


2020-03-11 14:45:12 | 英語特許散策

"[0063] As discussed above, the 2x2 passive optical splitter 615 is often used in optical networks and is widely available at relatively low cost. In some implementations, the passive optical splitter 615 can be used to implement the three-port optical splitter 1 15 shown in Figure 1. For example, the port connected to the upper level switch 605a could be connected to port 107 of the upper level switch 105 of Figure 1, the port connected to the lower level switch 610a could be connected to port 112 of the lower level switch 1 10a of Figure 1, and the port connected to lower level switch 610b could be connected to port 113 of the lower level switch 110b of Figure 1. Because the optical splitter 115 includes fewer ports than the optical splitter 615, one port of the optical splitter 615 (i.e., the port shown coupled to the upper level switch 605b in Figure 6A) could simply remain unconnected. Alternatively, this extra port could be connected to another port of the upper level switch 105. Such a redundant communication link could be used to increase reliability in the event that the first link to the upper level switch 105 fails."


"[0040] In some implementations, the electronic device 190 is a voice interface device that is network-connected to provide voice recognition functions with the aid of a voice assistance server 112 and/or optionally a cloud cast service server (not shown). For example, the electronic device 190 includes a smart speaker that provides music to a user and allows eyes-free and hands-free access to a voice assistant service (e.g., Google Assistant). Optionally, the electronic device 190 is one of a desktop or laptop computer, a tablet, a mobile phone that includes a microphone, a cast device that includes a microphone and optionally a speaker, an audio system (e.g., a stereo system, a speaker system, a portable speaker) that includes a microphone and a speaker, a television that includes a microphone and a speaker, and a user interface system in an automobile that includes a microphone and a speaker and optionally a display. Optionally, the electronic device 190 is a simple and low cost voice interface device. Generally, the electronic device 190 may be any device that is capable of network connection and that includes a microphone, a speaker, and programs, modules, and data for interacting with voice assistant service. Given simplicity and low cost of the electronic device 190, the electronic device 190 includes an array of light emitting diodes (LEDs) rather than a full display screen, and displays a visual pattern on the LEDs to indicate the state of audio input processing. In some implementations, the LEDs are full color LEDs, and the colors of the LEDs may be employed as a part of the visual pattern to be displayed on the LEDs. Multiple examples of using LEDs to display visual patterns in order to convey information or device status are described in U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/336,566, entitled "LED Design Language for Visual Affordance of Voice User Interfaces," filed May 13, 2016, which is incorporated by reference in its entirety. In some implementations, visual patterns indicating the state of voice processing operations are displayed using characteristic images shown on conventional displays associated with electronic devices that are performing the voice processing operations."

 いくつかの実装例において、電子デバイス190は音声インターフェイスデバイスである。この音声インターフェイスデバイスは、ネットワーク接続されて音声アシスタントサーバ112および/または任意にクラウドキャストサービスサーバ(図示せず)の助けを借りて音声認識機能を提供する。たとえば、電子デバイス190は、音楽をユーザに提供するとともに音声アシスタントサービス(たとえばGoogleアシスタント)へのアイズフリー・ハンズフリーアクセスを可能にするスマートスピーカを含む。任意に、電子デバイス190は、デスクトップまたはラップトップコンピュータ、タブレット、マイクを含む携帯電話、マイクおよび任意にスピーカを含むキャストデバイス、マイクおよびスピーカを含むオーディオシステム(たとえばステレオシステム、スピーカシステム、ポータブルスピーカ)、マイクおよびスピーカを含むテレビ、ならびに、マイクとスピーカと任意にディスプレイとを含む自動車内のユーザインターフェイスシステムのうちの、1つである。任意に、電子デバイス190は、簡素で低コストの音声インターフェイスデバイスである。一般的に、電子デバイス190は、ネットワーク接続でき、かつ、マイクとスピーカとプログラムとモジュールと音声アシスタントサービスとやり取りするためのデータとを含む何らかのデバイスであればよい。電子デバイス190が簡素で低コストあることを考慮すると、電子デバイス190は、全表示画面ではなく発光ダイオード(LED)のアレイを含み、LED上に視覚パターンを表示してオーディオ入力処理の状態を示す。いくつかの実装例において、LEDはフルカラーLEDであり、LEDの色はLEDに表示される視覚パターンの一部として用いることができる。情報またはデバイスの状態を伝えるためにLEDを用いて視覚パターンを表示する複数の例が、2016年5月13日に出願され「LED Design Language for Visual Affordance of Voice User Interfaces」と題されその内容全体を本明細書に引用により援用する米国仮特許出願第62/336,566号に記載されている。いくつかの実装例において、音声処理動作の状態を示す視覚パターンは、音声処理動作を実行している電子デバイスに対応付けられた従来の表示装置上に示される特徴的な画像を用いて表示される。

