公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2021-05-29 10:31:00 | 間違った設問に「正しい」答えという現実世界のバグ

不明 0:33

不明 0:42

不明 2:04
それは誇張された偽りの逆効果です 被害者意識は決してどこにも到達しません 特に完全にしっかりとした境界線と正義感がない場合には

不明 2:17

不明 2:36

不明 2:40

不明 3:25

Unknown 3:34

不明 3:40

不明 3:45

Unknown 3:55

不明 3:59

不明 4:09
私は、1930年代のヒトラー以来だと思います。そして、私が「反ユダヤ主義」と言うと、私にとっては それを言うと、ヒトラーを連想します。ご存知ないかもしれませんが、私は強制収容所の歴史を勉強するのに長い時間を費やしました。強制収容所では約3万4千人のユダヤ人が殺され、それと同じ数の正教徒が殺されました。私は映画の中に飛び込んで、その人たちを捕まえたいと思いました。ティーンエイジャーの頃のブルックリンに戻ったような気分でした。

Unknown 4:56

Unknown 5:00

不明 5:08

アンノウン 5:12

不明 5:30

Unknown 6:02

不明 6:10

不明 6:15

不明 7:16

不明 7:34

不明 7:38

不明 8:53

不明 8:56

不明 9:00
彼は起こったことに賛成するかもしれないし、あなたは反対するかもしれません。少し休憩しましょう 2020年、私は多くのことを成し遂げました。


Hello this is Rudy Giuliani and I'm back again with another episode of Rudy's common sense today, we're going to apply the common sense principles to what has been allowed to go on now for a week or more, in various parts of the United States, in Europe, which to me.

Unknown 0:33
I must say I never thought I would see, certainly not in America ever again. Or maybe never see in America at all.

Unknown 0:42
And that is the pursuit of people solely and purely because of their religion. You know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the anti semitic attacks that have been going on in the United States for seven straight Days and Night. Starting back, Los Angeles, on May 17 or so. And they may or they may have been some before that that's the first one that gets the biggest notice and there's not much notice one of the things you should understand about this is, this story, what, what were we to have a free press, an honest and free press, would be a major headline story for seven days in every paper in the United States and in Europe, because it is so eerily close to what the Nazis did in Germany in the 1930s and I know from being on Commission's on anti semitism in Europe during the Bush administration, there's a great deal of sensitivity in Europe particularly Germany the anti semitism, but the lack of reaction tells a very big story about how far along the road we've come to being a much more authoritarian country and society, where if you don't tell what they want you to hear you're out and they've been selling for years. A Tale of Palestinian victimization.

Unknown 2:04
That is exaggerated false counterproductive because victimization never gets you anywhere, particularly when it's not totally firmly bounded and justice.

Unknown 2:17
And it's a great disservice to the Palestinian people. I guess not much more of a disservice than the billions that Arafat stole from them. So they starve, or so many other Fatah, who have done that. And Clinton, and the Democrats who largely support this insane policy.

Unknown 2:36
Ignore the Democrats ignore a lot of corruption.

Unknown 2:40
But what happened here. If the six days of violence directed solely at Jewish Americans in America's most prominent cities and overseas in some of the world's most prominent cities attacks, ranging from epithets and screaming, yelling protests, yelling vile things kill Jews, F, Jews, destroy Israel. I want to rape your daughter will rape your family will kill you. Israel will be destroyed. You'll be destroyed, America will be disrupted. I'm giving you just a little sample of what's being yelled out when these caravans go through.

Unknown 3:25
When you look at the film footage of Los Angeles, New York and London, you see an eerily similar pattern.

Unknown 3:34
And almost all of these involve Palestinians and Palestinian supporters.

Unknown 3:40
It's gone on in so many places and it's gone on so consistently.

Unknown 3:45
I would say I'm comfortable describing is a modern day pogrom where the closest thing we have had to a pogrom since Crown Heights, and that was in one area of the city.

Unknown 3:55
We haven't had something like this.

Unknown 3:59
It's a national breakout of anti semitism violent attacks across the ocean and across the continent.

