世界海洋会議(World Ocean Conference)がインドネシア国マナド市で開催された。約80ヶ国から1000人以上の大学関係者, 政府関係者が参加した。
連日連夜,新聞やテレビなどのメディアがトップニュースでWOCの様子を伝えている。一般人でも,海洋に興味関心を高めてもらうという政府の意向が反映されているのだろうか? マナドの地元人,ヘリーさんに聞いてみた。「WOCを知っているか?」「はい,知っています。朝のニュースでも,毎日取り上げられています。海は,インドネシアだけでなく,世界の気候に大きな影響を与えるものなので,海のことを理解する必要がありますね。」また,ジャカルタでも,ライオンエアの係員に話を聞いた。「WOCを知っているか?」「知っている。インドネシアは海が大変汚れている。何とかしたい。」「何が一番重要か?」「一人一人の責任の自覚だ。」
本会議は,シンポジウムと本会議の二本立て行われている。20以上のセクションに分かれていて全ての様子を伺うことが出来なかったが,Ocean Ethics, Social Ecology System, Marine Education の分野で参加・発表した。発表内容は「水圏環境リテラシー教育推進プログラム」に関するものである。
参加したシンポジウムの中で,重要な課題として浮かび上がってくるのは,1 経済発展と生態系の維持は両立できるか,2 大学の研究は,どのように漁業者に貢献できているのか? 3 一つあるいはそれ以上の社会システムに影響を受けている生物学的エコシステム(Social Ecological System)という概念は重要であるが,グローバルな経済システムの中で考えていくことが理想である,ということである。
本会議のほうでも,インドネシア大統領は,海洋の問題は死活問題であると述べ,世界が一体となり取り組むことの重要性を訴え,インドネシアでは海外とのつながりを強化し,インドネシアチャイナ海洋気候センター(ICCOC)を共同で立ち上げることを発表した。(写真はグーグル社による,Webによる海洋利用の可能性に関するプレゼンテーション in Manado Convension Center)
The following is rough translation:
A world ocean conference (World Ocean Conference) was held in Indonesian country in Manado.
The persons concerned in a university beyond the Ten 0 -10 person, an administration official participated from an About 80 countries.
Indonesia does from the ocean area, or it is the ocean state Is equal to which anyone recognizes even if it does from the number of islands.
This conference is the entertainment that all the energies were given in Indonesia and which it grappled with.
It could understand the way which the power took to build convention center for this conference and to display the huge booth of each prefecture (33 Prefecturs) in the convention Previous site.
Day and night, a newspaper and the media such as a television introduce the state of WOC by the top news.
Is the governmental intention that even the general public has interest concern raised in the ocean reflected?
I tried to ask the local person of Manado and a helicopter Never.
「Do you know WOC?」
「 Yes, it knows.」
It is featured in the morning news as well every day.
「We must understand the sea because a major impact is given to not only Indonesia but also the climate of the world.」
And, a story was asked to the person in charge of the lion air as to Jakarta.
「Do you know WOC?」
「It knows.The sea is strangely dirty in Indonesia. I want to do something.」
「 What is the most important thing?」
「It is the consciousness of the responsibility of each.」
A plenary session has the double feature of the symposium and the plenary session done.
Participation was announced in the field of Ocean Ethics, Social Ecology System and Marine Education though it was divided into the section more than the Twenty.
Contents of an announcement was about "Aquatic marine environment literacy education promotiing program".
Does it as an important subject in the symposium which it participated in, and can economic development and the maintenance of the ecosystem go together, or how can it contribute to the fishery operator that the top comes as for the research of university?
A thing to think about in the global economic system is the general idea of the biological ecosystem (Social Ecological System) which takes an influence in the social system.
Such a subject is the goal Is not which can reach it easily.
But, it is important to proceed with the research with being concerned as a researcher with the society with the ideology of this goal View commonness doing and thinking of it.
The curriculum that a systematic scinece was taken seriously from the classifical science was made in the Bogor Agricultural university. And, say that you deepen a fishery and a connection with the general public by the sea partnership that sea grant collge system was adopted.
The President of Indonesia mentioned the problem of the ocean about the plenary session with the matter of life and death, and complained about the importance of the thing which becomes world is equal to unity and which it grapples with, and a connection with the foreign countries was strengthened, and it was announced that Indonesian China maritime climate center (ICCOC) was started by the cooperation in Indonesia.
(A photograph is a presentation in Manado Convension Center about the possibility of the ocean use by Web by the Google company.)