Mazda is starting Miata factory restoration program to celebrate the roadster’s 30th birthday
August 7, 2017
A number of automakers have launched in-house restoration services for their models, and they will soon be joined by Mazda, which has announced a restoration program for the first-generation MX-5 Miata.
Starting in 2018, the Hiroshima-based automaker will offer complete restorations as well as a parts support program for the NA-generation Miata, known as the Eunos Roadster (it's a long story) back home. The automaker has already performed a test restoration and is currently accepting applications for customer restorations scheduled to start next year. Each restoration will be tailored to the requirements of each car and customer, which will open up some customization options, but we suspect that applicants will be those seeking to keep their cars stock or return them to stock condition.
For now this service will apply only to the first-gen Miatas and will only be offered to customers in Japan, but rereleased parts such as the Nardi steering wheel, the convertible top and Bridgestone SF-325 tires (for those who demand originally supplied tires) should be available worldwide via mail order. Of course, if you're already shelling out some yen for a factory restoration for your Miata, the cost of the car's round trip to Japan is a pretty modest expense, so we expect to see some Miatas from other countries make the pilgrimage back to Japan.
The NA-generation MX-5 Miata (as if it needs any introduction) debuted in the U.S. in May 1989; its 1.6-liter and later, 1.8-liter engines complimented a short wheelbase, compact exterior dimensions and a choice of five-speed manual or a four-speed automatic transmission. The pocket-size roadster was a hit from the outset, ruling its segment with little to no direct competition and offering plenty of thrills despite the relatively modest horsepower output. The Miata was about driving dynamics rather than sheer power, which were slowly coming back into vogue in the early 1990s, but with a curb weight of just over 2,000 pounds, the roadster didn't need much zoom-zoom underhood to game the traffic.
For a car approaching its 30th birthday, the Miata's design has aged remarkably well, but it's still the roadster's driving dynamics that attract new fans. The first-gen models now have a cult following, so it makes perfect sense that Mazda wants to preserve the legacy of the debut model.
レストア事業は、お客さまの「ロードスター」をマツダがお預かりし、オリジナルに近い状態にクルマをリフレッシュするもので、2017年内に受付を開始し、2018年初頭よりサービスを始める予定です。メーカーであるマツダがお客さまと直接面談し、個々のクルマの状態や御要望に合わせたサービスを実施します。作業を行うマツダ社内の施設は、テュフ ラインランド ジャパン株式会社※よりクラシックカーガレージ認証取得を予定しており、レストアしたクルマを高い品質でお客さまにお届けすることが可能となります。
MAZDA オフィシャルサイト(日本語)
企業の本音としては新車のロードスターをなるべく多く販売したい所だろう。マツダはレストレーションと初代ロードスターのパーツ販売サービスを来年から開始する。こういった取り組みはヨーロッパの一部のメーカーに存在するサービスではあったが日本のメーカーとしては斬新であり、勇気と確信を持っての決断だと感じている。そして、この決断は近未来のクルマ文化の有り方を示している。クルマの好きな消費者は何時も誰も未来に現れる新しいテクノロジーを搭載した新車を待ち焦がれているのではない。日本国内でいいものを長く愛用したいという声に最初に具体的に応えた企業が MAZDA なのである。I氏のMAZDA MIATA を思い出しました。ロードスターは大人が本気で夢中になれるクルマなのです。