"[0048] Consequently, an advantage of one or more described implementations is that a single application enables a user to perform activities that involve interaction with any number of parties, without being required to access a separate website or install and run software applications, which has a technical effect of reducing consumption of memory, storage, and processing resources on a client device. An advantage of the described implementations is that the conversational interface makes it easier and faster for the user to complete such activities, e.g., without having to learn a complex user interface, which has a technical effect of reducing consumption of computational resources. Another advantage of the described implementations is that implementing bots may enable various participating entities to provide user interaction at a lower cost, which has a technical effect of reducing the need for computational resources that are deployed to enable user interaction, such as a toll-free number implemented using one or more of a communications server, a website that is hosted on one or more web servers, a customer support email hosted on an email server, etc. Another technical effect of described features is a reduction in the problem of consumption of system processing and transmission resources required for completing user tasks across communication networks."


"[0004] Some example automotive radar systems may be configured to operate at an electromagnetic wave frequency of 77 Giga-Hertz (GHz), which corresponds to a millimeter (mm) wave electromagnetic wave length (e.g., 3.9 mm for 77 GHz). These radar systems may use antennas that can to focus the radiated energy into tight beams in order to enable the radar system to measure an environment with high accuracy, such as an environment around an autonomous vehicle. Such antennas may be compact (typically with rectangular form factors), efficient (i.e., with little of the 77 GHz energy lost to heat in the antenna or reflected back into the transmitter electronics), and low cost and easy to manufacture (i.e., radar systems with these antennas can be made in high volume)"

[0004]  いくつかの例示的な自動車レーダシステムは、ミリメートル(mm)波電磁波長(例えば、77GHzに対して3.9mm)に対応する77ギガヘルツ(GHz)の電磁波周波数で動作するように構成され得る。これらのレーダシステムは、自律車両の周囲の環境などの環境を高精度にレーダシステムが測定できるようにするために、放射エネルギーを狭いビームに集中させることができるアンテナを使用し得る。そのようなアンテナは、小型(典型的には長方形因子を有する)、効率的(すなわち、77GHzのエネルギーのほとんどは、アンテナ内で熱が失われたり、反射して送信機電子機器に戻ったりすることがない)、かつ低コスト製造が容易(すなわち、これらのアンテナを備えたレーダシステムは大量に製造することができる)であり得る。

"[0012] Specifically, disclosed herein are triple sugar regulated Recombinant Attenuated Salmonella Vaccine (RASV) strains. These strains deliver multiple conserved protective Salmonella surface/secreted antigens with their natural conformations to induce protective immunity against multiple virulent Salmonella serovars. As an example, the RASVs may have a rhamnose-regulated O-antigen synthesis, combined with a mannose- regulated O-antigen side chain synthesis to expose conserved inner core, and an arabinose-regulated production of Generalized Modules for Membrane Antigens (GMMA), or outer membrane vesicles, in vivo for enhancing production of conserved outer membrane proteins (OMPs). RASVs may be constructed in two Salmonella serovars, group B S. Typhimurium and group D S. Enteritidis, to express conserved immunogen genes and to maximize anti- Salmonella humoral, cellular and mucosal immune responses. The disclosed RASVs have rational design features different from other RASVs that enhance success. Specifically, the disclosed RASVs provide safe and highly effective Salmonella vaccines with low cost and can be used to develop S. Typhi or S. Paratyphi A RASVs for human use."

