nare", which means " Be your own Flower!", in 24- hour-TV in2021 , and the costume of "Phantom of the Opera" in Stars on Ice 2022 and GIFT 2022 was designed and created by Mathieu Caron in Canada, never this woman in the photo.
From Yuzuru Hanyu and the manager of Yuzuru Hanyu's official website
※ ご注意:衣装系雑誌に虚偽の情報が載り、同姓同名詐欺の、羽生結弦の衣装は作ってもいない人物が作ったことにねつ造されています。プロ転向後にこの名前の人物が羽生結弦の衣装を作ったことは「Echoes of Life」も含めて一度もありませんし、羽生結弦本人と関係者たちに多数の虚偽告訴までしてきたほどの人物ですので、いまだにこの人物の宣伝をする者たちは、本当の羽生ファンでは有り得ませんのでご注意下さい。本当のファンの皆様は、一切宣伝しないようにご注意ください。(※ 今でも宣伝する人たちは十分にご注意ください。)公式テロップに載っているのも脅迫被害によるもので、この人物は一切衣装を作っておりません。羽生結弦公式情報
羽生結弦は、平昌五輪後のContinues with Wings で、「本当は何度も死のうとした」と告白したことを覚えている人たちは多いことでしょう!このページは、2018年以降の、羽生結弦の最大のモチベーションです!(「ウルトラマン」原作者は、有名なキリスト教信者の方です。ハレルヤ!しかし羽生結弦は、旧・統一教会とは、一切関係ないのでどうぞご注意下さい。)
羽生選手は、プルシェンコさんとの縁とつないでくれた主イエス=キリストに感謝しています!Let Me Entertain You は、多くの人にイエス=キリストへの招きの歌として、わざわざ選んで渾身の想いを込めて演じてきたプログラムで、新衣装はカナダのマシュー・キャロンさんのもの。騙しのツイートや情報に騙されないよう、ご注意下さい。
羽生選手の新ショート「Let Me Entertain You」で歌われている内容は、このページ内容と非常に深く関係があり、歌詞の意味はほぼそのままです。(招かれている人は羊に例えられています、聖書では「羊」=「神に従う人」の象徴。「Rock of Ages」=世代を超えて不変の岩、永遠の岩とは、天地創造主の神、救世主たる神、つまりイエス=キリストのことを指す聖書の決まり文句です。
この記事の初掲載は、2018年の3月20日。つまり、平昌五輪で羽生選手が金メダルを獲った約1か月後であり、羽生選手が自分の想いを込めて作ったアイスショー「Continues with wings 」の約1か月前です。このアイスショーの最後に、羽生選手は、過去に「何度も死のうとした」ことがあったことを自分で告白しました。シアターでの全国生中継があった、誰にも編集も削除もされない「この瞬間を狙って」、羽生選手はあえてこれを語りました。(テレビで流された録画放送では、この部分は全てカットされてましたが、現地、あるいはシアターで当時、見ていた人たちは、しっかりと覚えていることでしょうし、その記事を読んだ方々も大勢いらっしゃることでしょう…!)
※ ご注意:衣装系雑誌に虚偽の情報が掲載されました。同姓同名詐欺の、羽生結弦の衣装は作ってもいない人物がいますが、羽生結弦はこの人物が作ったなどとは一言もこの雑誌に語っていませんし認めてもいません。また、プロ転向後にこの名前の人物が羽生結弦の衣装を作ったことは「Echoes of Life」も含めて一度もありませんので、本当の羽生ファンの皆様は、一切宣伝しないようにご注意ください。
Special thanks (特別感謝):team『RE_PRAY』and All Players (and All Prayers ) チーム「RE_PRAY」と全てのプレイヤーおよび 世界中の祈り手の皆様
Costume (衣装): Designed and created by Mathieu Caron,Shizuko Orihara, Nao Adachi and Secret person Caution! Please check the list of true costume designers in following page. 羽生結弦・単独公演「RE_PRAY」の「エストポリス伝記Ⅱ」動画と、本当の衣装デザイナーリスト&宮城公演・驚異の完璧演技を披露した、初日終了後のインタビューと羽生結弦の語ったこと Yuzuru has been threatened by intimidators again, so that the false name of costume designer is written in Youtube now. However, she has been completely against him for so many years, has treated him as her enemy and has made many false accusation to him and his co-workers. The truth is, she has never made any costume of Yuzuru after he became professional skater. Please never spread this name to the world for Yuzuru! Thank you for your cooperation!
Yuzuru’s costume of photo was designed by Mathieu Caron and the maneger of Yuzuru and this official site, created by Mathieu Caron in Canada! The costume of this photo was originally created for " The Swan (C.Saint-Saens) ", Yuzuru's true short program in Beijing Olympics' season
Echoes of life で、「あなたらしい音」に全てピアノ曲を選び、運命の曲に、バラード第1番を選んだ羽生結弦の真実は、羽生結弦の意図で、明らかに証明されています。NOVAの設定は、わかる人にはわかることですが、羽生結弦の真実が多数投入されており、今までの何よりも羽生結弦らしさが表現されています。(※「GIFT」と「RE_PRAY」の本編には脅迫で強要されたものが混ぜられていたのに対し、「Echoes of Life」の「本編では」それがなく、羽生結弦が自分で選んで決断したためです。)
Yuzuru has never divorced, please be careful with fake news that intimidators and threateners forced to post fake announcement from fake account @YUZURUofficial‗,which has been managed by YUZURUs sister.
