心のハンドル操作方法 幸せに生きるための教習所


People don't get sick from stress.

2024年09月05日 | Japanese Psychiatry hospital(日本の精神科医療)

Humans do not get sick from stress. Stress is not bad for life, it's how we think that is the problem.

The number of psychiatric hospitals in 2021 is 1,053, down 6 from the 1,059 in the 2020 Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare survey. (R3 2021 Medical Facility Survey https://www.mhlw.go.jp/toukei/saikin/hw/iryosd/21/dl/02sisetu03.pdf)

On the Medical Workers' Union website, in a survey of the proportion of public and private psychiatric hospitals, in the 2015 survey, psychiatric single-specialty hospitals accounted for 95.8% of the total 1,065 facilities, with private hospitals accounting for 1,049 facilities. ("The current state of psychiatric care in Japan, 50 years behind the rest of the world" http://irouren.or.jp/lines/%E7%B2%BE%E7%A5%9E%E7%A7%91%E5%8C%BB%E7%99%82%E6%8F%90%E8%A8%80%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%95_%E4%B8%AD%E9%9D%A22.pdf)

Furthermore, of the total number of beds in Japan, which is about 330,000, 91.5% of the 300,000 beds are in private psychiatric hospitals.

There are various reasons why the number of psychiatric hospitals is not decreasing, but ultimately it is because "there is demand in Japan."

In other words, Japanese people are full of people who are mentally ill, with sick hearts and brains.

Actual psychiatric care

"If you are forced to be hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital, you are drugged, and if you disobey the staff, you are isolated in a cell called a protective room. If you cause trouble, you are even physically restrained, and your personality is denied under the pretext of treatment, your humanity is destroyed, and you can only live in a psychiatric hospital."

This reality of treatment is just one of the reasons why Japan has the most psychiatric beds in the world.

So why are there so many mentally ill people in Japan?

Currently, I think that 90% of long-term hospitalized patients who have been hospitalized for more than a year have had such experiences, have given up on life, and have chosen to spend the rest of their lives in a psychiatric hospital until they die.

However, if you really don't want to live in a psychiatric hospital, there are many ways to get discharged.

However, it can also be said that many people choose to live in a hospital, "using medical expenses, having three meals and naps, and never having to go to work for the rest of their lives," because "discharging" is difficult and there is no guarantee that they will be able to return to normal with their family and society after discharge.

In fact, if the human brain is not functioning normally, we will take these "easy choices" and "paths that lead to unhappiness as a result of taking things easy."

Why do we make such choices?

"Because we have no goals in life."

"In the end, it's fine if I can die without suffering, without dying alone or in severe pain."

"Even if I give up on marriage or success, I'll be happy if I can live a stable life with food, clothing, and shelter."

Many Japanese people think this way.

Even worse, there are many people around us who just live without thinking about "why do I try so hard?" or "why am I alive?"

In other words, many Japanese people "have given up on life from the start."

Surely, Japanese people have given up thinking about the purpose and goals of life for reasons such as "I can't find the answer even if I think about it" and "No one around me has the answer."

Many of the people who are admitted to psychiatric hospitals are "people who have had conflicts with their community or family and are no longer able to live in society."

"Maybe the cause of the trouble was the way the family was raised or the local residents?"

Ignoring these reasons,

they are isolated and confined to psychiatric hospitals for the reason that "Maybe it's because of mental illness?"

Whatever the reason, if the cause is that they are unable to adapt to small units of society such as their family or neighborhood, the problem must be "within the person."

In that case, the shortcut to being discharged is for the person to "make an effort to change their way of thinking."

However, humans sometimes succumb to feelings of "laziness" or hold on to the pride of "I'm right and others are wrong," refusing to "change," and stopping change and growth.

In the end, people who are hospitalized for a long time in psychiatric hospitals

"If you are labeled as sick and play the role of a patient, your freedom will be limited during your hospital stay, but your life will be guaranteed even if you don't go to work every morning"

"Every day is a Sunday"

The feeling that "it's happiness to live a comfortable life without making an effort" wins out.

We are exposed to stress every day, and we have a common sense and preconceived notion that "stress is bad for our mental and physical health."

However, if there was no stress, there would be no corporate efforts or competition, so convenient things would not be invented, and good things would not be available at low prices, so people would be forced to live in an inconvenient way compared to more civilized areas.

Stress is not bad.

The problem is that we cannot resolve stress.

If there is a problem with how to resolve stress, it will cause arguments with family members.

How can we control stress and negative emotions?

Unfortunately, psychology and psychiatry do not have the answer.

This is because they are "atheists" who deny God.

The only blog that correctly shows how to do this is the RAPT blog, which "connects God and humans."

There are many testimonies about how wonderful it is to live according to the teachings that RAPT conveys, pray to God, and live a life that relies on God.

The reason why the number of psychiatric hospitals does not decrease is because "Japanese society as a whole is sick, and there is a demand."

Atheism, which separates humans from God, is widespread throughout society, and the cause is that Japanese people as a whole do not understand what it means to be human, and live without a clear purpose or goal in life.

In order for pets to live happily, they need to find good owners who love them.

Similarly, Rapt Blog conveys that we are now in an era where humans need to connect with God, who knows us well and loves us.

It is not "money, a lover, or a stable life" that makes humans happy, but the "way of thinking" that God makes humans happy.

"Everyone in this world lives with anxiety of unknown causes. God will tell us the cause and teach us how to eliminate all anxiety and live happily (Testimony of Saki, one of the twelve disciples) Life October 2, 2023 https://rapt-plusalpha.com/85459/"

#Meaning of life #Purpose of life #Goal of life #What is a human being #Anxiety #Stress #Stress coping #Right way of thinking #Failed parenting #Answer to parenting #Social hospitalization #Institutionalism #Hospitalism #Secondary negative symptoms #Mental illness is a disease of laziness #Rapt blog #raptblog

#God exists #Devil exists

人間はストレスで病むのではない。生きる上でストレスが悪いのではなく、考え方が問題なのだ 2024年02月20日より転載 )

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