 特に、三重の糖によって調節される組み換え弱毒化サルモネラワクチン(RASV)株が本明細書において開示される。これらの株は、多数の保存された防御サルモネラ表面/分泌抗原をそれらの天然コンフォメーションで送達して、多数の毒性の高いサルモネラ血清型に対する防御免疫を誘導する。例として、RASVは、保存された内側コアを曝露するために、マンノースによって調節されるO-抗原側鎖合成と組み合わせてラムノースによって調節されるO-抗原合成を、および、保存された外膜タンパク質(OMP)の生産を高めるために、膜抗原に関する一般化されたモジュール(GMMA)または外膜小胞のアラビノースによって調節される生産を、インビボで有してよい。RASVは、2つのサルモネラ血清型、グループB  S.TyphimuriumおよびグループD  S.Enteritidisにおいて構築され得て、保存された免疫原遺伝子を発現して、抗サルモネラの体液性、細胞性、および粘膜性の免疫応答を最大化する。開示されるRASVは、成功を高める他のRASVとは異なる合理的な設計特性を有する。特に、開示されるRASVは、安全かつ非常に効果的なサルモネラワクチンを低コストで提供して、ヒト用途のためのS.TyphiまたはS.Paratyphi  A  RASVを開発するために用いられ得る。

"[0002] A continuing focus of the microelectronics industry is the enablement of computer chips (also referred to as dies) having greater density, higher performance, and lower cost. As part of this effort, microelectronic packages containing multiple dies have been developed. Such multi-chip packages (MCPs) offer the potential for increased architectural flexibility at reduced cost but to do so must provide appropriate die-to-die interconnect densities in a way that is cost-effective. The interconnect density is an important consideration because an insufficient number of die connections would limit the bandwidth capability for the affected die interface, and thus logic-logic and/or logic-memory communications would suffer."


"[006] To circumvent the problems associated with AmBd and 5-FC combination therapies, the combination of fluconazole with 5-FC has been considered. Fluconazole has good oral bioavailability and can penetrate the cerebrospinal fluid, which also makes it a good candidate for maintenance therapy after initial treatment. However, fluconazole is a fungistatic compound (rather than a fungicidal compound) and so it is less effective at pathogen clearance and, thus, is not recommended for initial therapy. Consequently, there remains a clear and continued need to provide Cryptococcosis treatments that are orally available, effective, and which may be provided at reduced cost. "


"The configuration of electric circuit 118 described above and the functions performed by controller 120 reduce the creation of surge currents and provide smoother current waveforms from commutation to commutation of motor 102. By reducing surge currents and providing smoother current waveforms between commutations, sensorless commutation system 104 may improve the efficiency of motor 102, help reduce the heat generated by motor 102, reduce or eliminate overcurrent, and increase the output power of motor 102. Further, the simple configuration of electric circuit 118 described above and the functions performed by controller 120 allow efficient sensorless commutation to be provided at a lower cost."


"The system and methods of operation discussed herein can provide massively- parallel high-throughput single-molecule force measurements at a low cost. More specifically, rotation-induced forces (e.g., centrifugal forces and viscous drag forces) can be used to manipulate events such as single molecules (e.g., proteins or DNAs), single molecular interactions or molecular complexes (e.g., receptor-ligand protein pairs), enabling forces to be applied to many events simultaneously and/or repeatedly. "


The field of this invention is that of condition responsive sensors and the invention relates more particularly to sensors which provide high precision but which are adapted to be manufactured at low cost for wide application in severe environments in automotive vehicles or the like to have long, reliable service lives in such environments.

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