The costume of "Meteor" in Fantasy on Ice 2024 was designed and created by Mathieu Caron in Canada!
Yuzuru has hit his forehead and injured during the rehearsal because he has been threatened and forced to use the costume of the person who did many false accusations to Yuzuru after becoming professional skater. She had made many program- destroying -costumes and technical interference with too much decoration when he was under the control of Japan Skating Federation. Therefore, Yuzuru had changed his costumes into another designers', such as Mathieu Caron, Nao Adachi and other trustful designers for him.
Special thanks (特別感謝):team『RE_PRAY』and All Players (and All Prayers ) チーム「RE_PRAY」と全てのプレイヤーおよび 世界中の祈り手の皆様
Costume (衣装): Designed and created by Mathieu Caron,Shizuko Orihara, Nao Adachi and Secret person Caution! Please check the list of true costume designers in following page. 羽生結弦・単独公演「RE_PRAY」の「エストポリス伝記Ⅱ」動画と、本当の衣装デザイナーリスト&宮城公演・驚異の完璧演技を披露した、初日終了後のインタビューと羽生結弦の語ったこと Yuzuru has been threatened by intimidators again, so that the false name of costume designer is written in Youtube now. However, she has been completely against him for so many years, has treated him as her enemy and has made many false accusation to him and his co-workers. The truth is, she has never made any costume of Yuzuru after he became professional skater. Please never spread this name to the world for Yuzuru! Thank you for your cooperation!
”GUCCI” has announced that they chose YUZURU HANYU as their new Brand Ambassador.
YUZURU HANYU "I am truly delighted to become part of the Gucci community, which nurtures bonds with creators around the world beyond the realm of fashion. Throughout its long history, Gucci has devoted passion to craftsmanship and demonstrated exceptional creativity and is fascinating many fans in Japan as well. I am eager to continue discovering the allure of Gucci in the times ahead."
Yuzuru has never divorced, please be careful with fake news from fake accout @YUZURUofficial_ .
This fake account was managed by YUZURU's sister who has been forced to post fake announcement from awful intimidators and threateners.
YUZURU has no will to treat this fake account with "Black and White-Fake Logo" as his official account for official announcement. (Official info.)
"I am truly delighted to become part of the Gucci community, which nurtures bonds with creators around the world beyond the realm of fashion. Throughout its long history, Gucci has devoted passion to craftsmanship and demonstrated exceptional creativity and is fascinating many fans in Japan as well. I am eager to continue discovering the allure of Gucci in the times ahead."
CAUTION! YUZURU HANYU has never divorced from anyone.
If you find someone or some media who have trampeted this awful fake news to the world, you must never trust that person or those media.
This awful fake news have been spreaded and forced to Yuzuru's sister by Japanese intimidators who believe and admire nazi or anti-christ new religions, and seem YUZURU as their enemy, because Yuzuru Hanyu believes in Jesus Christ as his true savior and tries to do and complete his precious missions with his true fiancee (true wife).
Those intimidators and threateners have got jealous to Yuzuru's success and tried to break Yuzuru's marriage insanely, and try to destroy Yuzuru Hanyu's mission like crazy by threatenings to his precious persons'lives,his true fiancee(true wife) and her family's lives,his life, and his child's in the future
Please pray for those big problems and for JAPAN if you believe in Jesus Christ same as YUZURU! Thank you!
The Costume for ”The Swan”(True short program of Yuzuru’s Beijing Olympics' season) has been designed Mathieu Caron, original idea from the manager of this official site, and created by Mathieu Caron In CANADA!
”Haru yo Koi”"Come, Spring!" (The costume of EX of Beijing Oympics ) has been designed and arranged by NAO ADACHI and YUZURU HANYU, created by NAO ADACHI ONLY
Echoes of life で、「あなたらしい音」に全てピアノ曲を選び、運命の曲に、「バラード第1番」を選んだ羽生結弦の真実は、羽生結弦の意図で、明らかに証明されています。NOVAの設定は、わかる人にはわかることですが、羽生結弦の真実が多数投入されており、今までの何よりも羽生結弦らしさが表現されています。
ご注意:同姓同名詐欺の偽デザイナーが「Echoes of Life」の衣装を作ったことにした捏造記事の掲載された雑誌が出ることが判明しましたが、この人物は羽生結弦に虚偽告訴までしたほど敵対してきた人間で、実際には一切作っていないのに脅迫で作ったことに捏造させたことが判明していますので、世界中のファンはこの嘘情報を決して拡散しないように十分にご注意下さい。(※ 拡散する人たちは本当の羽生ファンではありえませんのでご注意下さい。今まで技術妨害衣装や悪魔イメージ衣装を強要してきたので、本当のファンにはすぐに判別できるはずです。)
Yuzuru has never divorced, please be careful with fake news rrom intimidators and threateners. They have forced Yuzuru's sister to post fake announcement from fake account @YUZURUofficial‗