経営技法を究める: システム, デザイン, データ,機械学習


A Thinking Way

2014-08-29 07:36:49 | 雑感

Numerical calculations for business simulations are attractive, and the treatments make of effective for making decisions. However, the simulation uses models for the aim of business analytics. Indeed, the creating model is important, and the ability of the creation is not only of mathematics but also of various disciplines.

Scientific thinking in business contains the numerical decision-making, and liberal arts to observe and to model are necessary for the way. For example, the handling of Quality, Reliability, and Safety needs the advanced thinking way based on numerical tools. The management uses the widely  ranged power to make the effectiveness.

Business Analytics is expanding as tools for solving various issues, and the applications are increasing. In particular, the management of Quality, Reliability, and Safety means an application of the thinking way.


2014-08-29 04:44:27 | 雑感

Systems Data handles identification based on modeling thoughts with estimations. The methodology is effective for complex issues.

Maintenance is important for the corporate assets. The optimal management is necessary for the desirable situation as business activity.

Business contains various issues, and solutions are needed. Systems Data is a framework of the solutions, which is a method of the methods.

Advancing technologies as Reliability and Safety blog.goo.ne.jp/mocha_89_00/e/…

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