

オフロード アイコン

2015年12月27日 | LANDCRUISER





ARB Story

The origins of ARB go back to 1975, when company founder, Tony Brown, was inspired by a 4WDing trip through the top end of Australia.


Back then, 4WDers relied on homemade or ill-fitting equipment that was not designed for extensive Outback expeditions. Endless corrugated roads, extreme temperatures, and the heavy loads carried by Australian travellers were tremendously punishing on vehicles that regularly tackled these kinds of conditions. Tony’s many years spent toiling on his Series 1 Land Rover proved extremely beneficial to others in the top end during his travels. Damaged bull bars and broken roof racks ensured Tony’s expertise was regularly called upon, and through this experience an idea was born – high quality, durable equipment that would meet the vigorous demands of 4WD owners Upon his return to Melbourne, Tony put theory into practise, and began working in the family garage to address some of the product deficiencies he’d encountered on his trip. It was exactly what Australian 4WDers had been waiting for, and ARB, the initials of Anthony Ronald Brown, was founded.




 そうして観ると、1975年のARBの誕生というのが今日の4x4環境に多大な影響を及ぼしたきっかけになっていると理解する事が出来る。ストレートに言ってしまえば、ARBの存在自体がオフロードアイコンであるという事だ。しかし、ARBはそういう傲慢な姿勢をとってはいない。4x4をアウトバックの大地に提供してくれた各自動車メーカーが存在してこそ我々もそこに依存して存在する事が出来ているんです。という姿勢を見せている。それは ARBのブログ の中でオフロードアイコンと称して現在5台の4x4を揚げている。彼らが選んだオフロードアイコンは、No#5: Jeep Wrangler TJ,  No#4: Land Rover Defender,  No#3: Toyota HiLux, No#2: Nissan GQ Patrol, そしてNo#1: に選ばれたのは...。


Toyota Land Cruiser 40 Serise であった。

What better way to celebrate our 40th anniversary than by purchasing a ‘Shorty 40’. Our very first Off Road Icons vehicle, the Toyota LandCruiser 40 Series, was chosen off the back of an overwhelming response from our fans. With support from all corners of the globe, it was a clear choice for our first project vehicle.

An Outstanding Legacy:

The Toyota LandCruiser 40 Series was Toyota’s best selling vehicle in the 60’s and maintained a healthy 24-year lifespan on the market. More than one million were sold around the world with 121,000 sold in Australia. The reason for its popularity was clear; it was the first four wheel drive designed with the everyday family in mind. Its durability stands the test of time with many seen on the roads today. In a testament to its popularity, in 2006 Toyota developed the FJ Cruiser, a modern version of its old counterpart.

The Toyota LandCruiser 40 Series, Australia’s first standard family wagon, known for its versatility and reliability, it’s no wonder it was voted in as one of Australia’s most iconic 4WDs.

Key Stats:

  • 24 years in production, from 1960 – 1984
  • The most versatile vehicle of its era
  • One million sold around the world (121,000 in Australia)
  • Short (FJ40), middle (FJ43) and long (FJ45) wheelbase variants
  • Used by farmers, rural drivers and everyday Australian families

Unique Features:

  • Removable doors, roof, and windshield
  • Folding jump seats allowed for two more passengers and maximum cargo space
  • Compatible with GM’s small block engines


 彼らがオフロードアイコン4x4をどの様にして選んだのかは、ARBが先導して多くのオフローダー達からの意見をまとめた様子だ。更に、オーストラリアの四駆マガジン4x4Action 等からの意見も採用されているのかも知れないなどと想像する。では、なぜ40シリーズがオフロードアイコンに選ばれたのかの理由について、24年間に及ぶ製造期間に100万台が流通、ボディサイズも40、43、45と有った。そして何よりもオーストラリアでは農民を初め庶民の足として日常的に毎日活用された実績が大きい。そして1975年にARBが創設された時の時代を象徴する4x4であった事もあるであろう。時代は2015年の師走になったが今現在さえランドクルーザー40シリーズの存在は色褪せる事は無い。ランドクルーザー40系は今後も長きに渡ってその存在はオフロードアイコンとして夜空の北極星の様に定位置で静かに輝き続ける事になるのであろう。


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