

八正道の正と誤Noble Eightfold Path of YES or NO

2018-02-27 | 坐禅


How can we determine the criteria for choosing a right way to do?


What kind of judgements determine the criteria of which is right or wrong?


Can be the opposite of Right is Wrong?


Could be answered for these questions only by religion?


I was born in South Korea, lived in Japan for many years and I live in US now, so I come to understand each country’s cultural differences at daily life level.


What I learned in those daily life is the criteria for judging whether right ways or wrong to be right in the ways of should live right will be decided by precedents which happened in past like customs.

人々の価値判断基準は宗教の違いにより異なり、国々の文化の違いによっても善悪を判断する思考過程が違う。People’s criterion of judgement for what is worthiness is different from one’s religion and each country also have cultural differences depending on their own thinking process to judge whether good or evil.


For example, Christians believe God as the singular existence but there are several gods in Japan and the gods are blended into people’s daily life.


The concept of God in South Korea is an almighty being and it is classified into a regime of god-domains which like supernatural phenomenon or things that cannot be elucidated with science and they means as a kind of power beyond human nature or an unattainable range.


As my experiencing of those differences or discrepancies of view points in ordinary, it makes an ambivalence to decide to be right.


However, there『Noble Eightfold Path』is one of Buddhism teachings and when I learned it disappeared the ambivalence and doubting of what would be right.


I do not want to belong to a specific religion, but the teaching of Noble Eightfold Path made sense to me even I am not a Buddhist and I began to think it is worthy to practice as I learned those teachings.


Below is the quotation from Wikipedia about eight ways of Noble Eightfold Path.


Right View: To know truth kinds accurately.


Right Resolve: Rightly think and judge.


Right Speech: It is practical conduct of Right Resolve.


(it means no lying, be away from idle gossip, be away from misunderstanding each other, leave violent words)


Right Conduct: It is practical conduct of Right Resolve.


(To say, be away from destruction of life or killing, be away from stealing, be away from sexual behave especially sexual relationship contrary to social morality)


Right Livelihood: Live life with a rightfulness to carry on one’s livelihood.


Right Effort: Make efforts for those four-practical conducts such as「eliminate vice that already has arisen」「try to prevent a vice will happen in the future」「increasing and expanding virtue that has happened in past」「make happens virtue that  have not  occurred yet」


Right Mindfulness: To be always being aware (with mindfulness) of current situations in inside and outside.


Right Concentration: It is to complete right concentration(samādhi). By these Right Concentration and Right Mindfulness can get the Right View for the first step.


Adding other incorrect eight ways(misconduct) on above eight lists it will make clear symmetrical comparison and make clearer understanding.


Wrong view: Not knowing truths kinds correctly.


Wrong Resolve: Wrongly think and judge.


Wrong Speech: It is practical conduct of Wrong Resolve.


 (it means tell a lie, the words that make misunderstanding each other, using violent words)


Wrong Conduct: It is practical conduct of Wrong Resolve.


(To say, doing destruction of life or killing, stealing, doing sexual behave especially having sexual relationship contrary to social morality)


Wrong Livelihood: Live life with a wrongness to carry on one’s livelihood.


Wrong Effort: Doing four-practical conducts such as「continue vice that already has done」「try to accuse a vice will happen in the future」「increasing and expanding vice that has accured in past」「make happens vice that  have not  occurred yet」


Wrong Mindfulness: To be always being unaware of current situations in inside and outside.


Wrong Concentration: It is not being able to complete right concentration(samādhi). By these Wrong Concentration and Wrong Mindfulness these can be the Wrong View for the begging.


Righteous way will be decided by clarifying what is not right,


Guessing that the righteous ways can see through by standing at the right positions.


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日韓英語教育とその他Jaglish,Konglish and Otherglish

2018-02-13 | 英語、韓国語


In Japan, learning capacity of English is directly related with educational background and personal career.


Those who have graduated collage in Japan, they must have taken English classes at least for 8 years for 3 years at junior high school, at high school 3 years, at 2 years of junior collage or 4 years of university.


South Korea also has similar educational system, but I have heard the time for learning basic English from primary school students have more classes than Japanese students have taken.


The word of Jaglish is synthesized Japanese plus English and it refers to Japanese-English that have been using only in Japan.


Konglish is the same of Korean plus English and it also refers to how Korean speak English or how they pronounce as English that they are supposed to communicate with English.


Since I had taken educations in both South Korea and Japan, so I am pretty sure of those details.


It is very easy for me to guess what country’s English it is when watching dramas or movies.


In Japan or South Korea, if someone speaks English fluently he or she looked like a technician and treated like a mechanic.


With only English capacity can enter a university which has a higher deviation and can get a job at a listed high company.


However, the problem is CAN’T speak English even those for 6 years of learning.


English at a junior high or high school in Japan, it is just one of subjects that must pass for tests and English knowledge is far from everyday life.


