The translation of "本発明の装置は車両に搭載される。車両に搭載される本発明の装置はAを有する。" is:
"The device of the present invention is mounted on a vehicle. The device of the present invention mounted on the vehicle includes A."
The phrase "車両に搭載される本発明の装置" uses "搭載される", which is in the passive form and present/future tense, suggesting that the device is either currently mounted on the vehicle or is intended to be mounted on the vehicle in the future.
In contrast, if the sentence used "搭載された" (past tense), it would imply that the device has already been mounted on the vehicle.
Nuance difference:
- "搭載される": Emphasizes that the device is designed to be mounted or will be mounted on the vehicle, indicating a general or future condition.
- "搭載された": Indicates that the device has already been mounted on the vehicle, emphasizing a completed action.
"The device of the present invention mounted on the vehicle" sounds more like the device is already mounted (which corresponds more to "搭載された").
More accurate translation:
To reflect the nuance of "搭載される", a more precise translation could be:
- "The device of the present invention to be mounted on the vehicle" or
- "The device of the present invention that is mounted on the vehicle (or will be mounted)"
This conveys that the mounting could be a future or intended action, aligning with the original meaning in Japanese.