経営技法を究める: システム, デザイン, データ,機械学習


Decision and Knowledge Making

2014-06-16 06:36:02 | 雑感

In Management Science, Decision and Knowledge are treated with made thoughts. Indeed, Creation means making these, and it is essential for business activities.

It might be recognized that Creation Management is effective. Because, KAIZEN and GEMBA methodologies contain the creation activities, and harmony states of employees play the central roles for the creations. Of course, the basic idea is bottom-up thinking.

However, it is necessary for employees to spread or learn the thinking methods of the creation, and then the methods are used in group discussions of QC circles. In actual, managements for the organizational situations with human resources are significant, and simultaneously, the managements make the difficulties to the creations.

Perspective and advanced considerations are required to apply the creation methods to actual activities in business.


2014-06-16 04:07:40 | 雑感

Strategies make possibilities of successes. However, the original created strategy is essential, and the creation is of Knowledge Science.