Dr. Stefan Lanka demonstrated the existence of the first virus , ectocarpus silculosus in a sea algae. This proof was first published in a scientific publication in 1990, in accordance with the standard of the natural sciences. The virus reproduces itself in the algae, can leave it and reproduce itself again in other algae of this kind, without having any negative effects, and this virus stands in no connection whatsoever with any disease. For instance in one litre of sea water, there are over 100 million viruses of various kinds very different from each other. The publications are listed below:
1. Title: A Virus Infection in the Marine Brown Alga Ectocarpus siliculosus (Phaeophyceae) Authors: D.G. Müller, H. Kawai, B. Stache, and S. Lanka, Botanica Acta 103 (1990) 72-82
2. Title: Genome Structure of a Virus Infecting the Marine Brown Alga Ectocarpus siliculosus Authors: Stefan T.J. LANKA, Michael KLEIN, Uwe RAMSPERGER, Dieter G. MÜLLER, and Rolf KNIPPERS, Virology 193, 802-811 (1993)
3. Title: Coat Protein of the Ectocarpus siliculosus Virus, Authors: Michael KLEIN, Stefan T.J. LANKA, Rolf KNIPPERS, and Dieter G. MÜLLER; Virology 206, 520-526 (1995)
Dr. Lanka has proven in the German courts, that “HIV” and the ‘measles virus” do not exist:
1. Measles virus put to the test, Dr Stefan Lanka wins in court. https://learninggnm.com/documents/Lanka_Bardens_Trial_E.pdf http://whale.to/c/antivaxxer_biologist_stefan.html
2. Still No Proof of the Measles Virus. https://feli-popescu.blogspot.com/2018/09/still-no-proof-for-measles-virus.html?fbclid=IwAR3tiQP6wfjT7WHpPCJ8KZnKxxR1lIKjH9AxyjlaZoWdYMEfjlCHG6FUlzc&m=1
3. German court rules HIV Never Isolated. https://www.virusmyth.com/aids/news/kkletter.htm http://www.whale.to/m/hiv.html
4. Dr Stefan Lanka-Why HIV Has Never Been Isolated. https://youtu.be/_ow9rdOdNe0
5. Dismantling the Virus Theory. https://wissenschafftplus.de/uploads/article/Dismantling-the-Virus-Theory.pdf
6. Dr Lanka exposes the Viral Fraud. http://whale.to/a/lanka5.html
Dr. Lanka: “Viruses are vital components of simple lifeforms that do not exist in complex organisms such as humans, animals or plants.”