Unknown 4:09
I guess since, since Hitler since the 1930s. And for me when I say the. When I say it, it evokes Hitler. You don't probably know this but I spent a great deal of time studying the history to concentration camps because I prosecuted up the heads of those concentration camps that killing together about 34 40,000 Jewish people that equal number of Orthodox people, and that is fee have played out in America to see it played out, right across the street from where I work, bagel shop that I go to frequently and watching a man being beaten on the ground. I wanted to jump into the film and grab those guys. I felt like I was back in Brooklyn when as a teenager and you have to fight your way through the streets.

Unknown 4:56
I could take those guys who I probably get but I can take those guys.

Unknown 5:00
I used to be able to, after those six days of attacks are unprecedent.

Unknown 5:08
It turned out President Biden that instead of work.

Unknown 5:12
He's got a big percentage of the Jewish vote. Democrats get the Jewish vote almost like a reflex action, and recently after all the terrible ways in which he messed up this recent Cold War conflict, where he was asleep at the switch, without any doubt.

Unknown 5:30
He proclaimed that he's a friend of the Jewish people, even though he wants to make a deal with the Ayatollah who wants to destroy the Jewish people, and he wants to create a Palestinian state that is dedicated to the destruction of the State of Israel, hard for me to see how he isn't talking out of both sides of his mouth. I hope the Jewish people see that. But in any event, he said he was a friend of the Jewish people. He also didn't acknowledge the fact that you several days earlier, he had praised Rasheeda Talib, calling her intelligent, courageous, very necessary to the public discussion.

Unknown 6:02
I mean the problem of the Democratic Party is that the other ones like Schumer Nadler and Pelosi are afraid to condemn.

Unknown 6:10
They don't praise her. President praised her.

Unknown 6:15
I mean she, she wants to see Israel destroyed. It took out letter from a large number of group Jewish organizations, some of them a big supporter that kind of angry, saying, Let me let me get to the bottom of it because then you'll see how inadequate is you got to do something about this. Well I did do something about it. Waited for three days. And in the middle of a whole other group of tweet he put out a 33 word tweet for somebody put it out for we know he doesn't tweet itself. And it was a, I don't know, I'd call this was a boilerplate tepid statement, never mentioning the Palestinians never mentioning the cause of the violence, the recent attacks on the Jewish people are despicable. Oh yeah sure they are, and they must stop. Yes, they should, what are you gonna do with that. Excuse me. I condemned his hateful behavior at home and abroad. It's up to all of us to give hate, no safe harbor. So it's up to you.

Unknown 7:16
What Jon's gonna do about it he's gonna tell you to stop, stop it, we're gonna, we're gonna solve this like they want to solve crime in general, get rid of the police use social worker, workers, and tell the Palestinians thugs that are in the street, who've been taught and from the time they will literally kill Jews and Americans.

Unknown 7:34
Forget that. Don't do that. Use your words.

Unknown 7:38
Just go for real. But this started with the first incident that got national attention, some at least a little bit of it on Monday May 17 before they reached agreement on a ceasefire, and it was in LA. And it was a gentleman, a gentleman who was here, he and his wife, believe were out for a walk or they may have just left a synagogue and he was wearing a yarmulke. And, and also aesthetic dress, something similar aesthetic dressed well that's the way it looks like on the video and he I think he said that awesome. Well he's being chased by a car that looks almost like they're in a parking garage but actually they're outside, and the garage is doing what you see on the movies, they're trying to hit him to try to get the car to hit him knock him down, which would do serious injury and maybe even kill him if they ran him over right. His wife is convinced that he's going to be killed. He has a six year old child and afterwards he said he was certain he was going to be killed and thinking about, you know, is there anything, any message to his wife about taking care of his kid. What did this guy do.

Unknown 8:53
He wasn't fighting in Palestine.

Unknown 8:56
He's an American Jew.

Unknown 9:00
He may favor what happened, you may oppose it. Time to take a short break I accomplished a lot in 2020, exposing the truth is.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

'These attacks are despicable': Biden condemns rise in anti-Semitic incidents

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