It is no difference from most of students considering that learning mathematics is not related with everyday life.


The purpose of learning English for students both South Korea and Japan is only to get scores for tests.


The reason why Japanese students can’t speak English even their 6 years of learning is because even teachers who teach students can’t say their opinions in English.


Japanese English teachers teach grammar at first and the grammar terms.


They teach some samples of way to say that written in a reference book republished 30 years ago.


On the reference books the expression examples those are not used anymore in English-speaking countries still used proudly and they are referring on text books too.


When I had running my cram school, I felt headaches and even made me sick bad for just gave a look for student’s workprints that they received from their school.


Students don’t know whether right or wrong for knowledge that taught from teachers and they force themselves memorize at all to get scores for tests.


The problem of English education in Japan, it will take at least 15 years to improve to get the result if they try to make better from now.


To solve the problem of teaching English the teacher who is a none-verbal communicator,


Give English train course to the teachers.


Give a language qualification test for English teacher.


Change to a training course for conversation from grammar supremacy.


If above briefing of three lists can be set, the learners who take education from the teachers, their future will change.


If student’s future changed, the future of Japan and Korea also will change.


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ロシアバレエの品格Russia ballet the prestige

2018-02-05 | バレエ


Ballet is the ultimate art performed by human body.


It is also an utmost limit which even cannot be imitated without having certain skills.


Paintings or sculptures can follow up to some levels if learn the basics, but ballet takes years to learn just basics.


To add, even though acquired basics it is extremely difficult to express it.


When watching a ballet, it gives a feeling that human body is created to express a beauty.


A fashion model is used as a tool which to convey the beauty of costumes, but ballerinas show human will strength.


Ballerinas never show pain.


She never let people feel her weight.


Her body is whirled up in the space like air, shows the beauty of music with her body.


Finally, I could watch Russia ballet with my naked eyes.


And I could know why Russia ballet is the utmost.


Russia ballet does not show a ballet.


They are showing the human extreme.


While I was watching Russia ballet, I thought that if I watch Svetlana’s Swan Lake in real, I would feel like my soul may take over the post.


Svetlana is the ballerina who can go beyond the ultimate limits of human body.


There will be no other dancers who can reach the level that Svetlana has reached.


What is the ultimate prestige?


It may be endless challenges for humans that trying to go beyond a limitation.


A judgement made by someone who faced on limitations, it may decide the prestige.


Perhaps, Prestige would be an authority that allowed for only one who always chooses to be exceeded limitations.


The prestige authority is not allowed to have for one who accepted the faced limitation will not be able to overcome.


People express respect to an authority which acquired by their own power, and people can learn human beings exalted.

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知識の作用-禅作用Function of knowledge-Zen function

2018-02-01 | 坐禅

知識とは何だろうか。What is knowledge?


Knowledge can be briefly classified into three verb groups as “know” “comprehensive” “understand”


My definition of those three knowledge types are,


Know: something that I couldn’t see begins to be visible.


Comprehensive: things that scattered start to fit in one place, and the directionality begins to have motility.


Understand: A can to B and begin to lead to a new C.


However, these three-systematic recognitions do not work unless clearly make sure of what is not-known.


It cannot be knowing what is not known and how do not know.


Makes unknown to be known it would be the true force of knowledge.


But when above three kinds of verbs come to blended with emotional adjectives, the focus on knowing begins to be off and the target gets dimmer.


For example, a student who is not good at studying think that do-not-know is linked to suffering but on the other hand, a studied-well-student shows interesting in unknowns.


A student whose self-awareness strongly tied to knowledge tends to judge what is difficult or easy for the first sight and estimates difficulties before try to know but a student who distinguishes knowledge itself and self-awareness has an attitude that give a try first even though a sentence looks difficult.


When see student’s attitudes against knowledge, it shows that knowledge itself does not choose which people.


Knowledge is given equally to everyone, but it looks like people choose things that they can digest only and can identify with their adjective glasses.


Know, perceive, understand are verbs.

They don’t express a state as a form like an adjective.

As a verb indicates an action so if it does not accompany by actions, it doesn’t work.  


Zazen is a noun, but it is also an intransitive verb at the same time.


Togen the Zen-master’s teaching of “just sit” may also point a level where cannot reach without doing it.


Zazen is not a telling, it would be a function which can get by doing.


Knowledge cannot be obtained without doing act to get neither, so it seems to have some common factors between fundamentals of zazen and knowledge.


A load point is one of mechanical terms that refers to a result of applying force to a object, at the point of view of zazen and knowledge the load points can move the effort point by fixing the fulcrum.


“Lever mechanics” common factors in knowledge and zazen.


Fulcrum=knowing the point that not-known, simple act of sitting.


Effort= act to know, act to sit


Load= get knowledge, make heavy mind to move.


Therefore, it can be said that knowledge is a verb that express a motion.



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