心のハンドル操作方法 幸せに生きるための教習所


No psychiatric day care

2025年02月13日 | Japanese Psychiatry hospital(日本の精神科医療)

In hospitalization, patients are required to pay for meals (30% of the cost).

However, psychiatric day care does not require a self-payment for meals. (Since the Comprehensive Support for Persons with Disabilities Act's Medical Care for Independent Living is applied, it is treated as a welfare expense.)

However, for day care that does not provide meals,

an incentive of about 50 yen per visit is provided.

Click here for details.

Some day care centers provide breakfast for free.

In such cases, the day care center is often attached to a hospital, and the hospital prepares extra meals and provides them to the day care center.

The role of psychiatric day care can be explained in a word as "preventing withdrawal after discharge."

During hospitalization, patients receive medical care as "mentally ill patients."

After discharge, patients receive medical care for independent living as "mentally disabled people."

Medical care for independent living is a service provided in the Comprehensive Support for Persons with Disabilities Act.

However, day care is written in the Mental Health and Welfare Act. It is in the field of health care.

Psychiatric care is a system that gives hikikomoris, who are not even ill, a random illness, drugs them, isolates them, and deprives them of social skills, turning them into people with real disabilities.

Seamless care sounds good, but it's just a distorted system that takes care of hikikomoris with public funds (medical expenses).

The target is supposed to be "disabled people," but it's an absurd system that also provides medical care as a service.

It's strange that the word "medical care" is included and medical expenses are covered.

It's a subscription that allows you to access medical care for 2,500 yen per month (depending on household income).

"For 2,500 yen, you can eat lunch five days a week when you come to day care."

Of course, the funding comes from taxes.

I can't help but think that private psychiatric hospitals are taking care of hikikomori and homelessness.

What do you think about "living on a rationing system like a basic income without working"?

"I don't want to work hard," "I want to live at my own pace," "I don't want to be a slave to work and spend the weekends sleeping," etc.

There are likely to be voices saying, "I envy the basic income system."

So how do people who actually attend psychiatric day care centers and those who are hospitalized in psychiatric hospitals feel and live their lives?

Do you think they are living every day facing their illness or disability and trying to improve their treatment?

"Psychiatric day care is boring and I can't stand it (Yahoo! Answers)"

They get into some kind of trouble in the community or at home, it gets to the police, and their family brings them to a psychiatric hospital and forces them into hospital.

There, they are put in a solitary cell called an isolation room and continue to be given psychotropic drugs. If they refuse, they are given intramuscular injections and are constantly sedated by drugs.

They are not allowed to act on their own will, and there is no option to "discharge" from the hospital. After a year has passed, their "social skills" and "interpersonal skills" will gradually decline. If people continue to live in a way where they "don't have to think" or "don't have to use their brains," they will end up living only according to their animal instincts.

As a result, they will be unable to find "the value of their existence," and will become hopeless and apathetic about life.

Also, as a side effect of psychotropic drugs, movement disorders become prominent, making it difficult to carry out daily life.

Psychotropic drugs cause people to lose their mental agility significantly, and they will spend all day fighting sleepiness.

It makes sense if you think that day care centers exist to take care of people who have been deprived of their humanity and ability to live, under the guise of treatment.

If you hear the term schizophrenia, it doesn't really mean anything because it's not a disease or anything like that.

"You can feel voices, sounds, and images that other people and those around you can't hear" (hallucinations and auditory hallucinations)

"You have realistic thoughts that are different from others'" (delusions)

Why is this alone considered a disease?

The important thing is that "you don't participate in society for such reasons."

Participating in society means "not going to school and not engaging in economic activities."

Furthermore, these sensory abnormalities, known as "delusions and hallucinations," can be artificially induced by drugs or isolation.

They are "secondary disorders" or "drug-related damage" caused by psychiatric treatment.

I can't help but ask, is it really an illness?

~~~~~"What is true mental health?"~~~~~~

Even if you consult a psychiatrist or counselor, you won't achieve mental health.

So, is there a way to achieve mental health in this world?

Hikakin has become famous and has amassed a huge amount of wealth, but he has been having nightmares every day for the past five years.


He is clearly mentally ill.

But he is working hard as a YouTuber.

Looking at the pathological Hikakin, I can't say that mental health can be achieved by obtaining wealth and fame, or by having one's desires fulfilled.

What exactly is human happiness?

It is natural to want to live happily, since we only have one life.

People living in psychiatric hospitals should be "stress-free" because they

① don't have to work,

② have three meals a day, naps, and food is provided for them.

No matter how much you try to avoid accumulating stress, no matter how much you worry about your weight and body shape, why do you suffer from physical and mental disorders?

Because humans have not only physical bodies but also "spiritual bodies."

You have to manage your spiritual bodies.

People who realize that humans are "spiritual beings" will be able to keep their minds and bodies healthy.

This time I talked about psychiatric day care, but I hope you understand that the basis of mental health is not simply living a stress-free life.

Also, I hope that people who are worried about their mental health will achieve mental health by learning and practicing how to manage their spiritual body.

"By living according to God's Word, I realized that I had been liberated from the useless rules and ties of the world and was living a life of true freedom and happiness (Testimony of Twelve Disciples, KAWATA) Life March 27, 2024 https://rapt-plusalpha.com/98204/"

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