ContractorsVR ラオスの密林で米軍と銃撃戦
【第2次大戦にタイムスリップ】 ContractorsVR Shooting battle with the US military in the jungle of Laos
[Time slip to World War II]
ContractorsVR Among Us
【宇宙船スケルド号で銃撃戦だ~】ContractorsVR Among Us
[It's a shootout on the Starship Skeld]
ContractorsVR ロシア化学兵器工場でチームデスマッチ 少人数制
ContractorsVR. Team Deathmatch at Russian Chemical Weapons Factory. Small group.
ContractorsVR 駐車場で銃撃戦 【pikochako is cool name】 ContractorsVR. Shooting battle in the parking lot [pikochako is cool name]
ContractorsVR 東京は暑いので北極で中国人と旗取り合戦
ContractorsVR. Tokyo is hot, so a flag battle with Chinese in the Arctic
ContractorsVR 嵐の貨物船
【どしゃ降りの中 Youもプッシュしてくれ~】 ContractorsVR Storm cargo ship [During the downpour, you should move forward and attack ~]
ContractorsVR 日本のお城?
【OJCの皆さんと大阪城で銃撃戦】 ContractorsVR Castle [Gunshot battle with OJC members at Osaka Castle]
ContractorsVR Glass Madness
【ガラスの塀の中で銃撃戦】 ContractorsVR Glass Madness [Shooting in a glass fence] 20220704
onward ML GTA vs BSN pikochakoの目線
【great teacher Akが無双だ~】
Onward ML GTA vs BSN piko's eyes
[great teacher Ak is amazing] 20220707
ContractorsVR backrooms
【GODZILLAが吠えながら出てくるよ~】 ContractorsVR backrooms [GODZILLA comes out while barking ~]